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Make a Giant Cupcake Beach Bucket Cake - A Cupcake Addiction How To Tutorial - YouTube !!!
English (United Kingdom) English (United Kingdom)
Hello and welcome to Cupcake Addiction's Beach Bucket and Spade Giant Cupcake Tutorial where
I'll be showing you how to make this great beach bucket cake with spade using your giant
cupcake mold. Tools and equipment that we will be using
today: I've got my giant cupcake just on a bit of
a cake turntable or a lazy susan, we sometimes call them -- totally optional. I just find
it easier to show you guys how to do this with one.
I've got an iced cake board. I've got a great tutorial on how to ice a cake board on my
channel and I will leave links to that and our Giant Cupcake Basics in the description
box below. I've used our Giant Cupcake Basics Series to bake and stack my giant cupcake
and so my edible chocolate giant cupcake case which I've made using candy melts today instead
of the dark chocolate ones that I show you in my other tutorial. Obviously, you can make
those any color you like and you will end up with a different-colored bucket.
I've got some of our perfectly pipeable buttercream frosting which I've just popped into a piping
bag with, I think, that's a Loyal number 20 piping tip. It doesn't really matter. Any
piping tip will do. I've got a pair of scissors.
I've got a nice sharp knife. I've got an offset spatula. A regular spatula
or just a knife will do, the back of a knife. I've got a length of black liquorice strap.
I've got some red sour strap. Now, this is as long as I can find them. So I've got several
of those. They're going to need to go around the circumference of the giant cupcake. Just
bear in mind if you don't go with a red giant patty pan, you want to change your color of
sour straps to suit. Otherwise, you can also use rolled out fondant.
I've got some blue chocolate. Now this is just regular white chocolate and I've colored
it using a little bit of color-paste. Make sure that you don't use liquid if you're coloring
chocolate and you can of course also use candy melts.
I've got some ground up, just you can either crash them by hand. I've used a food processor
for this. But this is just regular shortbread style biscuits, so any sort of a biscuit that's
not chocolate. And it's going to give you that lovely sandy effect.
I've got a teaspoon. A zip lock bag.
And I've got here a baking tray. Now on that baking tray, I've got a piece of baking paper
or greaseproof paper that I've stuck on to a piece of regular paper. And on that piece
of paper is a picture of our lovely spade template. That's [all] located on my Facebook
page. I'll also leave a link to that in the description box below.
Let's get started. We're going to move this giant cupcake out
of the way. We're going to start off with this lovely
spade. Now I'm going to do it facing me just because it's a little bit easier for the piping
type work that we're going to be doing. So take your zip lock bag and that little spoon
and just spoon some of that blue chocolate into the zip lock bag.
If you've just come across our channel, please make sure that you go off and hit the Subscribe
button. We upload several times a week. We would absolutely love to welcome you into
the My Cupcake Addiction community. And if you subscribe, you won't miss a thing.
Alright, so I've got my lovely blue chocolate in that zip lock bag. And I'm going to take
my scissors and just cut off a bit of a corner there. So this is going to fashion it into
a bit of a makeshift piping bag for us today. Now with that piping bag, I'm going to trace
around the outer edges of this spade. Now on the handle of the spade, I want to go quite
a bit thicker than the handle showing there because it does need to support its own weight
in this cake. So I'm going to come down quite [aways] outside that initial handle that you
can see, really, on either side of that. And then coming across. Don't make this top bit
too thick, your actual, I guess, the little sides of the top of the spade. You don't want
to make them too thick. With the handle, you do want the chocolate on the handle to be
quite thick so really make sure you give in a good squeeze. Don't be too shy with the
chocolate because it does have to support the weight in your cake.
So you can see there, I've got quite a few little ridges and bumps and all sorts in my
spade. And I'm going to show you how (Inaudible
on a tray. You need something nice and solid. You can also use a book or something like
that. But it needs something nice and solid so that when you give it a couple of good
taps. What you get there is a nice, relatively straight spade.
So what I'm going to do from here, I'm going to use just my finger now. You can also use
a knife. It's going to go [around] the edges of that spade. And just neaten it up.
Alright, so there we've got our spade handle, ready to go. I'm going to go and pop that
off into the fridge until it is completely set.
While our spade handle is setting, we're going to do a little bit of work with our giant
cupcake and get it ready for spading. So, I've got the giant cupcake back over here
where you can see it. And I'm going to start off by taking that piping bag.
I've got a little bit of a gap here in between... I've used chocolate ganache on this one. But
in between the top layer of cupcake and the ganache and the top of the patty pan. So I
want to close that up. I'm going to use my piping tip and I'm just going to squeeze it.
I'm squeezing it quite firmly so that it not only sits on the cupcake, it also kind of
pushes into any of those gaps, just really fills them in, giving us a nice, neat and
smooth side to work with. Now, with my giant cupcake, I will also mention,
I didn't crumb coat this because I wanted to show you. I've just carved off the pointy
tip because I want a nice rounded sandy bucket. If you wanted to do like little mounds in
there, you could if you want it to look like little sand hills. But certainly take the
top off it off so that it's not looking like a giant cupcake. It's now more looking like
a little bit of sand. Alright, now using my offset spatula or the
back of your knife -- always use the back of your knife, it's just a smoother finish
-- I'm just going to kind of crumb coat it. But my top of my giant cupcake doesn't actually
have that many crumbs on it so there's not too much to be done in this crumb coat.
Alright, now with the sides, I'm going to take that spatula and I just want to smooth
out the sides. And I actually want to smooth them out not on an angle with the cupcake.
I want to smooth them out quite straight against the cupcake. So you've always got like a little
wall. A little bit more frosting on the top just
to cover up some of those black bits. Not that it really matters this one because it's
going to have sand all over it anyway. Alright now, next stop, we just want to add
our sour straps. Now the sour straps are really going to make, I guess, like the lip of the
bucket, and they're going to lift up the sides of our giant cupcake a little bit so that
it is looking a little bit more bucket-like than like a giant cupcake with sand on top
of it. So you want to start it as close to the top
of the giant cupcake case just covering it because you want to give it as much height
as possible. But you do need to just cover that line of, I guess, where the cupcake and
the giant case join. And if your frosting is nice and fresh and just been spread on
as our as has, it should just stick to the frosting.
