sport shoes cake tutorial how to make
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3Ä Áóòñû(Êðîññîâêè) òîðò-sport shoes cake tutorial Îáóâü
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Eiffel tower Valentines cake - YouTube !!!
I can I make a cute little Valentine's cake now it's quite simple design the
little Eiffel Tower and so I've already iced Mikey confounded ready to use and
you everybody on I think it which you can find on the leak on the screen just
starting with some pink lustre dust so this one is the rainbow does links to
the things that used in the Description box below the video so I'm just gonna
use quite a large brush keeping it dry and just go down the list of dust and
number of excess of the kitchen towel that got down now put it on a separate
body ok cuz I find it quite difficult to get the times I've been using now trying
to get more into the bottom of the kid so that it's a deeper color the bottom
actually come up and get a little bit pale do that all the way around the cake
now just got a slightly darker pink shade now that I'm going to use more
around the bottom just to keep the very bottom triangle quite solid that page
now gonna look like a good place it onto the board now it in my body funded so I
tend to just put a splash of water and I'm a key sticks but some people like to
put a dollop of whipped cream are a licensed driver now got length of ribbon
at the crib in here I'm just measured it fits around the circumference of the
kids have got some double sided sticky tape and just put a little bit on each
end of the river and just gonna fold the ribbon to narrow it essential part you
have to do is beg you not too bothered about this now my
pain to attach the
river you can lose my license to get in place now you've never put pin down into
the kids but my case is actually on it a try
the varieties on vacay so when I push deep into the bottom
will actually be going to keep the actual kid just wrap that round of lab
too thin and pushed through the tail I'm not gonna take the same rebellion was
driven in that movie The Times just tie now I find it tricky to tie the bus so
sometimes have to stop with among the piece of ribbon I actually need someone
to get into the book are just trimmed a little extra dis off the end of the book
the ticket on again with a pin if it's a pen make sure goes through the bard
place to nap delightful tower just got some rain showers in my ear out
reasonably thin and going to cook a very rough triangle /
told me she wanted
to come over the top of the kids I don't want to install is my kids I'm gonna
keep it quite small and now I'm gonna paint on if you prefer you can use
edible pens and I'm painting tens of times a friend of mine has it dried up n
condensed into the surface of the modern piston funding so I just got a shower
great style Eiffel Tower now so we're not going to go into too much detail it
might be easier to handle
image via wenn you paint it and before it had a chance to dry I'm going to trim
down the edge just a little bit just a small amount of why offer and those ages
just be careful not to smooch what youve painted pale pink just gonna roll this
out the Eiffel Tower and I'm just going to come out different sized look and you
just will use an early I just assumed that the pink round edges of her in a
bit shady gonna catch this
to make a ride if you like me and you really impatient you gonna stick it on
and probably smooch to paint a little bit like I have done little bit smudged
even that was at practice and then I'm just gonna stick the house in place
again you can use a dollar per quarter or a bit I'll I seem to stick liaison so
I'm just gonna run the papers through the Eiffel Tower just and you were too
damaged by my fingerprint I'm just packing and Justin place ribbon around
my god its simplicity Kate drum and I'm just putting money in place back with a
pin you can use it double sided sticky tape to get to the bottom of it finished
you can put whatever you want on top of the kid I'm bride and groom one of mine
enjoyed the video thank you for watching
if you liked this video would like to see more please click on the images of
the other videos suggested also please do subscribe to my channel on using the
button at the bottom right hand corner of the screen you can also visit my
website on my Facebook page to see more cakes and ideas
Spanish Spanish
Hola a todos y bienvenidos a mi canal,
en el vÃdeo de hoy aprenderemos a hacer una torre Eiffel de chocolate
En primer lugar debemos temperar nuestro chocolate para que no se derrita a temperatura ambiente
Para esto, debemos triturar
de una tableta de chocolate y meterlo en el microondas durante
segundos y remover bien,
Repetiremos este proceso hasta que se derrita por completo
Añade el tercio restante al chocolate ya derretido y remueve bien hasta que no queden grumos
Meter en el microondas
Estas son las plantillas utilizadas para crear la torre Eiffel
Dejare el link en la información del vÃdeo para que las podáis conseguir
Rellena una manga pastelera de chocolate y quitale la punta para empezar a calcar las plantillas
No os preocupéis si no queda perfecto
Repite el proceso
Las medidas de cada base estarán apuntadas en la información del vÃdeo
Empieza a construir la torre utilizando objetos para sujetar las piezas
y utiliza el chocolate derretido como si fuese pegamento para juntar las piezas
Busca un objeto con una altura igual que la de la base y pega la "parte
Rellena los huecos con mas chocolate
Une "parte
Une las dos estructuras con más chocolate y este es el resultado final
Espero que hayais disfrutado del vÃdeo,
acordaros de darle a "me gusta" y de SUSCRIBIRTE
Muchas gracias por vuestro tiempo y hasta pronto!
