Gumpaste (fondant, polymer clay) Church making tutorials how to make
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МК лепка Церковь, приход, храм -Gumpaste (fondant, polymer clay) Church making tutorials Здания, дома, замки, башни, маяки, вышки
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Fondant Easter bunny cake topper chocolate egg how to make fondant bunny tutorial cake decorating - YouTube !!!
in this video Jack a little chocolate can today
max ideal place to get out for the day
and denise brown
esta here got the ranch house while a.m.
I was fined is an
can it takes me Titanic
times already tight and cut of
and I'm gonna have to need it stuff in it past to well
music from just make showed bit they
not use them but you keep back to a packed tight light
will dry out really quickly now I'm using modeling paste rather than normal
and because dry much hotter am in a bit less likely to break
Sep might take me a few minutes to warm it up
needed acts of
upper back what we're gonna do now shrum
how just demolished
I'm not gonna literally then I'm gonna relished
begin a meet a you smile circle contact making you straight edge
are you can use the future tax which ever one you think last night
and just gonna have a look at the pics the cat one side and the other
doesn't love me becomes to sure I'll
have it this Easter decent pic math
application object I'm happy should reshape a
this is just that can be there around eight laps sticking to the BART
taxing companies and I split edge
such pushed back now
he do you find your Muslim pages a bit too hard for you to need
I Tony now just a little bit normal undertake to soften it up
all you find if you have touched people back to it
it will make it it is asked right now
asked get
okay so this is my base now
and just are
I love chocolate bag they were gonna stand
in the center out and push in slightly
but not too much an accident on a break
kamagra love is scratched from the wrap it was an
sir to distract away from not working today is that
about to it but we're just crater indentations the
should sit nicely calf and ankle
where everything can expect pay the indentations
made his to one side what would you support
about on the egg City don't notice the scratches
again company some of our monthly taste
again of so much ready died said neglect if you got my check and kayak
can meet that time become soft
that ass after just carroll et
said Cup nice piece that one
I commitment to the ground Mac kept
at my patent iraq weekend see what looks like just about anything
expect rain not to make I'm just gonna kustra
from this house just gonna be me
pic anything small like music skipping
its strategy from Pittsburgh I'm just gonna lay
the ribbon across the center now you might find to stick AT&T to above right
I same
and I'm just gonna put tiny bit hotter onto my
am modeling paste should just make it a little bit taking
just using a small fish because I don't very much for chinese new netbook Luis
fact I was fine that water
you she lacks okay for me there
percent keep ranks top
it to the back
topping just gonna cut it off at the back
now haven't got a really neat China back I'm not too worried
because back but is gonna be covered up Africa written a bio
if you got there ok we're taking our issues about protect I'm scheduled quite
chunky one
managers do it by hand so that you get pretty after
hampered her tables at the same size
gonna squeeze them to create pine
squash s kinda becomes
triangular shape
may be quite happy she like it to stick out a lot monarch
and can track down a bit keep going into the hacking
shaped can iraq an indentation
at the site thanks to become a bit more heart-shaped
except scanning
games handling paintbrush again not using anything happens if I
an some indentations stint
like me
with this became
main cop-out we're gonna at a bit watched
back scholastic me onto the front
don't put on too hot he jumped on a break iraq he can make your own a
chocolate after chosen
a time to buy one and decorator
to justice Obama
for this interview and squash it down a little bit
becomes oval-shaped I'm just gonna protect
in the center accept
to gonna stop this back and I'll
indentation made now and then it just popped ended up watching a
mix a pistol john paul's
watchin now back an attachment a Muslim pais Colombia sticking tacking
I'm I'm just gonna slap
him if you cut
a little bit too much watching not me thanks how just affect
how our can see them not gonna do now to create
title yellow flowers kayak rack space
again smuggling paced 3d died to say thank you
next man and i think is too cold defense has complication
palais cash seized a hundred if you project
from Indonesia really tiny bit
keep you on track like a scarlet fair that you can mix that with normal
talks like panorama just makes this to get this is just no more fun
so now
it's not quite as the constructors the modelling paste
started but it's not a soft
just use in Omaha she's good if you cut now
China shakes she jumped which use a hug okay
cell gettin of flowers freehand
you can always create up for a little
teardrop-shaped you just put together
to create flower shape
content baby
sick that if you don't have any coaches and Kenny's cottages crowned
action then I cannot think
nice things to me just gonna need a complete different sized awesome contest
ship them
watch come back just keep pushing am
grasp it humpty Karen
to just up and about you don't need lots
contacts not leaves is how can use the green
refused the grass can judge them
our modelling paste stop the bomb fell into that teardrop shape
squashing down use in the back
the knife ship is how just create
I indentation a line down the center like ap
again stick I'm I was if you want to cap some
today itself as well not just a
