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    Royal icing decorations (trees) by ItalianCakes - YouTube !!! Statistics

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    *** *** Royal icing christmas tree cookies - YouTube !!!
    everyone in this video were gonna make some Christmas trade cookies I'm just
    gonna use about Fri lighting for this so for the east rather than making my own
    rice and a half or so I got ventures 18 just comes ready made with this is quite
    thick consistency is the consistency that continues today voted down a little
    bit if you get sick now the
    number thought to myself and to it but you
    don't have to you can use plain round one if you prefer I just bought an item
    back at this time and they can make you run out of greaseproof paper again I do
    for the deal for that soap opera link on screen now now we're gonna do is we're
    going to follow along the bottom line of the trade on a pipe so I'm gonna squeeze
    quite firmly first he get quite a large amount out and I'm gonna bring it but
    now she bring alkaloids just-released otherwise it's gonna type of justice
    thickly is at the bottom to squeeze harder while leaving in place and then
    pull it off what's so I can do that
    going to repeat their bottom line up to about whether next level of the tree
    years the recipe for the gingerbread biscuits in the Description box below
    aspirin linked to any cookie cutters have got to get these wins in a pack
    from worry stones ok so little gaps in between Canada's fellows and so just in
    between you gonna pipe again we've been quite a fair amount is quite large and
    I'm gonna release it as you come in further upside is a little bit and I'll
    just assume a novice seeking to see a bit better for what I'm doing
    have a very steady hand you seem hands to shake it when I'm doing it up that's
    a first section done so the next section so can you see where it sticks out over
    here we're just gonna bring it around how across that line just exactly the
    same as before with the latch been bring it up again you gonna fill in those gaps
    so there is quite a lot of IC you don't like I said it's probably not the best
    design to use pricing for me to get on to the next level
    repeat the same thing this time you've got to bring
    can fill in the gaps and best you can just do the same now interest about the
    top kinda like so I'm going to let that dry now so when she pipe tip is a just
    cut costs are under I'm just gonna push that on to the top
    just stick someplace that kitchen roll up put out just gonna spray a little bit
    can you still from the start you prefer silver healthy literally just gonna drop
    these under the tree
    trample them near the bottom but the branch's pushing the menstrual about his
    future I so I'm gonna leave mind as a set of white
    different colors you like green tree you enjoyed this video be sure to check out
    my other videos and Christmas playlist thank you for watching
    if you liked this video I would like to see more please click on the images of
    the other videos suggested also please do subscribe to my channel on using the
    button at the bottom right hand corner of the screen you can also visit my
    website on my Facebook page to see more cakes and ideas *** *** Edible Christmas Tree Ornament with Royal Icing- Cake Decorating - YouTube !!! Add subtitles/CC
    I haven't learned that cake decorating basics
    you're looking for something to do with the kids this holiday season
    got a sweet little Christmas tree ornament
    made overlapping when it is done it last all season
    at a lot of fun I think it a lot concerning so I'm just going to use my
    really fine sir

    have tried scissor tried everything up this works the best anyway only a
    quarter inch out the top to star in just stop
    Mary Mary slowly
    and delicately nah
    grateful of it haha that's okay too because you can't carry on this fight
    for I think
    so you something that I needed him we're going to use for
    angel and also for Christmas trees you doing out here
    now this is made I don't worry I think which really is dry overnight
    about six hours maybe a little more depending on now
    whether or not it's humid or damp outside
    so carroll campbell's these are just anotha number
    I'm rate your number for writing forget that I'm confused
    and this is just an A&R parchment cut-out
    I also have my butterfly
    now he's going in your name he's a rule I think
    and I will provide the video for how to use at the end
    now all these can be made out which happen if you prefer
    is just not shelf-stable it's warming up but
    he's at work I'll be perfect to you just four minutes
    this is our ally thing media in advance you can see that it's nice and fluffy
    yet make sure you pretended provided video p/n
    how to do this for our treatment if you want you can also just cut it then use
    this year and a half to use it
    weird when used as hell her
    corner your home or of
    traffic down and
    just got and futuristic
    see what issues a small amount yeah kinda hard here
    K&K so
    let him down here waxed paper carries in waxed paper
    parchments really good to know just a dot have your life on hold
    downgrade so I got my number for right here in here and I'm just gonna make
    some straight line the streets they can get him very
    and hitting the road candlesticks hang up
    so you can see how that is the next 21 at
    the plains to the home maker stars
    and make their return to top the nose hair so
    I want to be efficient I'm just gonna have my young right to display
    back so eyes open it up and take my food coloring
