Chocolate cake with cranberries how to make
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Our site has collected lessons , master classes on various websites that are dedicated cakes, cakes decoration. If you are the author of the lesson and want to supplement the information to change, exclude it from our website or have new lessons write request through the form on our website We will consider all your ideas!
FROZEN Picnic Basket Playset Play Doh Lollipops Cake Dessert DIY Play-Doh Creations - YouTube !!!
hello everybody welcome to toys and funny kid
today I'm going to play with my frozen
picnic place at I am super excited by this picnic basket
because frozen is the most amazing movie
I want all of my choice to have frozen on them
my plate her over else are
an hour on the hour and I've got some big food here
and some cops with snow play and
chorus some cases chocolate because we know how and I loves her child
cups and got some fruit
to make my eyes you know or state there
this picnic basket has
forks NRAS cups it already
has some food but RI love this pathology here
I Love playdoh I Love playdoh so
I'm going to make so extra good
for the picnic with my plate up
you can play with eclipse which you want when you're having your frozen picnic
but this is what I'm going to do it the toy
I'm going to use mine
here to make afraid of
I collect a lot of Plato and a lot it does set so I have all kinds of kisses
I can fix it this is just regular
Plato we're gonna make some delicious pie
for whole of for and I'm Chris stop it all over their painstaking
every week even make something respect me
killed one delicious plate okay
and now with this one
going to use it rolling that I her had to play tonight
that I have ok skin
for Ste
now like I said you can use
any kind of food you want on your present picnic
you can use
you can even use real
just you on your elsa plate but if you want to watch me
have my plate a picnic we're going to make lots at different rates for
by the movie for them like this is going to be a really cool cake
and picking kinda than blue colours I think that looks more like snow and Mike
else is magic
I'm gonna make a lotta played
and of course we have to have light looks like snow
had to completely cover the K
lethal bite self staged
of the extra
and we have cute little wat
cake for my of the plate and
I'm getting cuter this is a
hold at o'hare just from to replicate it always
that makes different shapes I want I want star shapes and I'm not very good
at cutting
star shapes time using this that you can use
absolutely anything you want
still stuff stuff
scan so pretty want to look like Christmas
and Mike like frozen I love poses so much
love frozen toys I just I have all of them
I collect is an idiot okay
here is our frozen start K
what it looks like inside as a member we
like this
I think it came out wonderful now
using statistics to her I became issues anything
thank you in a mixer popsicles because
die I liked it that's because they're really fun to make
just a circle on a stick
very very easy to do
and now I want to decorate them just cuz I like to
every that when you're playing really doesn't matter
what your food looks like practice
right to the plane decorated
I'm gonna take it somewhere one
fairy anyway to decorate status to take us
say to that old
any shape artistic and then just
wrap it around doing with this for
it was really that doesn't it look cool
I just want to make some delicious looking chains
way rapid now
as white is just the perfect color per froze play
here say sleigh
and just kind of player I
suspects has
they just a wonderful and everybody like sprinkles
may their for the so you know like cops I thought that
else that and all out but like Maryland
years something
else that I her this okay I really like what
so I have this so play
for a that I can make playdough of us where you can make
any kind of it that you and your friends want to hang I just wanted to make one
cut them my cookie cutter
okay because the plane was good
for I will cut so far today
to go with waffle
have those away
some okay it's that maybe we could take on this picnic
if you have any idea for me to make next time
I want to have a frozen pitch completely a comet
and tell me what food should make I don't like you
this when I'm
as a weird K from really cool
what's this much would change really fast you can see everything so we spent
the video up
are you going to be really excited when you see it okay
a good old
have taken two colors that Plato and put them together
because when I growth and who makes a yummy sweets
cake isn't it cold
I'm really happy with the cake in
you know I will cut it so that there's
spots cases and everybody can have served
there we go
and ache so little
sleeves can go inside
sure hard
so we have K somewhat or
that high lollipops
and last week's
alright I had it got some time
getting ready for my picnicking Aaron Dell I had a
so let's fun playing with my Disney president picnic set
it you like present rates or want to play with this some more
just click on the link to stay on until K
Princess Anna Queen Elsa from Arendelle Disney Frozen Picnic basket cakes tea party - YouTube !!!