grass to to bit smaller
just gonna
March home
disk and press it and just nice and
thanks couple
up that in at least Jackie calf
my family's can't
became don't push on teen hot tubs and pushed happened
using a paintbrush just behind %uh
home intention Center the file
you many ours few days on as you like
gonna do now create a little traffic simply how I
act again car flower
and paste people to ask me about my is huddling
for Muslim pay edta strike
in create China ships for that as well im using normal
on how much tailed by traffic tight cash
cuts mommy day class apt
property gonna stop
for the ball which
lol K teardrop shape said to see
neurologist from when shit and should create
nice teardrop shape to
just gonna pushed it down but love it
it's flat on the bottom and ice gas tank top and
mother is a it this way around on making it even say I seek making upright
and the to view it will be easier if I do it this way
outgoing not heifers chest are
think about half its chest I should say to establish TACOM
again gonna can create
teardrop shape except game
justin is back from a knife and
some lines an aside
said looks a little bit more i cant
can't come Federer
see can see them mein kampf to helen's
on the video might my I'm just and pushed back
and top thanks to
national back you can use a fist
if it doesn't just a can use while trying to Brooklyn to attaching
not gonna fate
many him quite large make again
time in a bar I'm gonna roll the ball a bit sooner
factor one side
Anna company makes you can repeat for the other one is now
I'm just gonna use a cocktail stick and
individual fate some stack from here okay up
likes and
ashamed ship that's the stock
Alan pop for you but something had some %uh
going around %uh
pink but mcdonnell gonna
from the bottom of my heart stop
thank you leave it was just one
like are you can create three small round ones
which will stick on each
it's not legit displacing happy behind
IX I can see from I'm whereabouts want
pay hunting poking out to one side just for
I'm just checking up too fast say on yet
the base she's probably gonna have to come out to one side
extract I theme from from
to taking off again just like to keep doing that Second City
what I think to gonna make
know if up in the side just exactly the same I
out gonna make had text I'm to stop the ball
I'm actress Katrina Shaw
non-aligned cracked I'm activity in nineteen cracks checks
with a bit tracks a pic should kind
make a Sep stacked am Obama at the top
happened SSI somewhat had to be
just a tiny bit bigger I'm actual
just checking squashed
too much these kind of had have-nots Tiffany
bit together and mom in picking up the pieces I
much and paste am proud
like sausage I'm just for fun I'm this is going to create
habits cheeks Tim
I just make sure it comes back home part in bed after facing
getting pushed back home thanks
spending it on time and
what we do is create a bit come out fine
to gonna push wrapped astrakhan
to create a gap
cut panty fetish model until she can tame
I'm ashtec try do I can leave now
back into shape you want to cam
just got that great and the fam
it happen right now you can use different colors
subscribe not
Scannell pushed ingestion
thing with my paintbrush majority
of the gas and a different color pink
to have used I'm think just gonna create an uptown
I how stopping small
oval shape I just got pushed back
into the bottom some after stacked just minute am
fresh but then come back to sunlight
gonna give 'em some tea
said me trying creamy a bit for
keen share just push
sex goes to top
I'm just going to you tonight to push down the middle
to create capsule it looks like to teach rather than my
company apt I'm right now am going to give him a nice
set gonna stop the ball just to make sure
from cracks out K
and just pops mama
artist members t-top coming in apush s
on top back
K kinda collapse the top it to take
used to push drowning his master and changes to see everything
and I'm just gonna try and run lineup from how
hiya looks like me smile
scanner Justin it make up test again you can use
modeling tools to keep it looks like he's not coming up interest how
fight here team player
an ass change in shape if you want to purchase
bring it down slide just put
line percent to his new house
more compact black pink much scam
that have a share chin changing
change in the car triangular shaped
or trackback budget
camp aren't
to the moment all in pieces not putting together I'm
aren't what happened cannons
nice so stun to and balls
in fact three sizes picture
the same size bypass
in the center but once I should say no point
ascension to face just by
just use an appalling to largest Christmas sockets I'm just gonna push
into the center and I'm
just so
helped to I sockets and
is an apology and I just got Black Muslim pace now
just ran into Tim outcalls
skinny tiny bit hotter stickers emplacement pushed out
into the eye socket Kings Creek technische
meh buddy f2 Mac just going public water on
recent push it implies I'm speech and wanting him to
ok I'll but from behind ek
try pushing again
take a look back I don't look back is too far away from neck
sticky are now might be happening up space for one fucks the other
much Kyle if behind
my neck time posh
have time to thanks how
Singh it even can squeeze in a chest infection
that comes up out to even see very well from that angle but
just literally pushed too far I decided
okay sup gonna push it head on
had against day ten o'clock is
can a cuddle where his head touches I'm just gonna
pushing slight that will fit nicely
against my neck
I'm just gonna added water back into the head
out again he find it's not sticking you can just
at trial action to it okay much
hold in place Batac stop can you now
seems out again
Scott normal London now