Make a Paris Ruffle Cake - CAKE STYLE - YouTube !!!
think me me
me am nasa get started on making these gorgeous K
you're going to need two cakes how in two different colors
so my top team which is a five-inch I choice
P or what and my bottom teeth ongoing for the Sendai state peak
I would love it even listen comment below %uh
choices that would look right this cake and he created
past pancake style on key that we tell
Instagram or Google+ and we can co-creation
now that this cake that we going to decorate is out top-tier and we want to
do it
right after we covet so I come to the thing London
literally about
minutes ago so it's still really not insult
and that is the perfect time to in boss and make impressions on funded
so I'm using my wouldn't entanglement I love
but I also put NOK hand that I only four inches
just abandoned me and not my when I use the impression
I can position anywhere I want and I can have it come down
lower than hank to line up ethnically
using a border impression napped Kane block
and I'm going to use it instead nasa boorda prescient
this way and make impressions and get some gorgeous
scalping coming downside cake City
what I'm gonna do you lineup stop one thing it's not very top of the cake
and making sure it's not strike you just can't president
all the way from the top to the bottom
I'm simply going to turn it %uh
do you sign lineup yeah
all the way down to the bottom you don't like Press
just continue your way around the cake
and he can't and space don't worry at
we can always puts a nice batons going back
and finish up these top-tier
on hand and placed some lateral I think into a disposable piping
I'm leaving a number two parking ticket and I'm just going to play some little
just into the senses way the scallops me
anything any poking %uh you just want to dampen down
with a try crash
now you can see I'm going to take it completely stacked up
and now we are ready to decorate out bottom tier what we're going to be doing
is creating the
beautiful raffle leahy's onto these K so
I'm using to cheat and I have out my possible
me and it's making a little be easy to do this process
and we're going to take the same funded
we had I haven't yet and we're going to make some nice long strips
fondant taking cornstarch I'm just gonna laugh under just need to be
and placing
now minute just under
happening he groaned through maybe number one
number three and by now I'm taking a
multi pizza have to basically I'm
any for a week that are just our little one haha
each it doesn't matter she much because you will have an iPhone app
and he's not even have to call one st well he's not going out with Will and
to may only be one work on one or two at a time
any more than that and you find they dry out before you get a cheap
onto the CAC ni take one just carefully
Rams okay a little bit just it's not dragging
all takes shouldn't blue and a small paintbrush
and is working at the back you want to apply only
should include on
press the top on and then
allow this to happen and then all we going to do
eat basically using your finger going to bring
back create a lid an impressive damn
live via pollute to help to attach
and work your way around cake
and you STP onto the cake and make sure that they're attaching well
and I also don't want them to look pat I want to get this variation
my real frequent +
me see it's not going to the whole way don't try to stretch
you just and that the pressing Ian
running a small section Tackett
Honda just to get hurl
Mina think I'll the opposite way
and that way to supply one the rebels
and the top layer which is trying to make it a little bit meter
yes trying to keep them all hines
all can't sell dispersing really changed me
the finishing touch only age I've grown at a strip
now peak his time he didn't have to change I mean to a level
the rate which means a little bit pick up and make it happen each why
and we just going to attach that laptop age I think blue
all the way around the edge
just looking around name on it pressed down
then attach not too thin because the entire point if the
he's just to make sure that you don't see so much movement
don't press it into the Raffles get their indentation
the edge
and and I was gonna press the top aides
into the cake just attach and
final touch popped onto a beautiful black cake stands
and we had a custom-made Eiffel Tower top
from Ross and now time to show it to the birthday girl
easy like a
yes we've been sketching away haven't lied to me
designed to get what you think hot
yeah you know it
and the extra special and it's to pry
absolutely okay here think
them netzer I I hope you guys enjoyed it and with the
How to Make a Sugar Tree - Unicorn Cake Tutorial - Sample - YouTube !!!
okay nom tree did release a bit tricky
a as you see here there's
this piece about the
traditional in other CCM this twenty
another one here is about
Terry 7 is all forty centimeters a question is about
here this much so after all piece of bus to the ash
Graham starting from here finish it on here
prompted that peak to that did so
Bay City I'm gonna use one piece of us yes
to make a paltry and then of that choppy says
and then join them to go into great shape
starting to roll in
and then I'm consciously try to keep that
shape that the current in their here and
stay on the
so on that
next thing I did
I think it's just normal for and give some lines on it
as you see that
I'm just any like little bit of waviness that kinda methods I love because
very simple annotated at the end
now this piece
is about this much so I cut this month here this piece
I'm gonna usage this one yet
and that will be the initial so before displaying it to dry
I give me just a bit of twisted just a bit sort of like it
like a yet this strangely somebody'd and then
give that one little shaky like this that QC
abstract looking branch doesn't have to be the same
and make sure that this but is black
that you can stick nicely later
okay now the
me that's interesting because
you can go to the cake decorating
supply shop and gimme a tool for
trunk and beat so you have to be now
beat created to make this very rustic
dropped looking trunk I'm just holding like this
that part yet and pushed on here and through the mid
look what happened excuse me like really
something like it old mooch broken indeed right
in the bush and at the same time
only get to the top like his roots out
so what I do I just uses a gottlieb like this
look like this in little bit like this
maybe four sites separate on the bed
and you know that but
pushing on and
always tested all good has got this kind of get
here like something like that here
this one so I just create that
and plated
and make sure that the bottom site yes actually the ship that i'm looking for.