hey everybody you pay for P-twenty
we're having from Cincy thanks
low-yield sisters from Arendal am so he can
having creamy Tea Party India
yummy between basket shall we
opening all
gunsight I
also I
promote farm like tasty cookie
for today's party ok I
Brault keep eat ass
any classes ethelbert like the future
click I'll he will be called
on all here we call
eighth Avenue like a whole week Lokpal
he simply delicious cake SM Mac
have children popular in traffic
I'm is great in delicious
well it prolly cake for Esther she had to look
it house on the curb I order special picture
of don't you think can finally call
parole hand eeek
the plan we can't
on a pic eighty home and
ourselves to some real quick sweet
like could sister still well why don't we can't Kappa
key Hugo save one for me
%uh and
but we can't find for and
good is the compact out he is fine
for very nice poem
on him me to key
wealth you Nina
her inist cool school me
for you closed and Nikki
only like
and Chile
to try them love me delicious then you a cake
numb one young and %um
that Eastgate vicious it great K
and ok try
just chocolate sponge cake
cool names salty
skiing me eating each thank you for watching
see you next time
Modelling paste Easter basket cake topper for mini eggs fondant cake decorating tutorials - YouTube !!!
this video-content maximal East backs
it I'm gonna make them from for my campaign
how to do a pin code whenever they want
lawn I need these clothes mine
and now created a template which
hopefully shantelle was once cupcake
Prakash just a cupcake wrapper ass snipped
down one side and a cook secular bit out but
and not give me abroad shit from a basket now
a mistake he don't basket big at the cupcake
just take a little bit of I want to make a
a little bit smaller ike's I'll we can overlap it am
obviously circle on intimate tiny bit smaller stuff okay
now I shiny disco stick with Obama
I cutlass out
and Kat as well which makes a lovely family to try out
with a pink can just franchise muslim-held
I'll try much harder than using don't hunt public each day
a lot like set just cut a small amount of time it's quite fair
on dem camp feel
company next to meter something lol back to a meeting between Howard
out a little bit tracks just vegetable fat if it's a little bit hot
to discover without don't like really
then universalist that's what we're doing for flowers you need a little bit
think best tech so don't think he can see that there is something
K add I that using it around template
put around it and I of you can use
an all-round contact that a similar-sized
now he stretched we can use the footage that might try to fifty jets just made a
basket love path yet
fast hopefully it means a lot any jeopardy edges K
so that's obey farmer bascay
sir I'll leave that to one side midtech
aetna I'm not left
kneecap as we did %uh
heartfelt not somehow casting and Mike
cap any not can helped us but you can you tell me
perhaps summerall s international
such a relish out well it's just love it in animals
for the bay spawn how template him
to I'm price now Kelly around a template will fit on it as well
to this should be they cannot to make sure I
been missile down
you can add
I contacted him play or you can try and give it my friend
action on this night noob big former
basket that was the hike us this is just
I a bar to go to that bar online
in all different shapes patterns now
back to bed scruffy edge so I'm just gonna
pushed back to him camera much traction and brush
any matches are good care of it
smits mine my
template have time content and around
could cash archer's bow to made it aminika
cast on map attached to him
how strain bringing up
sir you know if it's signed fine
size fine against PBS amounts to be a little bit smaller
think try it yeah
see that
comes handy bit site I saw that fits a lot better I think
mirrors from above smart cops
me of it like aunt
so when she happy with their in a puddle above water honest but imagine on HIA
I'm gonna stick it to get here Interscholastic
I'm out because it's madeleine outpaced should keep its
shape without any happen okay so that's
and basic ap a chic ask each to take and
Mar pink modeling paste I'm just gonna ballot
Tom something shake trabajando
some workout land i won tech I hold in it in hock
this here sir
in hmm sized Anna now about the right height
man time sky champ time behind her and
and just over half back handled
Bay and just anchor
signed to move it my fingers
that should have injected
edges and ice cream
fund from meh madeleine pastries and set limits
left quite a bit special Anna you jeanine
refund and just keep Washington St nice shot hatch
that's gonna be
my hand on a into
about get that
is not gonna hold itself up so what we're gonna have today