So you can see there, we've got our first one. If you do get any of these little sort
of -- I don't know -- lips sort of coming up. We'll attach it with a little... You can
just fix it up by attaching it with a little bit of melted chocolate. Mine seems to be
okay. So I'm going to just meet up the next one. Now unfortunately, this is the only length
that you can get sour straps here in Australia. So if you do live somewhere where you can
get a nice, beautiful, long sour strap that goes along in one seamless wrap. That is even
better. Now I've got just a little gap that needs
to be filled there so just grab those scissors. Measure out how much ruffly you need, just
cut a little extra. Now, we want to take those cookie crumbs.
And you do want to do this while the frosting is still all relatively fresh on there because
once it starts to... Once it's in the air for about
minutes, it will start to
form a little crust. So when you can get it as sticky as possible, that's fantastic.
This is the messy part. So just...those crumbs just on top and just press them down. You
don't really want them falling off the cake as you get it out to the [venue]. So I like
to just put them on top and press them around. You can see how lovely and sandy-like they're
looking there. And they're also making the hugest mess. I think a little tidy up might
be what I... As you get to the edges, just pop your hand there and that will help you.
You can kind of damp the sand in there and then swipe it back up. It just saves a little
bit of the mess and saves it getting all over that sour strap or whatever it is that you've
used -- if you've used fondant or modeling chocolate around there.
Alright, I just give it a nice little pat off to make sure that you've got it all nice
and stuck to the frosting. And then if you want, you can just put on, I guess, a bit
of an overcoat just to, so that it's not so neat and perfect. Press it up with your fingers
a little bit so that it actually looks like proper sand and not like you've smoothed it
off too much. Okay, so I'm back and things are looking a
lot neater than they were a couple of minutes ago. I've also retrieved our lovely spade
handle from the fridge. And I just want to show you, once it's set, it will literally
just come away from that greaseproof paper. You shouldn't need to peel it off or anything
like that. It will just almost already be lifted off it. So there's our little spade
handle ready to go. Now what we want to do before we insert our
spade handle is we're going to use this liquorice strap as a bit of a bucket handle. Now, once
again, this was the only thing that I could find that was long enough. If you had long
twizzlers or if you had [Wanka] straps that were going to be sufficiently long enough,
that's fantastic. So what I want to do is I just want to make
sure that I'm really joining that up on both sides of the cupcake. You don't want it to
be too far forward or too far back. So I've pre, sort of, measured it and I just want
it to be kind of hanging down underneath that sour strap. And we're going to use a little
bit of... red chocolate would be better but I ran out of red chocolate making my giant
patty pans so I'm just going to use a bit of that blue that we've already got in the
zip lock bag. And I'm just going to pop some blue chocolate,
not too much. I don't want it to seep out. So a bit of blue chocolate on either of that
black liquorice strap. And just position it down. [I'm just] going to do it a little bit
this way because I've got a join on the sour straps and I don't really want to stick it
on a join. So I'm just going to turn it this way a little bit. And I'm going to attach
one piece there and one piece there. So that's actually touched on to the sour strap. I'm
going to hold those for a few seconds just to let that chocolate kind of become a little
bit tucky. I'll turn it around for you. It 's a little bit hard to see with this camera
angle so I'll definitely be putting up some great still shots of the finished product
so that you can see from a side view what it all looks like.
Alright, I'm pretty sure that chocolate's going to hold. If you can hold it until it's
fully set. It's always better. And I'm going to kind of risk it and just keep going with
the tutorial. So, if you happen to have a shell mold...Alright,
now shell molds are so easy to come across. They sell them in almost all kitchenware shops,
all cake decorating shops. They also sell premade shell chocolates. So I've just made
a couple of just white chocolate shells. You can make them any color you like. And I'm
just going to kind of pipe a little bit of a line around the bottom.
This is a bit of an optional extra so you don't need to. I just think it kind of neatens
up the bottom of the giant cupcake. And if you've got the shells, it's just a really
nice little extra touch in there. They're really easy to make.
I really want to try and show you, guys, some other ways to use your giant cupcake mold.
(Inaudible 11:42) hates with all cake decorating stuff is when, you know, people feel like
they've got a [some or] tool for everything. So the more uses you can get out of our tool,
the better. So I'm just going to spread out some of that sand. Beautiful.
Now, I want the bucket handles to really be the front of my cake. So I'm just going to
take some of those shells, kind of scatter them around in that and just push them right
into that buttercream frosting. So I'm just going to scatter some around like they've
just been collected at the beach there. Alright, so we've got a couple of just little assorted
shells. Now finally, before you go insert in your
handle, your spade handle, just take your sharp knife and just make a little incision
because we really don't want to break that. So I want to insert it into a bit of an angle
on the side and sort of facing forward. So it's going to go... You can see here, I'm
just going to make a small incision. I sound like a doctor, a doctor of cake.
Alright, make a small incision and you really want to make sure that you push that spade
handle down into that lovely incision -- nice and gentle with it. You don't want to break
it. Alright, so there you have your giant bucket
and spade cupcake. That's ready to go for your next beach-themed party.
I really hope you've enjoyed this tutorial. Stay tuned for lots more from My Cupcake Addiction.
Thanks very much for watching.
Beer Bottle Cake Tutorial - YouTube !!!