changed and also hopefully belt see GameStop
just fun plain wrong sausage
shapes expect long just takes mom nice and simple
yes can attach it i'm happy to you
and you can get
I don't you don't happen to find
the right it sounds good to oxidant both times simpler
size meniscus pushed side
now gonna
came yes now
same thing can departure so close that gap
financial information got cuts your
what the camera sconce I don't know from shop
so camera stop really sausage shape I'm just going to find
flattening taxes media's
prime tech
and thanks
paid human agreed to vote I'm just gonna stick
house from wherever you think's best
vote my rounded get I'll bet me
miterrand longer thing is this one
from PS still stick them
identified hot
just gonna
single mom are tale
I sent some profit-taking for the ice was just gonna
I'll some anytime like tops did
on that water tax thing
click miss on each
like stuff
our hull Easter Bunny done thank you for watching
if you liked this video I would like to see more please click on the images and
the in a video suggested also
please do subscribe to my channel using the button on the bottom right hand
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Bunny rabbit cake topper model - YouTube !!!
hi guys in this video to my fellow cake topper which is gonna use of our model
MPA Dr Nitin heart I got so much stuff you know
used just died about cigar palestine involve going to the head kept going to
be quite top-heavy and you can use rice krispie treats that you made into a ball
shake this one cuz it's not gonna get you so we just gonna stop by making a
lot of current share without thank you nice and it's not going to the top
still quite round it is I had just gonna say on the top just gonna use right just
making sure enough we can roll out over the bar with you this man I'm just gonna
shower love it it will start around a bit of water on the inside of back and
push this now
around obviously wasn't big enough so we're going to keep fooling around just
gradually stretching it covers the bomb planted a member which but you want to
keep the bottom and in fact the bottom remember which bed and was just gonna
check is not optimistic that foster care now obviously if you've got rice krispie
treats in the post I mean it might be want to put me in this edible rather
than cocktail sticks that nobody's gonna check and i was just going to throw
caution to the back
onto the front face of just took it to slower and halfway down my face think
this piece of pink and charged me know is like so I'm just gonna push into eyes
were on inside to go to polls even though this is the chief of the barriers
for entry is getting them even an evening of water in each of the eye
socket and we're just gonna roll to black and white again I gotta do
colleges from the year he's can put a man on man action he displayed in that
you can use a knife you could not stick those islands on each child just like
the back to a black again just gonna make some peace nice to try and get
similar thickness and if you can just used and pieces just got a little bit of
water each best to get them stick to the brush if you can just being around all
you gotta do the same here the signed
mara is if you're going to start another war
each side to dig into tiny pieces of sausage sandwiches couple of libraries
with a pink cheeks using some dogs I first got some federal crop dust on a
drive papers here and put a link to a get out from the description just gonna
be small amount on each cheek is where I sometimes and deploy sided so what we do
now is just attach this to the phone just gonna put a lot of water on the top
of a blow to push this into your body just make sure it's going for us at the
moment leaning forward a tiny bit too much to do is gonna put it back in the
body now better able to see where you are from the shackles of all the time
and that's why it looks like he could make you are up and so taken two bowls
of why I'm slightly now are the bottom line at the top
into the tops just twice
so just come back to the pink to look at all of which were gonna stick now the
bottom of each for its love of what we gonna put that place that in the bottom
again put in a bit of water
gonna push them to put them like so we're gonna roll out just got over could
just going to use this number is likely to get a little bit longer is from the
could just see his like again at 11 taking some pink to do the same the
center but he's a smaller this time look see how much
I'm so glad to place
on top of each year pushed onto the back of the rabbit just back
a few minutes to keep my class and when you know the security can go I just
dropped a glass behind the time being just what's driving interesting because
it decides he wants Elena cut and again just taking white model and paste to
pieces just gonna rather than becoming one and I'll go just gonna stick them
either side of the body and I'm sure you need to undertake as well so get details
just gonna have a round ball now I is in the way back the bombs to squeeze them
in between the years and then to bomb again the very moment for aid from
inappropriate for trying to the back is quite true anomaly anyway even if I show
you from a different angle so gonna put some more tonight on inside of each
other we literally just gonna pressure after the body either side could talk
show you another angle nasty can see a little bit better there is finished
thank you for watching
if you liked this video I would like to see more please click on the images of
the other videos suggested also please do subscribe to my channel using the
button at the bottom right hand corner of the screen you can also visit my
website on my Facebook page to see more cakes and ideas
How to Make Easter Bunny Rabbit Cupcakes or Easter Cake Topper - YouTube !!!
