strawberry cake tutorial how to make
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МК торт Клубника -strawberry cake tutorial Фрукты, овощи, растения
Our site has collected lessons , master classes on various websites that are dedicated cakes, cakes decoration. If you are the author of the lesson and want to supplement the information to change, exclude it from our website or have new lessons write request through the form on our website We will consider all your ideas!
Tricycle Diaper Cake - How to make - YouTube !!!
alright everybody we're back your up today she's gonna show set to make
another cool diaper cake
it's legally make it done and can make this classical
fired up baby girl today okay we're making a
a tricycle diaper cake okay so what do you need I am
lot are day okay but attackers
yen cat friend get basic like it how many do you have
I can't fall in here okay and the reason for baby blankets
yeah in kasam hip
repeat some baby bibs key and the media
a country where nothing you start the Alamo occasional problems a couple in
and make get some now lost clocks okay some baby washcloths
yeah and camp Tampa Bay and
back rubber bands and scissors
some T and some
Tom Sox nearest such a baby socks
okay and make up to home don't Bonnell
okay baby bottle in
some Cup DePauw bottle that looks like a sippy cup
the pickup cannot tell you what you think he is OK
and like us on the home looks like a toilet paper roll
in a paper towel roll it out them
I'm not sure what that is but OK like a pipe cleaner twisty ties
and income an assortment a written for taking an accurate okay
that's pretty much what we can mean eating okay so let's get started
files our economy no friendly lol
the No gonna be like is that good I rode
diaper so I put it together bicycle bomb
K yeah it looks like she's got six diapers with the a toilet paper roll in
the middle
okay what the hell all together with the rubber band may hold it with their
will make a this the first ever making for a wheel then
weeks there hitches it Monday for K
rapidly a row the casey's make an actual we'll
logistically and more diapers wrapped around it
in a spiral pattern when you think you've got six diapers are
on the outside you're bossy paper the case you get those in what she did that
then we'll show you
okay arms got the wheel all rolled
in red and coming did you put
in next
who put them ribbon kate looks like EMS patron
pre-cut okay in Lafayette
wrap it around the wheel just to help hold it together every day
together it's gonna take the on their
and this can be done with the fun friend
we'll you know so I'll show you next step
okay my friend leon stunts autonomy
still mom in the back okay
so don't get from we'll do a remake to more wheels like that on the
on the back on the big paper towel okay my two
back we almost done so I'm make out go to the next step
okay I roll other
Rankin and put in a friendly lol make it
even like yes so it is a partner arm
from real last okay handed to apply
krina us I switched to get up
so I can put in there inside he and no
arm back we are okay
don't have to pipe cleaners she fell to the back axle
right and Nash yet to rolled a person she's just gonna feed a year to the end
vendor of this year a size the back wheel right make it more
Titan stuff research in a few dozen they will get the next step
now downs road for the next step
looks like you're pulling the blanket towards the rear right thumb
prayin arm he just played twist their arm
like pipe cleaner yeah
around it the whole the blinking and then the backed up like it's going to
come out
towards the rear the tires and that's going to places like the exhaust pipe
spray is gonna be okay
okay should get both sides done welcome back arm
not put down rankin right now and put in the front
we r and gonna be a lot like this and I put down a
bf be defending a
enough run BL okay lead saddam's gotta roll a blanket
to the front wheel that's basic gonna be the handlebars
it she put a bid over the front wheel that's going to be like the front fender
now employed as ass luv pick-up
and the heat gonna be there hit like saw
net second put us on the handle by happen to be hindered clips
group okay okay stars got the years to pick up as a headlight
she's put knee socks on is channel group
yeah be like this rider
pounds working on the back
the tricycle you put a couple Sox on the back to the exhaust pipes
her there she got a washcloth wrapped around
the paper towel roll should I make it more pretty
in a cleaned-up okay rebecca comments like to make in the seat for the
tricycle had you make it they'll
I'm a coward to roll up today well and one
up to wash cars a.m. gonna put in
there with their arm baby bib Baby be it
okay so she's expressionistic sit through the whole ray put
soda Hall yeah K
in the back organic the vehicle covered up kinda like a
the rear fender I guess your call them
search you get placed manner show it looks like
a rather one looks like toms finished the tricycle diaper cake looks pretty
cool Tom
with the GF for a less finishing touches I'm
I put some for our in the back love you
we r weekly guest PowerShell front mag wheel and then dinner
and a bundle by okay saw and keep stuffed animal
yeah deficit on my
tricycle on today I
make something cool next time I see you next time thank you for watching
Hammock String Figure: Step by Step - YouTube !!!