are this month sainted
all in like this pushes in
yet that law edge
drop and this is also mystical
yet I cutlet mall
the current shape and make it more flight to Egypt
because I won't have a really good good
joining it okay not too tricky part
I won't have a limit no construction site it reeks I holding like this
and then going to work by attorney
like that push it as much as possible but don't get all updates just leave it
right and this one too I'm gonna go from
decide this time other site
like to okay
now you can use of course
egg white is much better but I don't have it now such as the water
doesn't matter because I mean Drive Unlimited
little water here
so both sides marchers better dont
I go to him after
this when I can always gotten it wrong at this stage
I'm gonna do something
I have a little
relaxing it in Econ just couldn't talk more joining here
will be much more stronger
and also
here little bit of relaxing in much more stronger joint
and water alright
you see that is a bit off like a rocket Justin can use a little water
and then just throw that together I'm not worry about
other side because I can do this. always later on tomorrow
shop my trees really
my bass is really here based really
and my unicorns
by the party now is the time to blue tree
on the cake at this stage I have to make up a positions
first of all which part of the cake is the front of the cake
so I just think about James use and select my
site which must highlight penalized
area I want to have this find fun because
I see that this bit more the artistic in the front here
and second think where do I place my base
it has to be backwards because
I will have writing in front and I will have
did did three here so I like to place
my and this one ACC
that different look here I select this park in front
because it looks better my hospital con
about this direction I'm gonna turn the hat
looking to the front like that this will be the next so
I like to have the tree on the need the little branch
host be holding it unique on
this direction show that means the tree has to come
like that and the branches to cum like that history is nice and dry no
from yesterday argue that accessed
I don't need so be
this space is not really drive from yesterday I can make it a whole he added
now I like to use definitely watch a bit to do all those things
measured at base is nice and Schalit
jointed to the cake otherwise can million down its role
I'm generously I put chocolate he added
make sure that you're in the right position that ranch
I got it bit more chocolate
they should all those
buyers are just join nicely K
invisibility there is it I think and white chocolate it's not gonna be right
side of the covered it with a relaxing
and a bit here
okay I see still some gaps on the train Sunday to put some more
relaxing here K K it ominous
is shaky because the chocolate is not set yet so monster truck that said
it will be quite like so before the
royal icing getting hardened and the new some water
to make it nice and smooth I'm using that direction
to create more roots
hmm everything I'm
3D Cowboy Hat Cake Tutorial - Sample - YouTube !!!
I think about this giveaway yet it on the
all yet and I use this part
is the base this over with and
the ring of that are so
then this one course going to distort
yet slightly like that there we're on this year
it's like like that so at this stage I want to go for the talk here
so always that here
up maybe you can see the
this aligns much in the video but you'll see very soon and I
go ahead with this one me second line so
okay then a when I reno how this party K
this for I'll have some leftovers here let them not summit this month
into the front slightly in the front yet and slightly
the back here because that hats never completely wrong
so it is actually human nature that hit
is like this like your okay
so if this the head in the middle
is all that means the real
will be also so I make my
the Homer enough find out this kind of particular
yes Scott are on a
or this diameter this this much
will be on the site so much snarky like that
and that because i think is a compact disc wrong is not on
so I'm just measuring like this sixty sixty-five percent
and then touch here and that me
that touch it might wonder here and
just refresh this ice budget
on yet that year ship
that one I repeated dear
I have the complete sir
on goes to this
that's that you know that K on the me
you won't see it I'm gonna make sure that this is
lifting up the hat in a level that dreams doesn't break
its course in the pros like this
this one is so you have to do it and you know because
and frightened stories at now
section just number everything and
for this ice
like that
okay so up well talking about
the side view is management this that has like that
so let's say this is this is that
on top like this right this month course
down and this one goes on and insights goes up
like this but not some of the comments like exact problem site
I'm gonna make it little bit this way so the front will be smaller
sore yet and then me on the back
so that will be like this that's what this not also
just indicated turning and you will have some push on the site yet
slightly and dividend in the middle of saddam
okay I think as a drawing we don't need more than that
just like this one and
this part here only we hope
that little piece holding a couple minutes this month
really special otherwise will be morton
alright so next thing is
I'm going to I need only one this stencil yet
but not this slim I'm going to use this one
as long as you
on I'll social make sure that I know is a process but the
on yet front
okay that's from here so
it is almost matching the other one
so when I renowned cutting that that piece of
posse of I will go slightly just maybe just do something premium it'd be a
but doesn't so listing what we going to do now
I'm going to think is the
to get this it really done so we can't use that time
with dry and then actually I did another one just a few hours ago
up I will show you that how to do it and i'm not the
wait another three hours before us drive some news that other piece to
continue with that in damn
d d Mike
Minecraft Tutorial: How to build the Eiffel Tower (part 1) - YouTube !!!