yes I am fair gonna say hurricane many medical K
missus I think tanks are you can you can talk to K
and pancaked entrance now where you can actually happening at the cup cakes and
a fair you wanna get creating an economic class is a synthetic drug
and put them together with a small cake and cake stand you have an extra special
me take a he's got a collaboration exit network
you can find money and to transforming herpes
I'm ended here and or I'll be doing
you standing up least several different polls I'll white pundits
all in different sizes and yes I some smaller balls are
like the hell idk on that maverick the biggest one man at just bolted up
and I take it one thing connect for 193 people
roughly the same shiet anticipating a new you can't
and aluminum him to get a water can guarantee
txt balls are finding time this can involve them
and take out won him down and shapely
as a wider AT&T a small wanted
more small palm am going to hang on a second I'm
shaking at the meeting
hey slightly bending me
then using ATT p TK
Crittenden T home home
panty he's I am I just valiant
eating one game like he in here and just kidding this let me be your angel
and the small and and using the team me TCK
tyranny and danced on the palms
anything really important December
the body you can use it for me is down today
care forming year Mitchell you just rolling at
teams all somewhat under
name using excuse me on the people
a fun game and Israeli air to Palm people hadn't even met him
shaping newsweek when I have my practice
bring your side to fix the law said that I get a copy on me
to like me portion of these nights and math here
evict a little people have funded and just move in together and pasted
comes back he's fine camera trading at or near their own beloved
flatly jacket pink on the top brands nyse:
painting and a said that I can't actually
need do
displaying with an innovative mourner demand just shaking
yes and thanking them islam in China hold them in place
happening and get where he's Mac is gonna being
he's ninety feet just a wide in an adult games
using TP just to get him to he make it look like he's got me thinking
ok let me hear to know balls lightly colored people finder
and digging and planting the bottom of his poems on stage
can't mistake he had like you may be a definite effect that like button and
takes a second to recommend that you like my way
okay thanks to your favorite this time when it use it for
a future tired
and fiery just attaching me
Cottontail on
prairie dog hole with ATT where he's very fattening
and then just tournament host a and cared
anything edible black matte Haack she
died in his arms you know things he died
an easy salmon pink petal death and
contesting he's changed you never know when the next
and destroying a return in a bitter are in
take train when it aired
you having your of threatening your YouTube in green pendant
cutting stripped
district yeah
and there's no nineteen my character
using T peace plan to inject into the I'm section said that it does look mom
and I T
handling it
mindell plan
k am running at summer your concerns then using a sick with her
to cactus the finders
covering my cupcake King in a minute lesson
handed detecting he went up my cupcake
had this
do you wanna meet in New Zealand as a cake tester he can bring
I think long-term okay aren't other a cake stand
and you can finishing off by surrounding him
me other cupcakes from red cupcake steps
this is perfect for you me yeah welfare a few other
on my kind of campaign is me can have an extra special
ATK you
K this house yes
taking its big tits 5 button as well and scandalous if you really like to carry a
and looking to get for having TV collaboration with Internet network on
more PTT quick it continues to get to the tutorial
and if you wanna see more of my work you can make the cupcakes he had to be off
and take anti
the individual tutorials for my channel as well making a fourteen
you guys had a fantastic dang
click here