everybody was married in and welcome to the show and today is fathers day today
first and it is just an indicator and we're expecting we're expecting her
first and so I wanted to make him something really special and something
that would really like so they're shooting generally less beer yeah you
know the box office before but I don't think so I thought it would be fun to
try out how to make like a beer keg with like the sugar bottle
sugar sugar and then just require a change of camber kit so what did you
think this was cool yeah no I don't remember ever seeing your father say I
don't know
but I never noticed and I something and this is really what it's it's crazy look
at the detail on here and see me and stuff like that idea that something is
really sweet you know he claimed I think I think it's really cool so he could
have this kind of like set up but if you want to make both of these cakes this
could be linked to the gas people this could be just like you know I wish and
you are part of my Patriarchate in the description sheet oriole for he and I
step video tutorial burger cake for free otherwise you gotta pay
bucks for it
this tutorial and like so much to do
all right let's go ahead and get started with making this cake here and we start
with my my cake is chilled in the refrigerator so that it's facing from an
eye toward them on top of my turntable but you could pre toward them you want
to and I'm feeling this cake with orange and cream butter cream which I really
really like really likes and that is actually just like daily cruises
American buttercream recipe mix with crumbled up or Oreo cookies and it just
takes like exactly like a milkshake think it's delicious and this is a
marble cake so it's just like my chocolate cake and my cake recipe marble
together and that recipes available on the web
my website under the recipes imagine that they're just continue to stock tort
and fill with buttercream and I'm just using a regular given to dive to thwart
my cake that's what I prefer I really like how he handles but she could talk
with whatever you want to
the cake handles really well because it's been sold if this was like a fresh
out of the oven KK would probably crumble and I'm just moving now
buttercream leftover filling park and no point a piece of plastic wrap over my
turntable to sort of catch some Crohn's could trim this kick down a little bit
we want this to be the shape of a bucket so about halfway down just trimming off
like a very very like sliver amount of cake because you don't really need to
trim a whole lot
to start looking like a bucket give it a slight so you
don't have to Lake do anything drastic and I didn't chill this before I started
cutting I just went ahead and started cutting it because the tickets already
show the plastic wrap kinda catches all of our tix groups and stuff
clean and I'm applying a crumb coat this is something that I always do is just a
thin layer of buttercream around the the cake to kind of Ceylon all those all of
the end and tried killing of the buttercream so that when we apply our
next layer of buttercream we don't have any cake crumbs stock and are outside
Dillingham cold cream coat and this is just like just very very thin doesn't
are you can really see the case through the buttercream is just posed to be
something that just seals in the crimes and it also seals in moisture so this
just it's a great thing if you need to put your kickback in the refrigerator
for a few hours once you become code on their your kicks not going to dry out so
this was back in the refrigerator for actually overnight I'm applying myself
or buttercream and I always start with the cop just moving it out and training
in kind of doing the same motion over and over again just got my buttercream
get level and then I go ahead and add another layer of buttercream to the
sides but my offset spatula to actually get to specialists from peace report all
his rapport à la cama really like their their spatulas and their bags like
Raymond everything they have not like the perfectly now we're going to scrape
down the sides this is my actually my girl cakes gigantic bench scraper so
it's really great for these talk aids and I'm just angling that just adjusting
to keep that in all that we cut into the cake going and scraping off the excess
and kind of spackling in buttercream back on and scraping it off
I might put in an authentic you know like you would sparkle wall just in case
you've ever sparkle the wall you'll know exactly how to do this process
just moving out the lumps and bumps so now we're gonna make some ice cubes are
some melting ice and all this is just clear my small but I get from City Cakes
on its website but it didn't leaks in the description at the premade I small
but super easy super duper easy to use just melted down in a park or in the
microwave and I'm pouring these into a brownie silicone mat so it's safe for
heating up to
degrees or something like that that's just fine for using
Isilon and makes these great cubes and an extra I'm pouring onto us to use a
sort of pillar ice crushed ice cream later that cool make the sugar bottles
to use this medicine cone and we're going to pour some ice melt down into
that and the link to where you can buy this particular mold is in the shop as
well the first thing you do is you know secure them all together with former
band and I'm going to use some masking tape to make sure that the seal is nice
and tight because the first time I did this the ice was not so great that we're
going for
feel kind of the home all together with masking tape and more rain and again I
got this I small from stomach aches and she gave me this perfect brownie ice
melts I didn't have to color it or do anything special to it I just melted
down in my pocket
and that was it I was gonna pour directly into the hole and I'm not down
about probably like two cups so basically fill this cavity you really
careful obviously no more bring yourself this is like
agree I small cavities
all full just poor excess out back into the pot still tops basically and just
hold you over the pot forever and going to just places on top of the year to
finish dripping until school takes probably are not like
minutes or so
far too cool but I just do other stuff well it's like moving in our ice cubes
that we made so after I you remove them from the silicone mat and when I
actually should be with us and Pete Campbell a torch expensive like
or something and these are great for kind of clearing up the surface of the
ice adult I'm just gonna get a little softer surface so instead of them being
used cloudy ice cubes now they're like super clear actually the amazing sugar
artist Ewald Notter I saw him do this on I think I was like just like oh my gosh
amazing so this is our excess I smiled at her silicon mat sold firmed up and
I'm just cracking into some pieces this is going to be basically her fill our
and you can reuse this ice and also you didn't use it all for this project you
can put it into a bag industry melted keeper using its pretty amazing stuff
reason I'm using my small set of real sugar is because it doesn't crystallize
as much as sure does but we're not really gonna eat this is mostly looks
nice and clear the sugar cubes are I start to really keep clear to life in a
minute do is spray the Sugarcubes with a little bit of vegetable oil and this
just keeps the humidity out of them and stop them from getting cloudy and
crystallized you now that our bottles are all set up we're going to remove our
rubberband your bottle doesn't turn out like I said you can always break it down
and rebuilt enough I totally fine of all of our tape carefully start pulling back
the the top part of the mall you know when I just rip it off just going to
kind of get me started loosening things feel the top offer you there were no
certain losing the sides and do the same thing with the bottom piece and then
we're gonna make three of these so I just kind of have my Sugar Minott I
smile inside the other in that spot three hundred degrees so that by the
time I'm old as it up and ready I got my ice and already melted down still hot
ready to pour into the mold again and then I just put the party back into the
other and after her degrees make sure you use gloved to pick up the pot bring
your hand and keep things kind of efficient and that of course spraying
the bottle with the vegetable oil keeps it from getting cloudy and makes it nice
and shiny
it was I was kind of amazing first time I did this I was like wow that was way
easier than I was be that would allow the bottom that's totally fine
for this are you smiling chocolate and i actually buy mine from sweet tactic is
in the description and I like their modeling chocolate just because it is
just like the perfect consistency for ruling things out it's like firm but
really pliable how she does it it's kind of anything but I just taking a little
bit of the white and the little bit of the brown and I'm making eight light
brown chocolate marble this with the dark brown to kind of make a marbled
would look like about equal amounts I'm just gonna break them into logs I guess
back onto each other
roll down twice to roll it again
twisted but this is kind of like how you marble something you could do this with
fondant to create this really cool marble pick me and I actually learned
this from my really good friend on cakes she did this with funded I was like wow
that's really cool textured look happy with it you can start rolling this out
with it probably are but the width of you know you would find in the venture
and the Chocolate Chunk what's really good about accepting textures better
than fondant those so I like using this match is actually a wood Matt Wood Green