    and you guys if you know watching on you know her I loved her stress on earth
    tip down in there and then land
    gives me a little color variation and also safety bath
    pipetter expensive but
    you don't have to time bomb are there for you
    pathway less cleanup
    help to get that text around mostar
    planes an hour he loves in Our Stars
    so far claims we describe squeeze
    circle around a little bit and release
    him really sweet little more color how mix in a bad you definitely get
    variations in color so
    squeeze a little circle
    really sticking point squeeze a little circle really sticking point
    so nasty wanna make some stars
    whole and drop changing the other side
    lead and drop and then
    cross nada
    museum chain single permitted
    Australian touch
    drop make across
    an axe
    that is contracting streaming really useful using really I think
    and thats we just wanted you our little
    halos and for that we just wanna circle nice even pressure
    circle circle around
    now he loves could be
    yeah you can even use
    garland I like this little fact
    many sq let's do that again just circle circle around
    just giving a little flutter my wrist
    one more time to get the circle
    relieving pressure mom there yet
    let us try our night
    or you could put a minute our man on wire room
    orbital i dont you wanna at midday being
    but trumpet the best or you the white chocolate
    so okay we're gonna start with parchment
    home really like to use parchment wit
    row i think is right thing really bad
    be thrown away after party claimed that obviously
    pretty good just a little bit fr
    made it harder yourself amor gonna go ahead and use
    hourly to certain if not that much richer show
    your bro I think it's hard to put down you don't mind blowing
    the entire back so thankful that hi few the kid
    fair high-value halfway
    killed class tough on your hands me and kissed
    it more now so what it is holder bad
    degree angle here so that just a little bit here
    I meet my palm and my fingers to relieve the pressure monitor
    I want my titty flap or
    in with undecided about for any legislative
    think that motion so don't forget to guide squeeeeze
    back and forth the second crater a.m. release
    to get the point so squeeze
    get a row relief pressure Holloway
    when you get your point so we want to
    star without here 3d a big nice long lease cleese
    row all the way to him
    and maybe and continue on around the house
    you carry Mikesell
    and the next layer you wanna be startin
    me about a half inch up then come get me wanna make sure
    down some little so they're not rayon have each other
    and your next layer
    course is going to be just up from nap and you can see
    that at this point my leaves are all about the same length
    you know they get to the top
    macomb a little bit shorter
    now to get anyone
    interest your rest here and you can also twist
    your to hit that's always a
    how you get the angle that you need just curious
    gesture to gesturing Gulf
    has to get no strict me
    is a little bit smaller CI
    slit my wrist over get the writing

    but my wrist over iterating girl cake decorating
    are what about get Matt rating
    to get what you want your cake
    back here the best way to do it
    each row bottom to the top
    full came right time but
    just for speed and so you can see them do and a different first
    this project is a good way to introduce your kids to cake decorating because the
    it's pretty easy two years
    you know if you screw her know if you really don't even need to do physics and
    I can get pretty nice rack
    and it's also pretty quick
    now you wanna get up here and her here hot we are going to start their
    but and use the whole that we mean it ha
    but you do want coverage you don't have any holes
    its now the fun part to decorate
    you've got a little bit a hollered
    sprinkles I was gonna go ahead
    sprinkle hun
    Picasa singer actually is Cesar French had he is
    they are animal pearl
    that has so over or gold
    these you can't find it cake shops or
    even craft stores
    a lot kitchen stores carry them now
    at a nice perk up now if you don't have my dirty things
    you can also issue some might think
    campaign Christmas farming you want
    speaking at yet another layer I have just a back here with
    I'm threat I just cut out the test so I'm not even using it if you're if you
    want to use it in here you could use
    a number for right here and I'm just gonna drop
    a string all around us cleaning really even pressure at
    bro that's okay driven Mitra
    other way round you could even do a garland
    which is just do you shake movement
    okay year's summit the scandals Israel I think
    candles are kinda fun
    now this can be done at white chocolate also
    get told you that already
    these had fun and is it I think you can make up in advance
    the kids just get to stay calm so even if you just want to view the
    I think marketing lead time
    and kids can do you know
    putting decorations on there's your star
    displayed in top and
    really thats it sailor
    strike for
    hours makes a nice little gift
    you can set it now the last the whole holiday season cut the overall I think
    so I hope you enjoyed
    learning how to be a little Christmas minute
    doing yeah I really hope you get it back
    don't forget to subscribe and Albany
    adhere I think to lot up to you'd rather
    season lot more to come thanks guys *** *** How to Make Christmas Gingham Cookies, Decorating with Royal Icing - YouTube !!!