earlier but my name and welcome to the video today I'm going to show you how to
build but I'm not gonna show you how to build the Eiffel Tower you know I've
told you see us doing now is a very simplified EV effort our if you're a
beginner and you know ready for something really big right now and i've
make this tutorial made it it really good I also recommend if you are
beginning to go check it out that you click on line now or go to the
description OB like title simple effort our bills but the other
how to build in the field in this video I'm gonna show you how to build this
Eiffel Tower this insanely well done
out of the world Eiffel Tower yes I know I look kind of huge fee about a hundred
and twenty blocks high in like
blocks wide but I promise you when you done it
can be paid off my check it out while you make it as easy as I possibly can to
show you guys how to build the tower without further ado let's get right to
it in the build ok we're going to do and we're in a super powers and stone brick
you don't need to be a club or somebody like this for it to be used for me so
don't worry about that for three things we're gonna do with brake line of
into the ground
I know it's funny but yeah anyways so from here
make a straight line that way of 69 block block so
go go right here
right here
diagonal do not connected we want to block you want this to be a square of
Sao ko dekhne from there and we're gonna go there now this way again sixty nine
blocks long did here but now this direction so yeah for my view
and go okay
we'd event now in a bit we do the same thing we do they're just now going to
connect them so the way we can do that we only the account here to make a line
like to do before and this way we keep on breaking blocks don't need over the
county look over to the left where you meet a lot of fun and generally gas
does not going to be very hard to figure out why it is so I'm
doing fine and the ground I defy kind because I don't like water wall because
they'll burn and if you like me who have real friends they will immediately
burned-down us into the show them so I am blocks
stone brick slab I mean my dad stone brick stone brick slabs and stone brick
stairs going to need another break fencing and there is now a square
good first so complete now can do this week's time for is the first thing
you can do now is to build the base of GRU built three of them working to build
one in each corner and can show you how to do it so hard stone brick stairs and
can make a line of sixteen of the line me before so
and another lines to
away from right here so we're 123456789
and then they did
their and their way so
and we have asked where
we're going to get our stone bricks we go along the edge of the stairs so on
the inside of it all around
ok so I am going a little fast country for that part of the can but as you can
tell from the intro is gonna get companies later on
get your stone slab put on top of the work that we do down there we go around
the real neighborhood of brick and stone brick and go to hi all around the edge
anyway if you were wondering if you could tell phone giant dildo or the land
that we have already made this big so it might go complicated later on I'm gonna
try my hardest to show you guys the way to do it but if you guys want to me a
little bit easier to an easier
Eiffel Tower bill it won't look as good as mine I mean not mine but will get the
job done so anyway through such if you couldn't tell us can be pretty big it's
gonna be the highest one of the height when it fence around one hundred and
twenty blocks hi hello hi mera like 105 depending on that can be applied on top
of can be pretty big closely
and director sure you either do it out of your iPhone or whatever material you
can pick whatever you want again you big goal would I think the word you look
good you have different like me there probably will bring down so that they
will bring it with you to put this one of the basis of the corner of the Lions
gonna be four legs to the tower if we're gonna do it make a line down the block
right there one in from day one day and we're gonna make a line of mine so
and then next thing to do is put to one up and then one across like
that and I'm gonna put to write their likes oh ok nixon could you add to that
no one in their right there and then make a line to ride up there and then go
up and make the line to write about their and then break one there were a to
there too and then you break 34 there so will be allowed to look like
okay let's go ahead and put on blocked in like that and then one block up and
acting like that again and basically put the line the way across to ride out
there and then on top period of
3 like that
and break this one and this one so it looks like that would you want to look
like and here is just go one in from right about here we can go all the way
across to their their allies and the basics up for the rest of the whole
thing now it's do this whole thing two more times just on top so two more of
the soviet
to show you ok that's kind of how to explain so next thing
they can put their
to block the right there and then one market here so and one blog great here
like okay and then next reduction in
in like so good looking good and go
ahead and build all the way across to over there on the
to go out there like a man did break out like that
break these to be too and this one again we can get that and then again we're
gonna go ahead and go one up
and one across like so and then again bill the line all the way across to
write about their and put three right here and they are needed for break this
one break these two and this one so it can look like that and then we can go
ahead and way you don't know when they're you put one right here so there
you go
like we did there so I put a line for the way across to hear the only
difference now we're going to do is right here on the T now go ahead and add