Madoff used for ceramics but it works really good cake decorating obviously
I'm just putting them at that X amount onto the chocolate cookie sheet and put
it to the fridge to firm up cuz it's only thought right now so i'm not
spamming up let's go ahead and prepare bored you get prepared as any way you
want you had some special oil or paper whatever you want to use that I just
happened to have this like tissue paper then I really thought was cute so I'm
just putting that over my board because like a
inch square I'm just holding
the edges over in securing them down with tape masking herb packing tape just
pulled into corners over like you would a president like barely had enough room
to cover the edges with paper cutting it close but I really want to use that
paper so was determined to make it work
covering everything should be on some phone features while I always put from
feet on the bottom of my boards so that when you go to pick the board up it's
easy to get your fingers underneath your competition KK actually mark you down if
you don't have your board raised up off the ground was a poster board with the
word form or chilled cake covered in a layer of bonded to this is just my own
fondant recipe that I use all the time
dyed brown just in case you're wondering about the new will I used two
tablespoons of water and set of three and what I'm doing a lot of food
coloring actually only do one tablespoon of water and then food coloring so that
it's just not too soft
the new wellness very soft new powdered sugar lumps in their gotta sit that part
of german girl it onto your really gonna go ahead and draped over are prepped and
iced cake sticking to it a little bit
squished together basically covering everything anyways that big of a deal
to hear ice bucket one of those things like on the spur of the moment I was
like I'm going to do this I don't know if it's actually like necessary but it
going to Texas with the exact and I remember you can save your fund it even
if you were to mess up and Terrell this on and off the cake you couldn't save
that finding reuse it is no need to get rid of it I just put my back in a
plastic bag so now we're gonna go ahead and attach are chocolate flats to the
outside of this cake so first thing to do is cook my entire surface of finding
a little bit of water to get sticky cuz I want my chocolate too sick to make it
good and you can use piping jealousy 12 but water works fine
you need to make sure it can be taller than your cake so I was like six inches
tall by 6 inches tall so about an inch taller than however told your cake is so
that's how I told you want to be but first you you wanna make a nice straight
edge cutter was quite firm now this chocolate so quite Press quite heard
quite a lot of marking the six-inch mark with a tool get my height correct cut
off the excess
easier to control and I can just kinda like snap off the top to do you measure
using the width of the ruler as I was just kind the easiest thing to do and I
just kept on going until I use my entire piece chocolate actually like just
enough I don't know how I did that it was like guests exactly how much they
need it but if you're good at math you could probably calculate exactly how
many of these lads you needed but I mostly just guess you need to do is just
shave off a little bit of a sliver halfway down each slat because these are
going to attach to the cake at an angle so we need to make can't be perfectly
square gotta be sort of like manner on the bottom as they are in the top so
that when we leave them side by side they match up perfectly onto the cake
about so much if there's a gap between this is a local city you're realistic
kind of you know wouldn't bucket so much with getting the slats perfect
continuous flat roll out a piece of great fondant long skinny people briefed
on and probably about you know thirty inches long or so and I use my Wilton
ribbon cutter cut about an inch thick white piece of ground into this is just
gonna wrap around the slats gonna look like a piece of metal realism trim down
one edge a roll this up into when I always be covers like fruit by the foot
roll if you're really young you probably don't get that but you're older than
you know that
hold together to create the look of
and I just put one dot her lack of story now it's time to assemble but some of
our broken icing on the bottom
bottles inside and the label label for your bottles the link to where you can
buy them and print them out as in the description but if you're watching this
on my picture on page then that was part of your downloadable materials if you
were $5 patron or better if not then you can go buy it or you can make your own
that I'm just pushing the be part of the bottle into the cake and then I'm just
putting some ice cubes behind the bottles to keep them from falling over
weight nothing bottles are super light
arrange them how everything looks good
basically secure with ice cubes last thing I want to do is just paint the
very top of the bottles with a little bit of silver lustre dust mixed with
vodka just kind of makes them look a little bit more realistic
if you purchase the hamburger cake tutorial you could make one of those to
go with it or you can just serve the bucket up as is but that's awesome and
here is the finished Thursday cake with the labels that you can purchase on my
Etsy links down in the description or you can get them if European my picture
on this also in the early bird cake tutorial you can buy my Etsy or if
you're a patron and you got it for free
hope you guys enjoyed my tutorial on Father's Day cake epic Thursday cake I
sure enjoyed making it I'll see you guys next time thanks so much for watching
IUD that bottle honey
me too sugar so right
3D Champagne Bottle Ice Bucket Cake Tutorial - Sample - YouTube !!!
I set up
my as rush system so I have here
every gun that he's
in work with gravity safe I feel my colors and talk
it will just all done by gravity and he just wasn't a channel
and then when I push to button which and then when the pair will pick up to
paint and no spree so I'm using this for
airbrushing purpose show colors I have
water only four plate and then
to make this colors a lighted yellow
green and black
so I'm gonna use does for it
plain color which is torture and make ticklish lighter
yellow green different tones and in black
so let's talk about this one little bit so
what I see over here why I prepare those goes because I can see here
as a medium tone green there's a yellow here it makes a little bit of
of also bringing site and then on the very edge
there's a bit of darkness which I used its like the
black in that then I have some the reflections of Windows
whenever this bottle has been taking a photo
there was a window there but every time there's been no
it reflects on the shiny surface it makes it shine even that
people ice shiny because of the restrictions of the some like points
so I liked definitely the go on this point
and then create that that little spot on the local to make this shiny look
so where do I do that if I place my bottle here
so is this you got to see it is a goal coverage yet
which is not going to do something here and also this label will go up here
which is doing here so I can only do it on this on this
only on this age which is about about here so
first I will turn the cake into the position
that is the won't and I like to see my a shiny beat
exactly in this spot so I'll take this
the colorful seven she does I can see because very small piece I'll cut
and I'm gonna cut this strike here it actually
slightly shake or influenced by that
bottle shaped so just got this strike like this and then
apart little bit more you like this so there's no window
is dat that shop at the end I just cut
like this and then this is David the upper part
little part and I guessed it middle section here is the bar of the wind up
so sprayed with water here its
and this part is I like to have it because
is a set blog de gaulle coming here and a label coming here
so that should be the right spot just like this
yep that's right
okay I'm pretty happy make sure this
everywhere sticky does not get otherwise the did this straight-talking between
that stop so no I'm going to
is identified here I start from that yellow color
on the search Ste
but you press it only the air comes off and I went up a little bit back
the paper of and defense so much a
pushed back then I have this much of a close-up that's good
so that I take it out stuff similar state to be closer
and I will create that medium medium-range ok to greet
lil bit more trivia kissed
Ste shoes
sheesh she shots
scotch sheesh
she she I look so it's also a test
should rightish bit more like ish great those different tones
on the selfish okay now I'm gonna Goldman dockery
there certainly church
as I see that just right after the yellow sauces
sheesh she hi she huh and I
dan it. I would go a little bit more blackish
on this idea and completion the pic speech
I leave the gravesite ended up like insights to make it just watching Doctor
shoes and if they're going to look at part and see how this looks like and we
can also spray something
in the quiet she should reassure
Sean Preston much just slowly she hi which
she I
I think I mean I will not leave me alone so you
shoes she think it is just that
whole thing is a bit more yellowish short just more or less
yeah I would be more now
this this pp sis
show as issue that appears to be to watch some just gonna go
little strike you green Ste
she so
that green about of the bottle I will just
leave it like it is d quite happy with this one so I can see that
labeling is will be just right scored demanding or talk
do do
Decorating with Cake Boss Part 1 - YouTube !!!