    hi everyone welcome to my youtube channel in this video tutorial we are
    going to make
    pretty Christmas ornament I'm going to be using these to decorate my Christmas
    tree and I use my gingerbread
    still forced into pieces and decorations
    you can also use sugar cookie dough for Gingerbread o'day
    you like to keep to make an opening
    in and the cookie use drinking straw and if you're looking for the cutters you
    can find a link with the good days down below
    outlining and flooding your cookies be for lighting
    I think with ivory food coloring

    I see used right begin start a bashing amusing
    simple stencil and also brown their bash
    now you have to carefully their stance so and then position it on the angle
    an impression again
    give you a fresh color time to cry
    for a little bit
    minutes or so should be fine
    and then began starkly decorating I'm using a simple stansel
    on shape anything in a little
    transfer the outline directly on your icing make sure you don't press

    hard with any we don't wanna go on break the icing
    Fred realizing the 52nd consistency helpline
    fun remaking realizing dark colors
    like a red red colour make sure you make it ahead of time
    this will give your icing time to develop the calling you don't have to
    use as
    much food coloring
    I'm using medium speed for the icing
    I think big titted with I think Dave them back to you
    for the writing holly leaves that amusing you can find a complete tutorial
    on those in my other media
    let dry and then
    weekend paint decorated educated
    brown's last makes with some vodka
    and that's how you make pretty Christmas ornament he's I hope you enjoyed this
    video tutorial
    don't forget to check out my other tutorials like posted for you guys
    subscribe to honey on YouTube and you'll get all the media day
    delivered to you via email thanks for watching *** *** Christmas Tree Cookies: Cookies Cupcakes and Cardio - YouTube !!!
    the I write this is Dan Haggerty stop pacing car do not copy today are going
    to be making Christmas tree sugar cookies decorated with royal icing
    so let's get started so to make a Christmas tree
    chip cookies you're going to need a Bachelor sugar cookie dough
    and you're also going to need and the some other royal icing and you're going
    to die some of that green for the tree
    and then I'm going to use yellow for the garland and you can use any color that
    you want for that
    he also wants me to choose sum up the sprinkles to decorate your Christmas
    and said all along on a rolling out the dough you going to need
    extra flower to flower you're rolling pin and you're going to need to flower
    your pastry act if you don't have to face your you can just do it correctly
    rate on your countertop
    someone to get laid already and I'll be right back so to make Christmas tree
    sugar cookies
    I flower my board and when I also have to flower
    is the rolling hills of start again by some cover
    so in total stick so I'm just gonna start working from the east side
    and tooth out side and i'm looking for.
