How to cover a cake with fondant how to make
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Как покрыть торт мастикой -How to cover a cake with fondant Разное
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How to make a High Heel Stiletto cake tutorial. Bake and Make with Angela Capeski - YouTube !!!
NY Cake High Heel Stiletto Tutorial - YouTube !!!
the name
moms duh
hi my name is Lisa Mansour from New York a and today I'm gonna show you in
easy way to make find them high-heeled shoe this is my kid
that I produce a all materials to make this you are in here
we have a heel mold made out of silicon
that you couldn't put a chocolate modeling paste fondant
or even i fault in we have a drying rack
and we also have some instructions and all the patterns
to make issue whether it be open toe
an open toe shoe a closed toe shoe
one side strap this different options and I'll show you have the
the first thing we do is actually make the heel
the reason why do this first because I prefer to drive
dry it at least overnight so it's nice and dry when we start to put together
our shoe
so I have a piece a fondant that I
actually needed a little bit have to always mean you're finding a little bit
before we put in the mold
and the smooth thought I'd is usually down
so I want the small side facing the heel here
so when you have a finished product it's nice and smooth so I put the smooth side
down first
if it's the first time you're using the mall
you might wanna I use a little bit a bench double shortening
to ensure it doesn't step K
some just pushing it all the way down
I'm gonna take a rolling pin to ensure that it went all the way down
okay then I take a palette knife
and Ana like a
degree angle I'm just gonna trim
all the excess you have a nice flat shoe
I'm actually gonna take this and put this in the freezer for about
and then when I on mold it comes perfect if I go to on wall that right now you
might distort the heel little bit because it's soft
so that's why I put in the freezer too little track okay
ok put this in the freezer
so right out of the freezer I'm gonna face it upside down
and I'm gonna on molded and it comes right out
okay the next up is to make sure
that matches the home drying rack
the idea is to have it the same height this one is slightly
shorter so what we're gonna do it actually elongate the heal a little bit
just so it matches the height
love the heel okay it has to match other ways you
might have a step affecting we don't want to have that we want to have it
even some elongating it a little bit and I'm saying if it
matches up
and it does that's perfect match okay now you let this dry overnight or two
days if you have the time
you can leave it on a board you could just a little corn starch yes it doesn't
and then you're ready for the next step
now I'm ready to start my shoe I have funded right out of the bucket
that I have already added a little bit of tiles power to
basically what it does it kinda turns it into sort of like a gumpaste so it dries
and a actually has more sturdiness so it doesn't flop around
okay so I added about a tablespoon of tiles now I'm gonna take a rolling pin
and roll out my fondant because I'm gonna cut out the sole
have about nice length I put my pattern
take a pizza wheel or an exacto knife
and I'm just gonna follow the pattern to cut out my soul
pull away the excess
and save it for the next step
trim anything it's not perfect now is the time to do it
moon at the edges
now if you want a more rounded toe you could cut it round
to keep appointee that's up to you it's just the pattern and you could take it
from him
and modify easily okay now I'm gonna lift it up
I'm actually working on a circle
the reason being one placed are putting this together it's easy for me to turn
like this
without putting pressure on the hill and breaking so I'm gonna place the sole
on the drying rack I'm gonna dusted with the little bit of cornstarch so it
releases easy
now I have a heel that's already dried
I'm actually using piping gel as go
I'm gonna stand in up at the back a further
drying rack and just gently push down
and make it joined up
so this is step one now we're gonna do an inner soul
I'm gonna cut it out and white so I have my white fondant
I'm gonna roll out up
if you notice I am left my heel about
I would say a quarter of an inch thick it's important to have that
thickness so doesn't break the sole the inner soul part doesn't have to be that
thick because it's just the decoration and Munich
follow the sole again just as a pattern
and i'd in anti lost to this
because again is just a decoration and I don't need it to be Stefan
some just peeling away the excess and now I'm actually gonna cut again but I
have to be smaller cuz the soul is much smaller
in the shoe so I'm gonna go around and take off
a little more generally
it straight across
you have any rough edges them now and I'm gonna take a little bit of piping
to go as well
so that's step two now it's up to you to decide
what kind of sure you would like we have