one more block and add one more block road here and there are so many
different from the last one
ok so go get up here to block than their blog right here blog great here and then
that's about it for right there
go one up from right here
like four and go right here
this and we're going to go ahead and
to write about here and here and here so it can look like that ok on this for a
and the
and so the fact that area
ok sorry about that guy the hague at all and this this last part of you and then
finally gonna go to one in like before anger and go one that go techno so it
can look like that ok
here could there be a perfect and then go right up here
well you might block break just that one goal of this like that
break one there and to their so very go okay perfect line right here and can go
a little bit putting their ok when you do now that ideal for down here and when
we meet right here we put to a few months without purpose of going to go
now so from right here within a go-to out work
hour break
gonna go ahead and do that again right here to approach this one and then right
all right here we go again I think okay yeah and then right here we're gonna go
three hour break this one for now and then gonna go out there and like so and
break and finally right here
gonna go ahead and have this year ago 11 and
ok I know though complicated
sorry but smiling for clothing to the hikers I do mean do ok let me go ahead
they go guys basically one like that and we're going to do the same thing I might
do it again to think about the little confusing story and more time but only
one side of a leg
what do you do out here basically the same thing you did hear you do right
there so I'm gonna go ahead and do that now so basically life before a new one
line of nine different that we're gonna start from here we have a block down ok
so fun to be able to click here to learn new game going to do with your friends
and spread my time and I would mean alot to me if you would like to get keep up
the good life time by and peace
Using Spikes, Chains and Buckles with Marvelous Molds (how-to) - YouTube !!!
hi everybody game wanna show you my new collection a
Fashion Mall that I created with marvelous small
I have a whole array of fashion accessories that you can use
for anything from handbags to you these bad you show your shoes you can make
bahcall chain yeppers and even brought kid in today's video I wanna show you
how to use
three of them all that had fabulous technology that you've never seen before
they're going to make your life so ET
I the first row software makes enough in the kitchen today
so the first thing I wanna show you
in this I mauled eat is great for making
all be by eight like net on the back on the hill
you can use it as a dog collar even some type
a watch band really anything weighing one
add a little extra flair to you small your feed their to cavity
there's the lower part where all the bikes army
and then upper part to make the band and he couldn't be easier
healthy the fact that its silicone you can use fun game
campaign any kind of sugar dow you can use
toward sugar hot chocolate in the itself lacked the ball back
you can use it any way you want to you 8 silicon mold the first thing you want to
do with conditioning
you me think I'll let me use some vegetable shortening but that actually
not what you wanna do you get back actually homes the sugared out
into the mold cavity what you want to do is just used a little bit cornstarch
so I guess he's a light dusting on and and then attorney over and bang it out
all the excess will come out but now
the mold is ready to be in use next here I have some company
so I'm just going to roll rope a gumpaste
and I think you're out to use each beat companies I wanna make
a piece I Keith above the gum pain so
this is the quickest way to go through and just cut little P thin
and then I'm going to roll them and then I'm going to insert
each little PE each you
the cavities for the spice the most important thing when I put it
into the mall is that I push it down
all the way down so that despite in
able to form and meet me like so he could you imagine
for me each spike on its own
this way you put the dough into the cavity
and it does it for you and they're perfect each wine
with created perfectly so again I push it down
just like bad pay just want to make sure you push
all the way down am going to fill
each I love the cavities each cavities filled with
the gun paint and I'm ready to do the next step I'm going to take a little bit
gun glue you can even use water or just a little bit and white
something that the key and a small brass
I'm going to just play at huh bet you just wanna dad
this Center on this chair Paul so to fill the next part what I like to do
just use the same row
and I make sure one end is nice
and flak and I just start feeling the mall
just like that and I
tracked in and wanted the beautiful things about all the marvelous small
are that they have been blade this
and that obviously will cut your finger on
it stop because its silicone by a just tell you exactly where the topping is
and it make it
think even for anything that you're doing
and then when I reach the and again I can't push down
an apple a need is going to tell me
exactly where the mold at now that
mold is completely fell I'm ready
be molded
what I want to do is just first hold the edge in
up to fill a call when you can the 19 shark
and I have just to make sure nothing picking
and then what I want to do. is used the force of gravity I could just
popping up like Mitt but I wanna clipping over
and then I'm gradually going to uphold back to the mall
a fee hike into hold back to silicon
you could never do that and a hard plastic mall
now the spikes are out at the mall you can use them
in so many different ways you can curve man around the edge of something like
here I have the spike curved around the front