    over a quarter inch texter fitness up the dojo
    now if you can't find what are these Christmas tree actual cutters
    using a triangle or work just as well just pressed down
    and then put them onto my parchment-lined strain
    now just like our sugar cookie recipe
    we're going to bake them for the exact same amount of time
    so they're going to be any up in at 400 degrees
    for about 8 minutes so I'm just gonna keep rolling on my toe
    putting them on to the trace and get them already for
    icing so when they have come out of the oven
    I will be back so what's your cookies are out of the oven and they have been
    cooled what you're going to do is take your green icing
    am acquainted do what's called flood the cookie and we have a video out that will
    put on a show notes
    that will show you exactly where flooding is but pretty much what it is
    you make this border
    around the outside of your cookie and then you fill it in
    with the centralizing
    so if you've got any gaps that are left that's fine we're going to use you can
    use a toothpick
    alright sharp
    content and I just use that to filling in the gaps
    when I'm using right now is a number

    from to co-ceo Mike Tyson basically just works itself
    together you can use it to touch up any areas that you want
    so now it's my turn yellow which is the garland and you can do
    any color that you want was gonna put a little bit of a star
    just starting at sign up for top going over
    attaching over to the other side
    you so make sure you hit the side each time
    so that I see attached
    okay now you could do a couple different things what I did on this one here
    was used just to try J Soward OJ but I've also got some
    star sprinkles and they look kinda cute at the top of the tree
    and then just
    any sort of from like all
    like sure they even have little sprinkles
    just decorating well garland
    so I'm gonna finish
    of all these cookies nope back to show you
    wear them when they're finished so there we have it everybody some
    sugar cookies made into Christmas trees
    and decorated with royal icing so thanks for watching
    I hope everybody has a very happy holiday and safe
    season and remember you can subscribe to our channel if you haven't already
    and share the video if you like what you see you can find us on Facebook Twitter
    and Google+
    see you next time *** *** How to Decorate Christmas Tree Cookies 7 Ways with Jill - YouTube !!!
    well today I'm going to show you how to use two colors to make different
    Christmas trees god you can make all kinds I'm just get inspired me to get
    your creativity and to make some cookies that you can make your party cookie
    decorating party may go out of 5 so let me show you how to make the Royal I
    think we're gonna get started I honestly seven different designs using two colors
    I have an electric green and a purple regal purple actually you can use it
    because you want I'm gonna join one of the cookies with these little edible
    pearls and then some with a purple sugar to complement the couple that were using
    gonna neither tweezers and sharp object to the royal icing and then a toothpick
    and a little click to cover the show and then we are going to get started
    decorating as you can see the first to make cookies I already pre went ahead
    and put royal icing on them and let them drive for about a half an hour because
    I'm gonna do work on top so the first woman to show you this really the
    simplest one you just going to trades before I have my icing in a number to
    and then using my tweezers while the thing is we're going to put my little
    balls there by the little balls you kid i can text when I'm going to show you is
    kind of a neat look
    their party
    to do
    just very likely to top it off *** *** Christmas Tree Cookie Decorating - DIY Tutorial! - YouTube !!! English English
    hey everyone its Suzylizz and it's officially december's This is when I start
    doing all my christmas baking and I made these Christmas Tree cookies the other day and I thought it would be
    great to do for a little tutorial so I hope you guys really enjoyed this one, let me
    go ahead and show you how I made them. For these cookies you will need a batch of royal icing
    some toothpicks, two piping bags, green gel food coloring, two piping
    tips, a Christmas tree cutter and any sorts of sprinkles you like to put on
    your cookies
    so go ahead and roll out your cookie dough and then use your cookie cutter to cut
    some trees
    and then put them on a baking sheet to go in the oven
    now take your royal icing and water it down a little bit just to make it the
    consistency of yougurt, you just keep on adding water into you get the
    right consistency. Now go ahead and color your icing, and I'm just using some food
    coloring gels, so I just stuck my toothpick in there, and then I stick it into the icing
    and then I mixed it around until I get the color I like
    Now put your icing into piping bags. Now its time to decorate. Go ahead and line the outside edge of your cookie and fill it in with
    the same green color. I'm starting with the light green
    Now I'm just going to smooth it out with the toothpick
    now just go ahead and take their darker green color and draw a line down the
    center of your tree and then branches coming from the inside out
    now take your toothpick and run it through the icing going upwards towards the
    center of the tree
    go ahead and do the same thing on the other side
    and then just fix it up a little bit if you need to
    then go ahead and put sprinkles on it, I put some white sprinkles on
    and a star for the top of the tree and then some Christmas ornament shaped sprinkles
    and there is your completed tree cookie
    and now go ahead and decorate the rest of your Christmas tree cookies and
    this one just have a lot of branches on it so little bit of a different look
    here but I did it the same way
    Alright thats my video everyone, thanks for watching. If you like these cookies give the video a thumbs up, I'll see you guys next time. Bye!
    thanks for watching *** *** CHRISTMAS TREE COOKIES, HANIELA'S - YouTube !!!