open toe we have closed toe we have a side strap
I'm gonna do a back heel and
open toe front this is my fondant with the Ty Lawson
again the reason I have but I Los
is because I wanted to hold and not flop over
some gonna roll it out and cut out both patterns
so I rolled out my fondant
gonna place my patterns
on I'm gonna follow the
to template
okay I have my back heel pattern
I'm actually gonna put some glue
on the bottom part of this where it's going to me
the sole I'm gonna just place it right on top
depending on your style shoe you could put it on the top edge or you could put
it on the
bottom page all depending on what you wanna do make sure
even minutes stand up on its own
kept if it's flopping over
you really need more Tilos or its too thin
this is my open toe
I'm actually gonna put it
on the outside edge so I'm gonna put some
cool here always wanna put the glue where meet other fund inside
sticks okay putting this on
outside just like them
now if you're its flopping a little one area which if not in this case but if it
you could stuff a little paper towel I like plastic
saran wrap to hold it and then you take it out when it's dry
so there you have it that needs a now it's up to you to decorate it the style
that you would like to do
on there are all kinds and mold on the market that you can use to decorate
you can even take gold dust and shine things up in bringing out a little bit
and hear them to the shoe with the same piping gel
it's up to you what you want to do I'm you can also text her
we have our texture rolling pin on that you could do it they a crocodile show
so after I before actually I cut it
I embossed my fun then and then cut out and be a crocodile's
style so thank you for watching
everything you saw it here is available at New York it back on
thank you I'll
done huh
%uh on
Wicked Fondant Red High Heel Tutorial! Part 1 of 3 - YouTube !!!
Fondant High Heel Shoe Tutorial - YouTube !!!
hello are showing their and my husband Roland on cake supplies for stock com
or professional cake decorating inspectors an
Food Network he's OK
you okay so I have some gumpaste hear that
pink I'm gonna make up pink high heel today and the first thing I'm just gonna
roll it out
I had to make one and a little thinner so it kinda conforms to
shape the high heel mold here and you're gonna want the smoothest
section to go down into the mall because you don't want any creases
in your high heel something out look to make sure got my smoothies pieces
going down and I'm just gonna press it
down to the mall and then I'm just going to
flatten it out here middle kinda
Bazar pressing down on it all myself trams and weighing see where Howard
kinda pulls away their at
use my palette knife to trim it I'll cleaner
kinda going from hands right now once again if
fairly well tram by but a little bit a vegetable oil spray
on here and then I just run over and get a nice and smooth because this part will
so you want it you don't increase is ur dance in it either
then I'm gonna put it in the freezer for about
minutes until it's easy
take out at the mall taken them all down to the freezer now on I
from the gumpaste scam pulled away and all the spots here
his hand and to go my campaign just
train after shape it is you're getting out of here
to their I have it removed from the mall have done as I have a piece of waxed
paper here
this is an issue perhaps but it's got their soul is going to dry on
so that I get my heel to dry it the same angle
I'm watching this upside down leave around here on the wax paper for the
top of the hill to set on
clean that up against here and i wanna make sure
at the height of the heel comes all the way up to hear
and then as it starts to try I'm gonna
press it up here and then but it formed out onto the wax paper and that'll make
heal up here for right into the angle of the ramp as the sole goes down so
just wanna make sure it's the full length and that its
at that your heel is straight and I would actually let that he'll try for a
couple of days
so now I want to set up my soldiering ramp
and the deal goes back here I wanna act set this up for
putting the parts together and it's not in the instructions the written
instructions for what
what I like to do is take one of those extra pieces of Styrofoam
that was in the package and
towards the front of it I want to
take a couple of needles are core size pans and I'm gonna attach this to this
I want it to be at so that it's at Marvin Inc buying because the way that
he ok I'll post back
and I want it the weight to be more forward
so the next thing I want to do as I'm gonna sit right here on here
and I have a double a strip I'll
I'll wax paper is just a stripped I folded
and I'm going to put the heel on here
and and put this
my ski for process yes to secure it in place where r
on it and I'm using questions for this because
turn out as long combat where they won't go through the other side
but you could use course I can secure
know that supporting the heel I'm not a cut out my soul
now you see what I mean by AV angle that I had that our