she knew other thing you can do. you can use the to on the
heads if you want to create another pattern you can even have
I like to you thinking just along the edges I remember you can make this spike
any color you want and to make them look metallic
I like to paint them after some going to show you how to do this
on my black gosh you I painted them sold for
so I thought it would be fun with the brown to paint them called
so as usual while with the luster dust I just use a little bit of lemon extract
and I just wanna start at the top and i three you the ninth
fine brushed you want pain to be a little bit on the
thinkers I just to make sure that it doesn't Ron
onto the band older spite
the spike Maul if any s next that I'm going to show you how to make
a large chain mall like you've never seen before
here had from the line three chain on
I have a large mall medium all
and a small mall here on the hill you can see an example and that where you
can actually see
the red through the large chain just like be four best
bike moderate any other the marvelous malls well just let me use a little bit
cornstarch ducked inside and knocked out
in poor condition them all to you
chain mauled I want to just while skinny row
and I want to place it over mauled and push down
so the first thing I wanna do you is just gradually
push the sugared out into the malls
thing you can feed as I pushed down I at push the dough
into the cavity a making the link
be could start to see how Blaine just whole the way
look how great that s it does the work for you
and my other mauled I'm going to start by
holing edges just to loosen the links
again I'm going to use gravity just by stretching and
and I'm going to push it from the top you can see how it starts to pull back
so it's really pouring your your going in two directions
as you pull this way you're also polling unit
back this way to allow it to fall down but make sure you're not
hauling you don't wanna home Adele so that it gets
misshapen in really and looked all
owner we lead the world and i havent seen
a chain mall that comes out so perfectly
and so beautifully like this one
I mean you just don't find it here the large chain
right out at the mall then you can see how beautiful it is you don't have to do
anything till eight you don't have to go back in and cut out any halls or fix
any the edges and you can see I need some ahead of time
up the men all chain and the
smallest chain and you can see amazing detail it almost looks like a row
beneath have hardened
I did them up little earlier but you can still paint ban and use them
on any kind of passion k make or
animal que koresh anything that you need
a chain I can't tell you how many times
I had to make these by hand so these malls are just the main thing and
you can now go n painted any kind in metallic color
or even black JL just thinkin a different kinda blah
alright then there are the change you have your spike you have your chain
and I'm going to show you one more I'm going to show you how do you
Obama home all and you won't believe your eye
the last fall I am showing you today aren't a bahcall mall
we have a small but calm all that was used to make
this red little small but call and we have a large back home on
that was news to me the large buckle on the cop show
so what I wanted to do. is just like be four you condition the mall with a
little bit of cornstarch
knock it out and then here again I have a little bit
up gum pain am going to places right into the mall
and time tracking it down you can see
as I push it down into the cavity because
I wanna get all that detail on the bahcall
and the little I'm
like the holes that you would put the buckle Inc you so now you can see I
over film I'm all get fear
you can use up bond smooth air to press it down
for their until you see the blade come
you see the little green believed an act really just
that outline all the mall he didn't have a fun it's not there
you can use really any kind of laughter best you can also use a rolling pin
which is nice because the death hold it out up the mall
me and he can run your finger around the and the other thing you can do is just
use a plane paring knife or of that
in kind and take out all the remains all
the extra sugar down ended like all the mall
if you loosen it a little bit be four you pull it back
healthy how easily Bay the old pop out
but it's always better to use some gravity kinda push it down
and maybe you can see how be you to call the mall comes out
and if you wanna and even more detail
what you could kill if you'd a small
sticking to all and running around something he wants teaching and
sometimes you don't want stitching so we left
of the mall and then what you can do. if and another kind I'll
collar see you can and some call
metallic paint I just want haha.
and you don't have to pee did it all I mean it looks great just on its own
by anyone add a little bit of that contrast inc.-in
alright so I have them all paint and i cant even do the edges if I want to
later on and remember however you want but
buckle to adhere you can make that happen
so if you want to but call to kind of black back
from my handbag or a belt or you wanted to have some motion
just like that if you wanted a inner bahcall you can
under film old meaning just put a little less sugar now
in the mall and you'll have a in your butt call near really
is no limitations to what you can do with the small
I hope you enjoyed learning how do you think new mall
today don't forget to go to a marvelous small Facom
and you'll find the entire collection there
%um any question been post and down below and I'm happy to answer them
not also find a fifty percent of link for my Krasic of
where show you how to make these often shoes
don't forget to subscribe see don't miss out on any video
I'm only sister out somewhere make the map indicating today
Minecraft Eiffel Tower + Tutorial - YouTube !!!
