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ÌÊ ëåïêà ãðèáû --Gumpaste (fondant, polymer clay) mushrooms making tutorial Ðàçíîå -Different things -Gumpaste (fondant, polymer clay) mushrooms making tutorial how to make

-Gumpaste (fondant, polymer clay) mushrooms making tutorial how to make

    ÌÊ ëåïêà ãðèáû --Gumpaste (fondant, polymer clay) mushrooms making tutorial Ðàçíîå -Different things

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    Freehand Space-filling Patterns 1: A Versatile Floral Design - YouTube !!!
    I'm going to do floral pattern
    on something other than from medieval manuscript decoration
    buddy comes from time immemorial
    as a floral pattern one thing you should be aware of his
    that am branches usually come out gently like this
    usually implants
    am so that's what we're going to do
    and the first thing with the space
    you have to break it in half so I'm going to
    jus break this gently
    on this notice though I'm not going
    and UN near the ages of the paper
    the key to to making
    a uniformly distributed
    pattern is to actor heaven overview
    the spaces the problem I have when teaching at his third
    sir people months ago for the detail first was like many salute during people
    with the tail is difficult to see the
    overall picture so here we've now created two spaces
    so I'm going to take another could
    France's premier into that space and then we could use
    big space here soon take another Coon and bring into this
    nice on now is a question i've
    whose subdividing scene which is the largest Spanish
    and intruding into into this is quite a large space so I could take a bronze
    that welcome
    take a brush that word amendments to this one one
    there now this is quite a large fry so proven
    here now this is huge
    place now so who won
    there and leaky some
    to Ponting I think need one here this is the basis so
    the filigree some huntress feeling space is just going into the spaces
    don't be tempted to just keep doing in one area
    try to pp evenly distributed
    yeah really more issues
    this method for love his designs
    home and
    is very hold and
    the don't be fooled by I'm not to some
    web sites that have set themselves up doing patterns in Coolum silly names im
    pretending they invented them when they didn't so
    maybe this is enough for this demonstration
    so now I'm gonna prove him
    she is nikolai nice and even now isn't it
    some input into Facebook I'm not only connecting them to
    I'm whose tumors
    good just put me in in places
    where they are evenly distributed
    can might be a problem
    yeah because I can connect with them back to the stem
    which makes far more sense them
    to stick him on the interest them because the stem homes to be there
    this a few flowers
    shin bone welcome and
    on problem to be
    close to that actually mom
    now leaves cause you can use any leaves in
    marshy slut using
    account the sleeves and which is to use Houston police and put one on the chin
    these first just to see what it looks like and I'm gonna
    had others in
    home tonight to from the gym
    London and maybe group
    yeah you know
    command middle I'm
    commands on monk
    come from yeah mushroom
    yeah thrown from their K
    to now few leaves
    don't just leave this baton with one leaf on the end
    leach the stems
    wants you cool these leaves him you will notice
    there is open to the spaces
    people who him UNC
    branches with monthly phone bill them
    we will and
    leaves in
    ski adding them and two we have a nice
    mass openly use
    people in here
    me on
    yeah the one
    the mornin and now
    mornin yeah and another woman whose
    mind who to see what's happening
    would gradually feeling
    this place and
    if you do it whose PB region
    open to you make a nice evening I could take it out to the edges
    I'm yeah I could do that I went for this to mean to do another one in a minute
    and if you didn't agree patton
    then all you have to do is really make
    these much more million I missed you see
    and do their who can take another one of his
    no and
    this is the basis in legally
    patent infringement him and
    so I would not do another one
    okay I'm doing this on
    colored paper just to make it a bit more interesting and I'm using
    designers goulash on with the brush and also bit if gold
    moyle 'em I have to do this very quickly obviously because I don't want you to
    get booed
    I'm so in order to do that I've had quite a few cups a very strong coffee
    and taken a few drugs as well and just starting to kick in
    so you ready let's go
    have been
    the there are
    the on her
    who commission was exhausting
    I'm so he was this a very simple example
    a.m. you get out what you put into this issue

    very fancy with I'm 3 complicated leaves and flowers then
    do not go ahead a bit with it but the loveseat AQ quite a long time to do it
    so hum good luck with that
    see you in the next she two-room an average now
    bye bye *** ***

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