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Cake tutorials

ÌÊ òîðò Ñûð ñ ìûøêàìè - Cheese cake with mice Ôðóêòû, îâîùè, ðàñòåíèÿ Cheese cake with mice how to make

Cheese cake with mice how to make

    ÌÊ òîðò Ñûð ñ ìûøêàìè - Cheese cake with mice Ôðóêòû, îâîùè, ðàñòåíèÿ

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    Deadpool teddy bear cake topper - YouTube !!!
    everyone is that cool videos part of a collaboration with mutual friends you
    can find links to the videos and screen are in the Description box below the
    magnitude and the remaking Deadpool as a little teddy bear how and retry milke
    market was looking for oil and a small man about china became the button and
    mic in my mind I back can put yours right angles I do that to his balls from
    a thought to that trying to push them either side of the body found soot in to
    find out how much time here now for the lack of it but you can get my guiding
    just gonna run this black kid just need two strips for either side of his body
    will push downs find took it just comes packed with his leg and neck on the
    right meets the neck just push that down to push this into the Journal of with
    black man I have a side and be careful just got my hands and then you get kind
    of stuff too small for the tips of his fate
    this time around design come around her gold medal around his waist and you can
    join the front if you want because the seams gonna become a dramatic slowdown
    squash that a number of shots wide enough to cover join the apart and give
    him some pockets for how do you give me some things just make sure to look wired
    that way what is doing one for each side's goals which one is right within
    the black that we've done is make it just a little bit smaller circle of
    black again calls this time gonna cut in half
    you put into your at the Center for just two very small bottles of wine and I'm
    gonna go my mom just keeping my plan in shape
    told shipp house again quite sticky with it being just the icing sugar flour and
    you can stop them stick in too much dependent ation in the top of my heart
    hardship due into my heart crack lines across even wrote them in black pieces
    taken to a double dose of just gonna brush black churches around the edge of
    the huh
    been ridden him being right want to make sure see them apart from each other
    camouflage into his body I will cut links description box below to
    everything I've used two lines and stuff in the video just a little bit she ate
    in matches the same shoulder again like we did with the last one to go wash mine
    on my departure to stick together quite easily so I did switch the camera I do
    apologize and I forgot that literally just rolled in piece of black
    around each wrist exactly the same way that we did ok now and black people
    around who died around this
    each show that I can see not just under television other numbers together one
    other side now been working hard to see the ball and just hold it against him so
    I can see size wise it's the size because he's meant to look like Teddy
    will change the shape a little bit wider net in a mask you really see it knows
    very well if you want you can try and pull it forward to get the impression of
    a nose and a side of the nose thing this exercise is still OK to now in the black
    triangle recently even sized balls squash called are preparing to go to the
    UN to use that I circulars made like that could be quite taken aback
    second one too much down compact size she might come back to LA might be too
    much about the circle Press that down and I just cut in half
    the bottom
    edge to the top train them but you gonna kick ass to mouth or anything he's
    wearing a mask give him some yes you might want to stick the head onto the
    body mind that if you had to pick you might find the body a little bit much
    depends reasonably reasonably well-stocked with a round ball
    read my gosh this down a little bit you can try and score ships get a little bit
    of a dip in the middle like and how can you might find it easier to push that
    we've got it hard to push these just like I was signed at the top that ok so
    there is that cool teddy and do a hundred dead cool but not today
    ghastly cartoon version you want to have a lot to check out the videos in this
    collaboration with the links in description box below you can find them
    on screen now and keep watching
    if you liked this video would like to see more please click on the images of
    the other videos suggested also please do subscribe to my channel using the
    button at the bottom right hand corner of the screen you can also visit my
    website on my Facebook page to see more cakes and ideas *** ***

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