hello workers are you too popular enjoying your summer so far
om online law
this week has been on my pretty slowly but Tom I can always find a way to
this have fun in Minecraft so are I'll be bringing you guys in New
our series up tutorials an for this one
I'll be going beams landmark K on
today in this video we're going to be making the Eiffel Tower I just finished
a model ones so we're going to be
copping of Valentina and on
Gasol first dawn
expect to build some stature the brady I would never
I can never get that much detail everything saw
the reason the people text back just hope he goes out with
was gonna look like in fertile
okay on when is looking at it from this
looks okay but a single
looks really weird like com if you make any changes like just take a
some down look about a lot better om
but yeah I for got to
measure this old on new
thirteen books
okay guys so let's get started I'm building
this our Kylie om I find uphold
color clear from our way it looks pretty good so
on you guys can just go there
what everyone next on or growl
here like other damage make mister
or something bedrock problema I'll be using
clay again and you're awesome
need uniquely our windows and
stone slabs turn on a render distance
likey kaso
first to Astor
bye bye where care
on top
me four by four kaso
if this is going to be the outside the tower and not finding
towards it yuan there to be just
one block layer sonar encounter networks
can on pull
and for
bernardin clean I live I
for my for in the middle those P
Italy from when you're looking on the inside it'll just pretty much look like
between ages
blocks in between K so I'll get back to you once I'm done
the other two posts at the end K see
alright guys I'm back getting
dark so hopefully is
still to be able to see knows that whenever
recording om my brightness somehow for some reason turns down
slammers now on each in the you're going to place
another former for block on
an once again does make sure
that there's that one block layer rushing
build miss former so technically I it's going to be
to buy bring or for to K
that's what it looks like did on the other one and
to sawyer
Abdul back once again month this brown Dubai
or back for back to lockneys to pillars
K okay YouTube I am
back for making us to to pillars
and napping really want
on but analytics and I rebuild
and I miss order p that process modeling another
or by for block on top want against him too high
and once again you wanted to have another
one locklear religious leaders
another for or and another
for for over
earlier half
once again I'll be back on something is updating those two pillars
in a bit K
YouTube I am back from updating these two pillars
on and now they're going to stop building
those will for about four hours and we're going to update this nigga
sohn block
looking over there in there
and also you want to have that one blocking
over no thing again
Kings bill so you guys want a
the real block in between base here everything
lakh thing there and now once you're done putting each of these on
each the six by six pieces on there should be a simple cross
three blocks wide K I'll be back until now playing these two
and talking to alright Gasoline Alley
the reblog cross in the middle
soldiers to cover that up we're going to
build a nourish our on demand
this but he's gonna feel today
to block high wall thing increase that
connecting features for
say a say once again who blog I connecting
all for things
okay so that billion
and then build another layer billion okay
I'll be back
Donna alright guys I'm back
bring a big to block where on
now front again kinda for
other little where
placed on waivers using around
outside their
exceptionally down
will accept your leave day
I'll I'll be there London a gainers
so we're going to be putting on our first Observatory
on this bill superstores filtering glass
all around us rounds block
K an for a second layer like the second
last block here billet around the outsider
dental I'm not going to the sirens going to happen bill
on yeah
now as caveat do it on the other corners
and then you're going to end with just a big box
class K so I'll be back really soon once in a
as I am back and terrible say fifty
percent away from being finished on next one is put on
the layer Kylie all
lawn sold out roofing
ceiling for this one over Tory
so his go-ahead filling the entire ceiling
remember that you wanna
to also the over the glass tubes cell
I'll be back once I'm done filling in this entire ceiling with the place last
well hear back from doing in their room an hour going to be introducing
the second half for this build
and one there now guys
check actually you want to block your
okay arm
ok to write and direct corporation for this build
but that's okay be
just play it cool
home knowledge on new is every corner
once again without one block Jim around
sign ever ability
three life block
ish be a they crossed middle
nationalistic grow cross
no Anne
on intrude on building Mills
drowned side
and Wenger Donna you want to build these ones
and after for so in total here's
buy blocks wanna then so you watch it
you honestly like that Kane so
do that on all re these other
on updated stilts and I'll get back to you
on Sedona and
I am filling and old blocks nets were going to be
putting in block on
the glass ceiling and this is where
second observatories go you wanted to
one block it around sign and you want to be
connecting all or still play the other one so now
once I'm done I'll get back to you guys
so you're in a bit okay and I'm actually going in that one block now
we're going to repeat that process the glass and story on
by billion billion the entire box able air
on the first book
and we're going to be putting
higher unblock no
player last
soul once I'm done this
on I'll be getting back to you guys
here okay guys I'm back
going on and this is where you need your stone up
on your going to be dealing the entire ru arm
fashion a there's going to be putting a two-block
guess possible lot perhaps loves
around it just
just around again and then you're going to be filling in
the place where he crashed and with your clips last
now K
so be back want them done
okay guys this is what you want it to look like once you've done that
see the house loved on the outside and your stone flash K
play in the middle arm now what you're going to want to do
is a take your clay
and build
for who buy to block like everything else you want them
one block edge
I'll Kylie in the middle you offline
in a one looks like that and we're going to the actual buildings
five blocks easily