alright so now your cakes baked this time
trim the top torah Judaism just gonna alright through this cake
I go easy it's important to love you cakes because you want to be nice
even for the stack it up sure pushes to decide
so now that I got my board right put my keycard
started here now with Philip
they're pretty much a stick filling their
now we have that you take our life gonna spread it out a little bit
when you're trying to spread icing out just try to push you with the tip Mason
easy back and forth just use the tape take that
four-foot the know when we fill
for top-tier bada bing bada boom alright so now we're kicking Phil
it's time to do
ice okay what are the important things to make good
cake decorator is a turntable and I love this one because at the end of the day
it's easy to use it storm all it can be to turn table using it to decorate a
or you can lock in conservative foreign on that's like having your cake and
eating it too
%uh alright now we're going to take our big here
and I'm just go to school he is
the ice in around would squeeze in the big
it's a pressure control techniques I wish I could tell you by watching this
video you can work to do it
it takes time you have to do it a couple times but if you notice
I do not move my hand I just spin the turntable put a little bit in the middle
now wanna take or bone knife or spatula my call it home
we are gonna ices baby of turntables gonna do
all the work look gently use a spatula
talk to it caress it you my friend nice n Easy
to top first come to the sides
again slowly and gently greedy
psychic yoga okay
well let me tell you something it's harder I ciskei perfectly smooth
than is the cover this cake and followed up that I can promise you
we'll get to that in a minute the other trick do I tell people all the time
people say despondent taste good wall I have about a quarter-inch thick
I sit around I see this kinda like the group which is going to make the final
votes tech
we want to go with dick pic I see didn't in fond of
and it does not affect the taste the cake at all so right now as I have like
a little poster board right
smooth it out their poor the top for were looking for
now is to be nice level so we put farm no we're not gonna have a problem
now we're refrigerate this Miller come back and do too fond of
so they let me go mike takes in the fridge my father already
I am going to role of for I like going out with cornstarch
could use powdered sugar absolutely am what's great about
what up to go is my phone no more descend on stickball your day
rolling and and comes with different size
little overall was here and use that this all
know that movies always for kick coverage it's going to make the font on
inch dick this toll really really helps you
for those you don't know if I'm not as come like should've played I'll
really take shower cake decorating up for all the love of
see-saw get this all lacy can't even look down
and see the Warriors a touching the table
just like that perfect just lifted off
table make sure it's good smell your cake ready
gonna do is work take our Father wait for
right over the cake like that take a smoother
always with top first place
nice who long to just kind of like
Paul increase same time you wanna pull down too much because then it'll
riff Electric is newest first using falwell
feel your cake later spent the indicate
is yours to call for the toll road is
the harness so for the beginning is out there should
the Droid 2 do it didn't take problems about three inches tall
this year's about four-and-a-half finest
on the cake boss I could do that no tags know you got this nice and smooth
a stack it up a show you my wishlist
can because we love you it
Popcorn Movie Cake Tutorial - CAKE STYLE - YouTube !!!
i think is I'm she ABC Ekpe tonight
a movie thing completely caramel popcorn
I love caramel popcorn I think everybody does and so we're going to enjoy this
delicious cake
and show you how we made it now this is how the skate it to make a little
where we going to play birthday boy's neck so got a cap in black fondant
accent I lies to its hand I'm gonna roll and huh
out squish need
go to thing on me because it does need to stay
slightly upright coming along
just making it a little bit smaller one direction
million simply take an exacto crops not
god damn bit less than a centimetre
only about a quarter in each and then we just gonna allow this to try
once s try I'm going to cut it and let it is practiced a boy's name
%uh gonna little cookie cutters the fun because the names fairly short
he have a longer than you might decide that you wanna hi with my life
instead my going for be in at this time
and then just caitlin is getting a little regal
and just and he's the end up a paintbrush
just gently pop much all analysis
now I'm not to line them up
first before I could and should one just like get spicy
vigilant want to have that
and just take a little bit should google and just lifting up the letters
very carefully and he spots
tests and glue and then put them back to him
ruling out a long p I'm going to use that
to make a little arrow shape said top the clipboard
I case and how we have along upon
that headed up into smaller sections
we're going to need six in total and basically they don't like bill
high-rise something online the Moxie
I can get nice three Indiana an international
you as well as a little crop not and we're just trying not the ages
make in touch with some sugar girl
now asking allow this to dry
so while I'm clapboard is resting gonna get Donna
take I'm bank a giant cupcake Cup giant cupcake pan
and I'm still mired in a little bit and then stacking up until cronkite
first so the first thing I'm gonna do is just
take off very very top just to make it a little bit more level
and then I'm gonna go ahead and put a feeling liar
now while I'm still cutting
this particular one I just wanna change shape this time just a touch
so messed up by taking off the chart and I'm just gonna shade
damn we did this Texas
Justin is not quite as much gap between the base and the tall
an outline take a turntable
I just want to use these not an easy and Kate plant
I'm gonna tactic sack and to feel tax
little bit I
India never gonna take best shot
taking second half and then hank
on top
talented same again
for a second one brush up any with crimes
wanna of the cake and I just gonna set
on top taking them on a crane can we just get it to you
nice little crown clutch on the whole cake
and that will help to see you in the incident dry happens
thanks I like to try and keep it very very top on
no uncrowned for as long as possible just to get myself a little spot to hold
now that I have preached time to get a good coat
so it's gonna didn't bite and work top
because we don't want that to be done and limited now popcorn on
months ago lawman
which is going to come back and great hit with
scrapie yeah remembering to keep it a slight
angle so just one to keep it so that the bottom is a little bit skinny and
Hall because we use
beautiful but a crane looking ahead now and cover
respondents right away now rolling at San
what on dat am already freemen she might take a little bit earlier
before it had bought a crane on and needed to be
about four inches high and and its widest point
top it around $
around so wanna make it a little bit wideout
hola and four inches because only a slight Hakimi
to make it easier to cover any you have watched out loud pop latham
right do the same wrapping technique and modeling chocolate
you know that I just want to give it a little bit helps to do that