okay I had a request to do a tutorial on how to make this hammock
1 and that's why can't the background on these
and yeah and you may need a slightly longer strings as you can see it gets
on pretty close together here standing
you can start in the standard position
over here thumb and pinky finger across your palm
usual middle finger to pick up the string
offices for the standard opening
decision next your gonna take the strain
the entire string of your thumb you can't put it
over your pointer when you gonna do the same thing
on the other side take it off Tom put it over your pointer
now you to do something similar
with your pinky you're gonna take it off with your pinky and put it on
your ring finger do the same thing
on this side take the whole thing off your pinky
put it on your ring finger KH
look like this right next
you're gonna turn your left hand now make a fist
you should have three streams on the top of your fist
you take the one on your range and you can close that kinda tight can take the
one you ring finger and pull it up
just a little bit and you're gonna take
them in your pointer you gonna come in from the front
don't come in from back here you've got to do it from the front you gonna grab
the string
that's next to it make it bigger need to you gonna grab this string
gonna pull it through
hang at this other little
now you gonna go through that one from the front grab
the next train like this
and you gonna take this little you gonna hook it
over your thumb now be careful that you don't go that way got to go
basically toward the back took it on your phone
K you can open your hand
we're gonna do that same thing on the other side to turn your
right hand to face you make a fist
you're gonna pull up
string on your ring finger just enough so that you can fit
your pointer and thumb through their grab that next ring
pull it up a little bit you can come in again from the front grab the one that's
on your
pointer make a little you're gonna hope this
over your thumb amber towards the back don't bring it toward the front
this was wrong wanna go toward the back
took it over your phone K
everything should look like this:
next you're gonna take it sounds in your gonna pick up this first ring
similar to move you do in cup and saucer Jacob's Ladder
you gonna turn this face you a little bit
you're gonna take the string that's on the bottom of your thumb pull it over
that string you gonna do the same thing
on the side the bottom string over the phone
basically we're gonna do that with every strange in here
annexing in do you're gonna take
this string that's in the front
two strings here next take the one that's in the front should be the one
on right
so don't try to pick up them like that and make an X it's not what you want you
want to have one whole string just like that
came and come to the front again
and move this bottom string
over your thumbs again came
our gonna go again with the thumbs to the next train
me come here again
over and
they should be here by
now we're gonna come up here
stones a market town these two strings look like they're right together
take the one that's in the front on the left side this time
and pull that whole thing
power member don't don't make it like an ex like that just take the whole string
and come back here
flip the bottom string over the bombs
came to cut two strings leftovers can keep going
over the phone starts getting a little tight
if you're having trouble getting it over you may need to use a longer string
hey we've got one more string laughed
on the bottom camp
hey now you've got this doesn't look like much yet right
take your pinkies you gonna transfer these
this outer string that's over your thumbs the string here
you're gonna transfer and that to your pinkies
and you can take the comes out just
unfold back like this and don't pull it tight
yet still keep it kinda loose you'll see there's a little
loose hole right here on the front take that
purchased %uh minute won't be able to find it if you've already pulled it
now you can pull it tight and you have
the cat's cradle Hammack congratulations
now get this and then
that tangling it too much I need to do
is dropped pinkies and the fans
cap the pinkies dropped bombs
all come apart like that
your practice he can do it a little quicker
and make sure you watch some of our other videos cut videos on how to do
cats cradle
Jacob's Ladder mother once also gots
funny videos armpit chickens you're interested
think racking
so be sure to subscribe to my channel you can see
what's the other string tutorials half pounds
into thinking
hack it
but be
ranking using
Baby Carriage Cake-Cake Decorating- How to - YouTube !!!