you see the angle of the heel comes right down
into this and if you didn't try it
the way that I said it might have om some down song and might not
stay at the same same height as this self so I have my gum paste
rolled out and you want it %ah fairly thick for this
hand I say mmm probably need to finance are so thick
because you want it to be %uh thick enough that
when it's dry it's going to support the yeah
the rest issue so and then I'm going here's the
soul cutter that came with a shoe cat and just put on
piece that I rolled out here
and passed by some for me and get
a nice clean cat came away the excess
and I'll bring me and my
still support that i said after layer
gonna rush a little bit of water
on the hero and I'm going to attach
my soul here and depending on where the on a left or right sure you can
flip it over just plan on here
lineup signs of it
and make sure that that so is not functioning
are theirs and Patel here
roughly here
supports gonna make sure it doesn't text and Pascack
is it wouldn't have the right angle vans and
scale back their and then I when just let that dry and again
a couple a days you wanna let that dry so that it's nice and sturdy and make
sure it conforms and all the shape here
soon after the install I just wanna cut out just like I did for
the sole issue actually
to the lining up in Seoul is what I'm gonna do here
got away now this you want to be a little bit smaller
and be past seoul some and then just move and just a tiny bit on each side
not going to worry about the toll toe or the heel at this time
so just wanna tramway a little bit there
and I'll do the same thing on the other side of this move and just a little bit
and then I'm just gonna manually trim a little bit of a rough day he all
don't have to worry about it ok I'm gonna cut away majority are
tell section anyway as this is the part that doesn't go all the way down
in this you and you'll see what I mean in a minute
and then around the the where the ball up to
but would be you want to make it cut
across and cut of this scope portion
once I've got that K how I want across their
I want to take a little stitching to all yeah and they said the design we or two
about we have
and I'm just gonna go just in just a tiny to catch
and right close to the edge just make a little stitching line
and this will make it look like where it stitched
to be and solve issue
so I fought back in my shoe trying ramps wifi so long he owe on their
and I'm gonna have just a little bit of water on
my in Seoul liner
so that it attach as well want to move again just a little bit on the side in
the back there so
next I wanna have the heel strap and I've used a template here the hill strip
template to cut out a piece of my gum paste
and I brought in the dried soul and so liner
that was attached the he of then I wanna take one other little heel strap
supports there were
in the kit I run at kearsarge can
towards the very back up that and then just behind that
am so liner I'm going to at
answered the pan there and then just move that support
down on time make that pose inconspicuous as possible but that keeps
the hill support in place and i wanna add just a little bit of water with the
brush here
on the very base up this hill strap parents going to touch
he'll section there and
want to line it up so that it's going to be
equal on both sides come down the same distance
you had also wind it up so that it sets just
above the heel speed don't see where the soloist there
okay now I've got my open toe strap
kut teh the template also included in the kit
and I want to bring in the resin
toe former that I have and
said it here I want to say that just up a little bit on this
and so liner so that when I go to take it out it doesn't get caught
Karen snacks on a set up there just a little bit
yeah I can I'm going to dampened
base lining up here with just a little bit of water so I'm using
handset over that so position at work
want it
just attach it down to be
so all you shape it how you want it so that it
credit Rory so here's the issue after and let it
%ah dry I couple a days and
all I've done is take a off on an extruder
and extruded up a smaller stuff that but
the round openings that come with it add a little water on the edge of the
tow strap and attached it on there and i cant
how to decorate these anyway that I want I
here I've got just a couple strips on a white on a pink
that I kinda made into a little bow added some of the pics to your disco
dust on there that makes a real pretty
little tell decoration or you could use
%ah just any kind of a
a whole and I have a used them all here
Justin white gum paste and then added some %uh they
in some sparkly dust on there are really here
pagination as all that limit you on these because you can
make closed toed shoes %uh you can make slingback so
leave off the back in at all kinds of different decorations
I using this great kid have fun trying out all the different
I kill styles
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