hit from told wuyda too skinny like
fell into a creek measure and we've got
no problems there gonna do just come alongside
create a slight huh
and they're not coming back in measuring so many now top section T
she's I'm for about twenty wanted to be on the safe side
and then I'm gonna measure
now for Anaheim because I'd rather have too much than too little
campaign you a slightly smaller rolling pin one of the lucky ones that I E is
after doing sugar flowers and the small and I'm just gonna roll it up all night
you know put this up here we can't let go with that products get messy as I do
the body cream and we just been pressed up against the side of the cake
trying to make the abortion
Linea okay now coming
i'ma so we can see we've got a good article at just gonna
Rob impressive onto the cake came down and take crops not
am just gonna treatment back to where they joining
I can see where the dent yes
just slowly and gradually cut through that just pressed us together
now just gonna
how this did hanging around but I'm just going to you
given to the press get a feel
away the top of the cupcake he is and then we just going to trim around
he worried just how a little bit less you can always keep coming back
now this is where you can take an assortment
our last meeting had whatever you want to use to smooth it now
you know we all know that I love that only what Laxmi this
company's wholly two-line an just to go around and press
and make sure that the pond attaching well to the buttercream
not ruling out some bread
to make astronauts and I've using a
laminating sheets which you keep watching Valentino I love these things
and I like them because something like this you have to make quite a few days
and me cake decorating sometimes the longest things
our little things like these waihee comic in a big batch
drying out and no crack if we get them on Gate II anchee
from office supply flights and in that way
he can use that dominated obviously late as like a little pocket
and it's the handiest being knife and to protect you funded
so that he can do the section and then chop block
so now I'm using a Monte proven cut-up if he don't have one
eighty can use a pizza cutter and just measure across
out although management are in the materials list down below us to check
that out
and I'm just gonna roll and makes them more stripes
and we need chemo cut the bottom of
and I just wanna make them about Porsche side
now taking some sugar glue
you can be. blew all clear alcohol to do the state
we won't come along and just put some glue
onto the cake itself now we know
we want pre-strike where st. yes could be one hot
at and then we just gonna come along touching
abortion slowly going up
and giving it a little trim on top
we just might come on always paint ashley blue again
and then attaching
and now that would put us drops on get ready to put the right thing on the top
to do I'm right boorda I'm gonna be easing
clay extruder I absolutely love these doing right thing
him on the craft stores there around twenty or thirty dollars
and this one I actually more than that for because its
really good makings brand and I love it
and basically what you need to do is just wall a little sausage
Avant poppin break up your excess
and I'm just using the largest circle that they had
and he just wished
now to comply
little bit should lead to the top
lonely gently arrested
coming around when you reach the end just wanna give it a little sneak
where is it with your
now I lasted nice fund's debt
is just sad cut to a degree
and then apply whole out delicious caramel popcorn
now it's time to stop sprinkling
tiny advice and we just gonna work our way
%uh and around
we can play set clapboard on now that is completely dry
and eat we have out who the heck if you have a cake idea that you would like to
see us create
leave a comment below you can also follow us on Facebook tweeter
and Instagram and you can't leave this message is on what you would like to see
in our next lesson
Celebration Beer Barrel Cake - YouTube !!!
everyone to demonstrate this year they're OK and you can actually risen
here so we had to start off I have my pistachio cake batter and I'm going to
inch round cake pans with parchment paper and fill them with my
pistachio cake batter and I'm going to make these at
degrees for about
minutes you'll know when the cake is ready when a toothpick inserted in
the center comes out clean while it takes a cool and I am boiling one and a
half cups of water with two and a half to three cups of sugar and I'm letting
do get to die hard ball stage we're going to use the sugar mixture to make
some sugar ice cubes for our cake if you don't have a candy thermometer you'll
know when the sugar mixture is ready when you drop the ball into cold water
and it stays brittle in the cold water when the sugar mixture reaches the heart
bastage immediately poured onto an ice cube tray make sure that you greased ice
cube tray with vegetable shortening I used vegetable spray and it kind of
colored my ice cubes yellow in the end so you might want to stick with white
vegetable shortening if you want to keep might clear ice cubes and also at this
point if you want to add color or colors such as blue color the ice cubes any
other color you can add that now then poured onto the ice cube tray and let it
cool in the fridge not that my kids have completely cooled I have leveled them
and I'm going to fill them and stack them
I insert my dolls for the bottom of the cake and I continue onto the top part of
my cake what I did for the top part of my cake is when I leveled it for three
of the layers I cut out a six inch circle in the center of each case so
that we have a big indentation in the middle then I stacked and I saw them
together after I've cum coated fault cakes with my buttercream I am stacking
them together and then I'm going to give them a final layer coating of chocolate
ganache the ganache that's a better and firmer than butter cream so it's good to
use it for sculpted cakes and kicks are you really want to hold their shape if
your gonna start to get to harder clumpy Deborah spatula and warm water and that
should soften it up a bit once they finish has said it's time to start
rolling up the fun didn't so I'm holding off some brown fondant I'm going to
start by covering this cake and sections so I start off by covering the top part
of the cake first if the ganache is too hard just grab a brush and some water
and brushed over the cake before applying the fondant over it I am role
in the funding over the cake and pressing into the hole so that it gets
inside the indentations and into all the creases and an unjust smoothing it out
with my hands I've measured out how wide and long I need the strip funding to
cover the perimeter of my cake and I'm going to do this in two sections what
I'm doing right now is describing a little fun didn't rule and creating some
wood grain detail on to the funded
I start off by rolling one half of this trip over one-half of the bottom part of
the cake and then I rolled other half over the other part of the King one that
completely covered the cake and smooth the fund an hour I am driving my little
fun tonight and create and strips around the barrel so that it looks like actual
wood strips around the cake then with some food colors that I've mixed up I
mixed up some brown copper and burgundy I've dilute it with a little bit of
almond extract and I am just brushing this around the cake to give it all
really nice stained wood color to give it a little more life and a little sheen