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hi I love Larson welcomed are
frothing and back with some cake decorating basics
and today I want to show you keep that really near and dear to my heart
it's worth it first cake that I learned and I absolutely
love it it's great for teaching to you it's a wonderful combination
all kinds a simple techniques that looks like are really elaborate K
excited to show you this one so let's get started for this project
we're going to be using a quick answer as usual
hun number for writer a number
or 23 start at
number one
a number
eight this is going to be for basketweave and I never remember this
it's a
the tip any leaked it that you have work great for this project
answer now where at
that it cut exactly a quarter out of here you can see
this is gonna be my baby carriage in this is the opening here
down below are gonna but the two wheels
but you can see I have my cake offset
on a platter if higher
than it is in here need space for my own view of it's over smile because they
need space from a candle
I have here the porter that it had attended to and you can see that it's
pretty I
every esta okay split and fell that's why later slipped and fell
and then cut this out after the cape was frozen is so much easier
to shake this and move it and not have to ice the whole thing on the cake you
net how my to for entrance single layers
slipped and fell that middle orange around can hear
this is an old one built into the best and then I'm mr.
and put those on so let's get started without many cut my hand are
here you want it to be about an inch and a half
why and its gonna
are away from the cake will handle at the moment push with a premium
you can make it free frozen you really want that
bill to move it I was gonna get my
offset spatula here you want to get over
so long we can adjust my think
that is just a little bit too long
Aki en mom
and so on my
for entrance but i wanna do you don't cut the
basically shaping the cake here so it's good and a little bit less than happy to
see us start out half and cut my smile line
about like that so than a minute go ahead
and that here onto my
plaque now murder just right is
I'm just
K then I can take my lil
warrant round can hear and Mark arresters circle
so that I can make my design cake
anti-religious repeat consecutive win not a comment
pieces on it kinda wanna just touch up my anything
now a lot okay this is going to be covered with King so it doesn't have to
be perfect
I do want to stir pretty smooth circus
just touch up your aunt is here
and gonna
still and are yeah when we touch it
up here so I'm a good guy sir that you know I love
I'm just gonna billion here to see even
out where my and wheels are gonna be
and also governmental cap there
we turn this around see you can see my hand all
and this here's my quick answer
uncover-up is right this
and if you get this moving if you really don't even need a spatula
because we're gonna cover up their estimates so you need to do anymore work
the next step is just to mark so
this is day good a pram redefine work now
and below that we're gonna do don't they're not basket we
had read about Glee now's a good time to show you how to do that upcoming number
basketweave to hear and passionately
I know is scared to a lot of people but actually
pretty simple on yesterday here and then I'll show you how to do it
really be eighteen million get the idea
so anything and the Danny quick better
which is really big it's like a giant basket we taped show you have to do this
actually could use this to make like a big Apple basket but basically
wanna lay down your first line just a straight line
and then you wanna come across it
now is why at it
K the next line comes on top of that
you leave a little space near come back in here
and make the next line so adjective basket weaves really not so scary it's
just a little
time-consuming once you get your rhythm down and your spacing
you're good to go usually when I'm doing a big basket weave cake
I take a seat normalized and Willy Decker a
but this is one of those things where you need the stability
and you just plain get tired
so my next step has two due to low
treatment other prey on father premium
have my quickness to hear the first one is just a nice flat
the next time he goes out just a little bit more just slightly
and how it can and slightly
now I can reduce an endowment twist a little bit
even just a little bit more
neck that doesn't mind out what really really light
sky blue and a number
row step for RuPaul's
elect you as well in sky blue because it's just that
her it powder royal blue even if you like it has a little too much black
and the company who has too much
purple citizen just coming in here wit enough
right on the edge it's just a thing that
really even pressure
now send
holding my back my
degree angle and
guiding with my hand next I wanna mark my little wheels
me using my veg night here the Louisiana get that straight up and down
throughout that he
mango in the middle of each other so meek Millz spokes
me p that here
next and taking my
cue track and it's just the tiniest