will be fine
so you're for every single one these including the mill
by what I so I'll see you wanna okay I soldiered on
putting holes
bill and up so that from
arrive you you cannot see anything
just a
by my
okay and you want to build
kinda likin axe
K and going to want to build it up
law think
on yeah build it up
and all actually just check to make sure right now
that it is nineteen so only black ontologies in
latina he has I'm back
and make actually
blockbusters take our three blocks from the top
and what's going on just chillin bird's eye view
deseo the right people anyways Isles writer Terry
to one thing with you guys building
reblogged their
much under dash bill and pre-war
Phil Thompson
just one layer house K in a look like
action mister as I should take the block of here
Larkin lot
see you one now to me yes
just now which on do it Gorani film in like that make
L and now
john du is bill the doorway kinda thing
like that each to these little in dental
soul on the back on okay you
I'm back and now we're hearing and just a real
and this last Observatory
do not make their bring grounded
you want to build to block
square around the outside Sydney really nothing
under that class
and then also wondered on first players
the second layer you can actually stand
and I want yes do is fill in that entire
with Haslam's
including the ceiling but actually watching as place to up
on each
square block like that
now pretty
three but
and now builder the clocks to
for their wanted three
here tryna sizzler and one black bloc
the are okay guys cell
cybil Eiffel Towers in the picture
this is in my Eiffel Tower tutorial
I hope you enjoyed it arm my next story will probably be on the Big Ben or
I V as a any other suggestions please message me
com as you see in my channel profile picture
the Lincoln Memorial I will be making up his I love love love to you
famous landmarks as in politics I on my
other for scrap early next month I it's so many
so many US government kinda landmarks and stuff so arm
yeah I'll be as enjoy this tutorial I know it's not the best
Eiffel Tower years of another worse and all summer so there's not many
no real up there rival towers any
so yeah arm anyways
a kinda comment if you like like if you like
subscribe me the gas up you'll see crime
anyways thanks for tuning in break
comment rate subscribe thanks for watching by
Pop Up Eiffel Tower Card Tutorial - Origamic Architecture - YouTube !!!
hello and welcome to another popup workshop brought to you by pope apology
in this tutorial of the show you
how to make this um... buried simple but elegant
uh... hyphal tower design
hands in order to to begin you need to download
just the three p_b_s_ fro my websites w_w_w_ goats
papa placido credit u_k_
um... which
should has a direct link just beneath the screen right here
so once you have um... concedes the color coded pbf
and um...
and cut out all the lines indicated
you should end up with something like this
just make sure uh... when it comes to the full of lines as indicated on the
uh... templates
uh... does line should be cut as well but just along
the sections that are indicated so these little
should remain as taps
to keep the structure intact
when i'll just bear in mind with this fold
is will blow it is very very simple
and in in the way that uh...
uh... template is constructed
and it will be quite a simple want to cut as well
um... the folding
will take a little bit longer but then you might expect because of these very
which constitutes the two tiers opus hala
son uh...
just just um... make sure that every
every stage is done
uh... together said we fold
at every separate errr to design
as much as possible to do some done in conjunction with each other
so what will do
to begin with
justice that based on
and uh... baseline crease which is the spine of the cod
just slightly
you can do
a little bit of pressing forward on the base of the structure as well from
but literally just in this victory of whole so very shallow
decrease so far
and then you just need up to the second skin
and while supporting this
uh... mounting told
bomb from behind with a couple of fingers
you will be quiet
or you did just that truly minutes intimates that process
you want to just push out the next level
lost in the same time
putting some pressure on the
that will be convenient for them
and again
just do this very gently hands
mood a bit of patients
slowed just avoid any
abrupt movement
and then you go up to the third level
the top of our talent
and that just needs to be pushed out
right to the top and again there is this tiny
new platform here which needs to be
pushed out from the back
and you can do this section you can help us along by just pinching that's
missed our sections and just pushing it up
along with uh...
beneath it
uh... this is that areas where that you might encounter some
resistance in the paper so just make sure you're very careful
and this very delicate at this
process of both holding
uh... especially these mounting holds
at the front protruding here
chest press up
supporting it with a finger from from behind to stress upwards
and again
to shift from
from city to
so that your honor
mora mora
and you can go to the baseline as well just to
just a fold over slightly
again it all helps
the structure along
as you are getting close
in ninety degree level
stinkin as you can see here
press forward with your phone
well if you have finger just beneath it
from the back
try and keep this level
meets and chris
and uh... at this stage you can just go to the top
pass that little bit further up
from now
we should be ready
mcafferty collapse
notice is not to put it collapsed yet
i would just suggest that maybe you could
just pressing forward as your collapsing at
wanted to make plans for the senate closed
and just need down
from the back
making sure that you don't break
any of those little tabs
and just need snips needed down and so
university flat
and then all that remains
is the to open
the structure
and you should end up with a chris
on all these levels
and really just takes a slightly
slightly longer than than you'd expect
with the other tutorials that i've shown you
but it's worth it in the end because
if these levels crease
they will become
quite weak and it will affect the way that your quiet functions
appealing to readers on
and making this card
and uh...
d checkout the rest of my
uh... oregon they caught the picture collection workshop wise
on the website studied a bit of the goats
popup alleged democratic u_k_
and other to see you soon for my next trip for real
thanks again for ching
click here