to it I am spraying it with some gold color mist spray from Wilton then I'm
gonna be my black joke color and just rushing around randomly to give it a
nice distressed look now with some black fondant I created from thin strips and
I'm going to add one at the top
leave in a half inch of space and at the bottom leave in a half into space as
well with the end of my background piping tip I'm adding circles around the
barrel and I've added a nice little Victorian looking label in the center of
the front of the case
now since I have been setting up in the fridge for quite a while I'll let them
out at room temperature for about 10 minutes and they should pop right out I
did spray the train with vegetable oil they're kind of oil these funds is going
to put them in on that and just wipe off all that oil I've also made some sugar I
start fun just going to break it into little pieces now I'm going to add my
ice shards and ice to inside of the barrel
for a final touch I made some ropes and I'm to spraying them with a little bit
of gold colored spray and I am going to add this as the border for the bottom of
the cake
are beautiful beer barrel is complete then they label which you can add
whatever you want their fit for a birthday or any time and any preparation
you can add that I'm the little label we made the beautiful ice cubes made out of
sugar never melt and we gave it that ninety wood grain texture it looks like
an actual beer barrel have left to do now is your favorite beer or wine bottle
of champagne bio anything one adding here finishing touch
A Day at the Beach Sand Pail Cake Decorating - YouTube !!!
know summer is upon us and I have the perfect summer cake for you we are gonna
a couple at beach back its in the San everything to make each other think so.
for on top wanna so to start we need some RAM case
I have a fix it ran here any five-inch around
okay so we're going to make a small bucket here and then I've got a sixth
and aid in a minute steak over here you can also we have a
have a seventy
age I'm but it doesn't really matter we're going to start down
me okay self start with the small ones
may just get the top of here
and turn making it level
you need a round circle the places I'm
I have a six inch car point here just for a little bit about a clean my and
people here you can either cut these in half in film if you want you just need
to make sure that you have a really good
stiff buttercream damn for the feeling and just remember
you are gonna card in a little bit so don't get the feeling too close to the
I'm just gonna use and just like this
sand between
get on the cake and not on my hands be helpful
has been a little bit banking
pain again this when you could go ahead in UK to
of illness also you want case I just gonna put this on top
and I need car deanne
dissing up
I of
K get some these rap it is here
weekend he said forget covering these
and rolled fondant so just SAT and yet trumka
basically a pic compote buttercream start on top
me and Heather icing flew over the edge stem science
make exactly sliding a little bit on that board once you get the buttercream
down to the base
it'll help prevent you keep from sliding Nikki already know I had a little bit
about a claim under needs to signing
okay so I'm guessing about that where you indicate scraper like best
at an angle income and the end
and then come in from outside
come back okay so at this point we're just wanna go
that go ahead and stick it in the freezer for about
minutes let's set
it will go ahead and give it one more smooth over and while that's in the
freezer will go ahead not will cover next
didn't seem
How to make a Double Barrel Cake Tutorial - YouTube !!!
How to make Cakepops! NEW IMPROVED Cake Pop Recipe! Firm, stable and perfect for 3D Cakepops! - YouTube !!!
hello and welcome to kpop recipe let me show you how to make this gorgeous
really study and really stable chocolate flavored cake pop get started now the
base ingredients for a cake pops recipe today we've got some dark chocolate
we've got some within cranes that's good about a
percent milk fat it is quite
a heavy cream in at the top of cream you'd normally whip to use with the
dessert that's the basic strike a proper ingredients along with al-qaida no I'm
gonna leave all of your measurements in quantities in the Description box below
I'm just using cupcake today because they always break through so I always
got plenty around you can also use a whole cake or even a store-bought cake
for this because I'm gonna turn them into some gorgeous little cake pops as
we go through this tutorial I also got some sprinkles I've got some jeff is
which are a lien chocolate but you can also use red M&Ms or red peanut M&Ms for
a similar somali pop sticks the melted dark chocolate for dipping I've got a
microwave-safe bowl and just a couple of spoons so let's get started now the
first thing we going to do to make a cake pop mix is going to take that
chocolate dipped into the bowl and we're just going to pull of the cream over the
top of that cream in that regard off into the microwave for a minute I'm
going to migrate that for one minute and then stir and then another minute and
then stir until the cream and chocolate is completely dissolved and that
chocolate has completely melted through the crane but do make sure you just do
it for one minute intervals on just a medium-high speed in the microwave
that's what it looks like after a first minute so just take his food and just
gently stirred around so you can see that chocolate melting
and starting to really blend in through that cream give it a good stir until you
are happy that your total you can and then it goes back into the microwave for
another minute after a second minute in the microwave
this is what you've got now I'm pretty happy that that's cool going to melt
through nicely so don't be tempted to our microwave it make sure that you do
give it a really good staring between you don't want to burn that chocolate
Minister that I'm pretty confident that all those lumps and bumps are going to
come out this cake recipe is one of my absolute favorite we have made cake pops
in the past with buttercream and they work and they're fantastic recipe but
I've been making them with Nash lately just because it's a lot sicker and it's
it's a lot fairness are rather than getting that really sweet frosting
tastes of your regular butter cream cake pops what you end up with a really rich
5g kpop always more like a truffle and it just seems to hold its shape a lot
better it's really good for the different shaped cake pops so you're
sort of different characters and things like that that we make on a channel my
cupcake addiction if you wanna see some great cake decorating tutorials but it's
also recipe make sure you head on over to a channel insist you charles finished
and have a look we've got nora many great ideas for decorating your cake
pops alright so I'm happy that my kind of good nationalist you there is not and
smooth so I'm gonna put that off to the side until we're ready to use it now
here comes the mint tea pots and make sure that you've got clean dry hand if
you're using a full take just chop it up into smaller portion it's just gonna
help to get a little bit easier to crumble up so I dislike take the two
cakes and just crumble them together you can crumble them in your head
easier to sort of use one cake to crumble another it's a little bit
quicker you can also just pop all of this together in a food processor and