    attorney here welcome to our YouTube channel I have more cookie decorating
    tutorials on the way I decorated a bunch of Christmas cookies this past weekend
    and I'm gonna be sharing them with feel really really so and today we're going
    to decorate these adorable Christmas trees so let's get started first I'm
    gonna icicle case with a very real I think
    my YouTube channel be sure to check out the Description box under the video it
    includes links to all the recipes and also recipe for my royal icing so be
    sure to check that out
    that they're correct the cookies I'm going to use a marker this is a very
    fine day purple marker many of you emailed me recently asking me where you
    can get this marker well I posted a link in description box under the section
    that is called tools used in this video and you can find the lingua can get it
    down below
    basically I'm just drawing the music sheet from A Christmas Carol that I
    found online
    now dead grandma icing in fact the long strip
    while the red royal icing is still wet take light rail icing and pipe the lines
    to finish up I'm going to include my role I seeing how relieved that I mean
    if you can learn how to make this on my YouTube channel I'm also going to
    include a link in description box
    and that's how we can make this festive Christmas tree cookies I have you guys
    enjoy this video let me know what you think in the comment section below
    thank you so much for watching and I will see you next time *** *** Christmas tree cookies Shopkins inspired - YouTube !!!
    hi guys in this video going to make some cute looking for Christmas traces faces
    so I've just got a little plastic tray cut to hear about to knock danger
    biscuits on ginger cookies and I just rolled out just got some green London
    out on this one
    ever kiwi green in that just using a range shot you can richard died I'm
    gonna cut out might reshape under just using a tiny bit of rhyolite spread on a
    cookie you got somebody in a piping bag even paper but not gotta pack compact
    Meadows push down jacket alleges that you've got those fit that in place and
    I'm just going to try it here just gonna put on some kitchen row just left corner
    so I've got some rain but just as just an edible great I want to do is just
    does this lightly around the edges London just make sure you push dry if
    you don't want a picture book all around the edges you don't have to just gives
    an extra bit of detail and I got a bit of pink now that we've just done she
    acts like the mouth first so I'm just gonna push in the Santa bring up to
    understand just add that he's just can use this time to make it easier for me
    and you can do it either way you'll find these ones are done with careful price
    for this 1 I'll do the other way around to show you I like you just tap them
    outside to the right
    pink strapless when we can use whatever color pink you want china the cheeks
    would be just got really tiny piece of red fondant would just take even small
    taken badly see the right back to give them a little star Christmas hat if you
    want to do the start of just used a ship could and push to show you how did that
    happen to take a ride just found enough slack if you find in country very flat
    out fine bring it to the top
    against top you train just make sure our wide enough bottom of hats gonna be some
    kind of it longer than I needed a moment that's fine just great cook don't worry
    if it's not cited it look like
    sided workout way point of you have been doing just gonna put small amount of
    water back the hearts of these pics the top of my tree in place to take in some
    light scratches on back on trips that over the edge off the sides
    the barber of water on the back of it just underneath my bed I can't thank you
    for watching hope you've enjoyed this video check out my other Christmas did
    you check out the playlist link in description box below
    if you liked this video I would like to see more please click on the images of
    the other videos suggested also please do subscribe to my channel on using the
    button at the bottom right hand corner of the screen you can also visit my
    website on my Facebook page to see more cakes and ideas *** *** Sugar Cookie Christmas Tree from Cookies Cupcakes and Cardio - YouTube !!!