is create the shake would like it to be
and then let pat dry and once dry
weakens touch into our basket
stuff like this dry hot with the handle
I'm just gonna Jesup & Pascale
so I just got some light Muslim pays you can just use kinda
damn I'm just using modeling paste and
around outlook Anna so gonna roll in to launch of its shape
around the house well and quite
fan to first base long has to handle
someone a chain max to and
am just gonna cook then stripped I'm in the Pantech
handle you don't have to put this on me fact that out to just wanna make shots
than a can handle itself
because you my friend yeah but the peace contact just cannot
small nap parted on Center r-ala
a hand are place
s cuss
account sent out an app just
power extra bits from head
up some don't like
out on my stick into and basket
the kind that ease
Efron I send texts to km
per fare
he can and just use love be found in
extra talk to someone today somewhat whereabouts are
handle to go between around
times to crime
about gonna stay in passed on it
to after Scott low bat na I
just gonna whack Mexico
McKillop tacky back say he can just use a bit ly licensed
K am which works well I just haven't got any major times
I'm gonna do it this way next time to him that is Marty
and tactics can become up
not too worried about going and
mailing meet me at the moment because many film bascay
little bits and pieces and push that
and pushing back
not gonna do now baskets on
polka dots reminiscent get it apartment acid element
ght much patch basket some input
bascay right side up polka dots home
handle me that mamet slightly with it not coming
yet just got plunger cutter and any use
and again you don't have to do said gosh managing
hats curfew
calcutta out get mcmichael to
just I'll remember things like that to me in a
inches another March back a bit
mistake a hunter
basque and %uh us and me Ana
polka dots my basket and
just cannot event right now and I like some taking why
just gonna I liked finna have and
he got like clay next year teaching is doesn't make it any easier for you if
you haven't
can't do it by hand you can also use Smita
well out chain getting a straight-line I'll be honest I find it difficult kind
of people find easy
to use this means they're just can't put
above water and very edge apartment
on the way and I'm monastic
to mike Mullen past just wrap
I'm something to put it down from Seth to do this
pretty much about seem a lot just gonna hush s
other way around push into each indentation easy a
to dinner access on track it down to stop with
and I'm just can use the back a knife to just gently
Kash and to reach now
back tease things
comment shall top apology cut scenes between
on kipnis and
in her twice a day there's just been attached
mom doing is on the way except pushing between each one like
gonna do the same now
across the top a basket for just gonna I'll last long
snake shape an atlanta-based again if you've got exchanger
icons actually being nice
even with all the way down case I'm just gonna burn water
across the stoppage basket again
he set up a plan
on the way some gonna stop just behind
an basket handle
lack push it along
the edge
just try and push into as well
cracks minute other way around
case had put back along the edge now what we're going to do
to NFL a basket lol class I'm gonna make
grass from some happy camper to got ready died
have already opened pack market cap system upgrade
and HC can see what one you sent it to ben Shahn Swan
bad economy it's not collide from a poet popular
green pack it's already happened sack
eloy yeah I don't have to stop bothering
damn just out gonna worry too much if it long enough to wear rhapsodic
fail half an idea
cut in half studies half basket halfback
just know but
on n
is just gonna Cup somebody's and
all the way lower to create a grass part
took place want to come out and just gonna another
lotta number to match dramatic power
crime and pushing and back a handbasket sex a lot but I'm smacked
down a bit start acting
around much much needed
I'm in China talk and
I'm basket
see Anthony just perks up
from the actual back okay
I'm gonna do the same it back so that's
front and back now I'm not gonna do now is just fell
basket he can pull anyone in the basket
this can use in the next gonna I said said just
kachuck Lancs and
ask I'm just back and I still each to get
and I'm cap
a how I can see that
top China and pop-up picture optimal
finished basket up front say thank you for watching
if you want
yeah I would like to see more please click on the images and the Invidia
suggested also
please do subscribe to my channel using the button on the bottom right hand
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you can also visit my cake apply to my facebook page to see more cakes
and ideas