blend it up until it's fully combined but not everyone's got a food processor
I like to do it both ways here if you want to make sure that cake is really
nice and finally crumbled in your bowl before you go adding any of that can I
show I'm happy that I've got a really nice find crime there with my cake so
now it's gonna be a simple as taking your chocolate and cream mixture and
just pouring it over
know about two-thirds of it in and this is because the amount of cake you're
going to have is going to vary slightly depending on how driver had cake is so
light about to turn around and just have a look at that consistency so what you
looking for is you want to combine it all but what you want is a consistency
where you gonna be able to roll into balls and it's going to be able to kind
of hold its shape you can really add too much when it comes to get but just to be
on the safe side just that little bit the EU consistencies coming up and you
can see that cake is just sucking in all of that cream and chocolate mixture
alright so to test your makes just grab a little bit of a chunk there and just
press it between your fingers history of compact a little bit and then roll it in
the palm of your hand if it sticks quite easily you can see them on sticking but
it is just crumbling a bit if it sticks and pulled the ball shape quite easily
give it a couple of rolls then it's ready to guard but on months is cracking
little bit it's not quite there yet so I am good at in the rest of my gonna get
national great because when it refrigerated and when it is actually
really quiet firms not like a chocolate truffle chocolate but it helps to keep
the firmness of York a football which improves stability when you're dipping
and decorating and reduces the risk of cracking and falling off the stick which
is probably the main problem is people seem to have with cake pops I know right
now you've got this is really dark mix and you can see how those cake crumbs
halved in size so you really absorbed all of that gorgeous cash if you have
any trouble rolling your polls put the whole mix in the fridge for about
fifteen minute then bring it back out and stop rolling sometimes it can just
be a little bit to warm our little bit too moist and you just need to give it a
little time in the fridge to firm up you're starting to roll your different
shapes different balls and you're not having any luck to get in the fridge
fifty-minute bring it out and I almost guarantee
you'll have withdrawn whatever I'm going to put in the fridge with a little bit
of parchment paper or baking paper cuz they do stick when they're sitting and
now I'm just going to take just a bit of a spoonful so I've got a tablespoon of
about I guess a decent tbsp on a cake pop sizes are going to bury you can see
there when I roll that really nice holds its shape beautifully roles are really
nice ball now don't worry if not a perfect bowl shape at this stage it can
get a little bit of a flat bottom is it said anyway and then we can reform bad
shape so you wanna rock wall of the pic couples and I'm gonna put them off into
the fridge for about
minutes just so they can firm up well I guess that it
can be messy work but if you're making these kids they can absolutely love it
because he doesn't like to get a little bit messy with the kids while cooking so
I'm gonna take those people put them in the refrigerator up to
minutes and
then I'm gonna bring the matter to shake him perfectly and dip them in decorate
their comeback from the fridge and you ok couples and now feeling firm to the
touch of a not completely sold you don't want them to be refrigerated for hours
minutes at the most is enough but what I push they don't easily push
out of shape they want and not as good a little bit of a flat bottom on the
bottom of your cake pops so you want to just take them in your hand and just
reshape them as you roll them into really nice bowls I'm just rocking them
around a rolling them around in the palm of my hand and making them into quite a
nice bowl now they don't have to be perfect and they don't have to be
exactly sized but if I do have one to four you won't capable it don't make
them too big so too often people very great be cake pops but once you enter
decorations in about
percent extra thought you kind of think that that's
about the size that I think you should baby then UNLV decoration and end up
being gigantic if they're too big to be too heavy and they'll fall of the stick
so you want something a bit smaller than ago about ping pong ball sized
the general idea of those bowls and has given that lovely
round smooth shape I won't worry too much better in the rest of them and now
it's time to get dipping and decorating
pop sticks and you gonna take your ball I most like to use the bottom been
sitting on the train it's not just a tiny tiny bit flatter so just give it
that stick and just put about a centimeter of that chocolate on a stick
man take the stick and push it into the bottom of the cake couple just over half
way so you can say that they've got this not a choclate CEO so underneath it that
I can attract I'm gonna put it back into the fridge for a further
that's just going to let that chocolate feels that the children feel is very
important and it's kind of what holds everything together so you want to make
sure that your job is looking lovely and firm for you go decorating alright so
we're back from the fridge or the Fraser River you've decided to set your cake
balls and you know this because this little sealed will be completely phone
to touch when you touch it shouldn't trip there should be absolutely no
stickiness to your chocolates and will be completely firm completely set you
want to take your chocolate now I just given that another mark wave just to
make sure that it is really not in fluid and you going to take you capable and
we're just going to keep it straight into the center and I liked just rotator
know whenever you duplicate purple you want to make sure that your chocolate
dipping into goes over that chocolate seal that you've just said in the phrase
up and that's just to make sure that it's all completely encased now you want
to top it off and you also want to turn it so you want to tap your rate not the
actual stick itself you don't attack to hide ya and I think having a rotating
the pope like this just gonna give you a nice even distribution of chocolate and
its gonna make sure the chocolate drips off in a nice even wet so you can let
that you can decorate with maybe some different colored chocolate or some
candy mountain climbing to show you just a really quick and easy decoration
technique through really fast
EV kids birthdays baby showers could include anything you can think of this
is a great kapok decorating techniques so I'm happy
pretty well starting to set but it's not set yet so depending on what you want to
do you might have to work
relatively quickly here is a polystyrene block to say it might take populist
arrested in what city you can also use flower farm or something like that and
that actual cake book stands on the market so now I'm gonna take much
sprinkles and understand a sprinkle them on just the top half of my cake pop
around cherry jeff is already M&Ms and just sit on top I'm gonna finish that
off with a lovely ribbon and you can see there what you end up with absolutely
delightful a gorgeous simple simple little cake pop I hope you guys enjoyed
watching this tutorial as much as I've enjoyed making it for you today and I
hope this cake toppers will become your new favorite thanks very much for