    hi everybody this is Jen remember he's gotta keep think I did not come and I
    have with me a special guest today this is James from a shop TV
    I don't shot TV in our kitchen today
    and they're filming a video with us and so I thought that
    it would be great if we did one as well absolutely away here too
    get into the spirit is is known as the victims was Christmas so we thought
    for air show we want to do some baking so we're going to be making at least
    three DEA Christmas
    tree out of cookies so let's get started so we're going to need to make the
    Christmas tree cookie cutter
    is this one this one from wills and if you have your own stars you can also use
    those in different sizes
    and we're going to be using a batch of my sugar cookie dough
    now this is one match in alpert link in the description box below
    and I'm going to be using green icing which will also be in the Description
    we have some grain truck with here in San me even as he does in the baking
    aisle with your
    suitors soon you Anderson yellow hard candy
    we're also going to be using these a silver colour holes and his little
    silver John G is
    now you can use the whatever you want to decorate is pretty much up to you these
    are just some
    ideas what I'm going to use and then I also have these
    pearlized home calmly white dry geez
    many candidates and then as just a little extra thing we're gonna put on
    mini LED lights Canada is right not
    no so what we have to do first is ready to roll out our sugar cookie dough
    so I love that you're here because you have to the rolling I'm you might guess
    the favorite my
    least favorite thing to do so get rolling there please sir
    all right with him we're gonna roll it to be a boat's
    am quarter of an inch thick maybe even an inch there
    and then we're going to use all the stars to cut them
    out now you the stars you we need to cut out
    hoover's have a completed treaty so
    new rule vasser don't know I should be nicer to her catholic mmm
    so the dog food obviously pre-made where
    whiz heavy get receive this I'm
    its lead in the Description box and then what you mean he also hosted on our blog
    in the video area where you can search for our videos
    dancers and Richard E pretty good looks awesome
    so we're gonna cut outs got some other ones already cut out
    so he just wants you lose cutter for yourself and we'll cut these out put
    them on a baking tray
    now the baking tray is lined with parchment
    and that just helps it prevent from

    and what we do is we want to make sure that our oven is preheated
    degrees Fahrenheit and will make them promote eight minutes
    case in our cookies are baked and cooled
    yesterday so what we're going to do is ready to take a royal icing and is
    fitted with
    a number five will condemn it was just a round trip
    and when to go around the outside first
    and I'm just going to treat my border and then I'm going to fill it in now the
    royal icing is a
    flooding inconsistency and what that means is that
    and one you honey the royal icing next to each other it will tend to blend
    together a little too easy
    and rather than if it's too stiff lineages
    hand leave streaks so you must we use
    in order to get all filled in here
    you can be pretty messy on inside and Okies
    you didn't make it currently yet
    in law of the land so then what you can do afterwards official
    I'm you for you to get their issues can give it a little shaky
    which will take I'll the I'm any gaps that are there
    not to be you know their limits to be you can take a lamb
    into thinking is kinda filament sichuan try giving that cookie is she
    we'll see how he did
    hiaasen breathe Italian yet you keep shaking
    probably from the next half an hour minute film her

    look at there are and I don't know yet I'm gonna be proven wrong
    seconds alter area
    so once we've got all these cookies ice
    we want to make sure that we let them dry completely which usually takes about

    hours to

    so I started out stacking the
    cookies and we started from the largest to you and work our way up to the
    it we got that the thing largest to smallest
    like Christmas tree family okay
    so in order to get the Hokies to stick to each other in a bit a little down are
    realizing in the middle
    enemies of said then yes something in between
    and we just stop it until we get olive to build up
    simple so we started decorating the tree a little bit but I just wanted to
    explain to you guys about
    the lights now unfortunately because we just started making the tree it's still
    a little bit wobbly
    and the royal icing hasn't set so I've just been having a little bit a
    wrapping lights around without everything falling off
    so if you want to put lights on you just go around kinda wrapping around like
    patently get all the way to the bottom
    but so far had James starting to decorate with the royal icing
    so if you want to choose some warmed up stuff to put onto the tree
    and the great thing is that this will especially be fine for
    kids to do this part you can I do a budget ones
    yes cuz there always is gonna take a while to Hardin
    now with the is large call once they don't
    I'm be turned their too heavy for the royal icing
    so that's what we're using the chocolate for okay um
    so unless going to dip a little bit I'll the
    bottom other call all
    into some melted chocolate and their leaders present up on top
    and just hold it there for a while few seconds until
    wants to stick and stay so the Spurs come a little bit
    you need a little bill patients was going through all of me
    hurry to Miller doing good key
    the inning space the devil you
    added color to it who world these guys don't stay