tiniest bit of a and fortunate he is
coronary lace or so test depending on how big it is this is going to be her
now it's a little thicker
income manages filling each other's
books this is just a relieving pressure and not so much with big data
mara random ass is just a little
working interest here
so the next step I could use a number for writer but I'm just gonna go unused
and in this
tip is to fill a nice folks with just a little strange shell
squeeze filled with the squeeze little relief
so now I really do have my number for a rare and is gonna do
a less work here soon only thing I love about this case hasn't earned some very
he decorating techniques all together
to make one really special cake
you can see is just summed up lines and then I wanna come back across
and Rutland yet rated touch Paul
in a release touch let
pollen relief touch let let it grow up
release really even pressure now we're going to actually start harbors only use
the same number
for right here and its gonna do and with Colin
e-motion just left i cant you this ones kinda
reverse it is kinda circulation is squeezing really squeezing really
squeeze really
just to finish up
delicate hot hedge and then I wanna do the same for my little wheels
leading you're gonna do a reverse shell when you get here
he wanted her letter king of just slightly
you get that much gala
really edge said there you go
some delicate rooms around the delegate yes got my number
right here and this is a little bit tricky getting in here but
you want to just get and as far as you can
you're going to get some flowers in your city happily just use
a real straight shell just to cover your visible edge
back in just a nice straight shot so
I wanna start my foreigners to fish meet up in this can use a nice easy River
all around the top this could be an
e-motion it could be a W her
you can be anything you want fund
right down and here we are and come right back up your site here
need to finish my alleged crimes here now to learn a new
any these borders have a basic border video
I will link it into this video this is just a straight show
now coming around the back side and that is when it is straight show here
because I'm gonna do another treatment around the site to just finish up your
bottom edges
with a straight shell all the way around
finished up our little border
and the last thing that flapped if tradition flowers and a little tear on
the edges
Nickelback might be a balloon
this time in at just a little bit brighter
I'm gonna go ahead and straight maybe I'm
as I usually do. we're gonna do too little roses
in a thinner
the we'll and we could do at this kid
you can do even though daffodil
if you want a different color that is for simplicity risk intercut larosa
now if you want to learn how to do this rose on a stick a link that video also
just stick right there in the center is not pretty
now I really
big blue this case probably for away
and remember that he looks very very pretty
the shower kids really mom and every mom that I have ever received this
particular K
absolutely loved it you hun
there yeah wanted a little spray of flowers
here on the top lead prominent also cascading down here in
their handle her to get one
have learnt euros moved to a smaller and happy rose and this ones are taken to
start to track down in
just right behind here we don't get too carried away is hoping for a little bit
but we do wanna pretty arrangement of flowers
so one more rose
here atop her head always in three years in a minute do something sweet peas
manage trailing away
%um say
member I think always in three
okay me flip this around and show you how to get
the lower down here in this is a little bit tricky
me take my brothers on my scissors and Hamid
single just hugging
ray down here fallback
me Calle and rather than
try to put whole lot more rows down on that one were in there
than a casket sweet peas down to cover that gap
with out running the risk remains
threat to my flowers by dropping one
good can cascade
months start at the peace and
see and back from
so Mac one
more little air here on the site and you could completely without
you like better you can watch me know that more
I'm better and just gonna do
a little slack
heart an EU sheets where
sleeve squeeze me heart in the EU shapes track mortars can do that all year round
sorry downer finishing touch now I'm just gonna and I'll leave here
really pale green always in
picture never really
friendship I am using a limited period after disc
European sometimes it like that even a little there
men come in
like me really lately
filling needs here do you almost don't look a little bit like heart
justice squeeze in a release squeeze in a release
not much for release here down in the best you can
and there you have it
here's our sweet little baby pram for baby shower
I hope you enjoy a plane had any
is pretty low pay I really enjoy your show you how to do it
one day I was so many my you can easily stay
I just you and affiliated
don't forget to do it yeah
yards passing lot haha
so it's right here phone number
the only include think
click here