    so we're gonna finish decorating the tree
    and then we will show you how to put the star on top
    so to make the star we're going to use eighty metal color
    can use plastic cuz putting it in the oven
    so into the faucets are you want voters to rate them metal star
    we're going to put to love the yellow hard candies
    if you wanna really fixed are you can also put it better but I found that too
    is pretty good
    so we're going to put this into an oven at

    and you gonna bake it for around five to eight minutes max
    I'm if you make it too long you'll find that the metal heat up in it will brown
    on the outside
    %uh the star which you probably don't want sir gonna do that
    and then we ready to be put onto the tree so once you start is
    I love the other it's going to look something like this you just pop it
    right out of the
    metal cookie-cutter and he just didn't use a melted chocolate liberalizing
    but like to be called balls am it does tend to stick a little bit faster if you
    use the chocolate
    and you're settled here for a while so you can take over and I'll just go have
    for I'm just getting power market deal see you later
    so the legal everybody how to make this
    Christmas cookie tree so I just wanted to thank James for
    joining us on our channel today knows my pleasure thank you very much for the
    when you think you'll be uploading your version
    it going to care this will be on a channel love the next couple weeks here
    before Christmas and obviously we have to really television's only on the
    channel will also be on our YouTube channel sure to include the sarin can
    check that out yeah so head over to shop TV Kunis and will put a link in the
    description box
    and thanks again and I hope you guys and your family have a Merry Christmas
    the rooms you too thank you *** *** Sugar Cookie Christmas tree and How to Make a Fondant Bow and Fondant Gift - YouTube !!!
    higher ready this is Jen from BP's got keep saying cardio dot com and I have
    with me a special guest today this is James from shock TV show on TV in our
    kitchen today and they're filming a video with us and so I thought that it
    would be great if we did one as well
    absolutely give way here to get into the spirit of the season obviously becoming
    too as Christmas so we thought for sure you would like to do somebody so we're
    going to be making this 3d Christmas tree it out of cookies let's get started
    but we're going to need to make the Christmas tree cookie cutter is this one
    this one from Wilton if you have your own stars you could also use those in
    different sizes and we're going to be using a batch of my sugar cookie dough
    now this is one batch and it's an open it link in the description box below and
    I'm going to be using green icing which will also be in the Description box we
    have some great intro click here as a medium intensity of those in the baking
    aisle with the service and some yellow candy or also in be using these silver
    gold and these little silver drug is now you can use the whatever you want to
    decorate is pretty much up to you these are just some of the ideas of what I'm
    going to use and then I also have these pearlized white draws many candy canes
    and then just a little extra thing we're going to put on these mini LED light
    know so what we have to do first is we need to roll out our sugar cookie dough
    so I love that you're here because you have to do the rolling always give my
    guess the favorite my least favorite thing to do so
    get rolling there please sir we're gonna pull it to be about a quarter of an inch
    thick maybe an eighth of an inch thick and then we're going to use all of these
    stars to cut them out now each of these stars you may need to cut out to in
    order to have a completed treat so I should be nicer to her
    so did the dog obviously pretty by the way with this wind in the Description
    box and then what you we also will be posted on her blog and in the video area
    where you can search for our videos pretty good looks awesome so we're gonna
    cut out some other ones already cut out so just want to choose for yourself
    these up put them are taking train now the baking tray is lined with parchment
    and just helps it prevent from sticky and what we do is we want to make sure
    that our oven is preheated to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and we'll beat them
    for about eight minutes guys in our cookies are baked and cool so what we're
    going to do is ready to take a royal icing and is fitted with a number five
    Wilton tip was just around and I'm going to go around the outside first and I'm
    just going to create my border and then went to fill it in the royal icing is
    letting inconsistency and what that means is that when you pipe royal icing
    next to each other it will tend to blend together a little bit easy and benefits
    to step in and just kind of leave streaks so you live in order to get all
    the building here you can be pretty messy on inside your doing good for you
    will often so then what you can do afterwards to show you before you get
    there is used to give it a little shake which will take all of the gaps that are
    therefore not to be a little bit too big you can take a look to think of this
    kind of filament yarn try giving that cookie shake we'll see how it is
    yeah you can keep shaking probably for the next half an hour and my feeling
    there are proven wrong about
    seconds ago so once we've got all of these
    cookies ice we want to make sure that we let them dry completely which usually
    takes about
    hours to
    so I started stacking the cookies and we started from
    the largest to and going to work our way up to the smallest to largest to
    smallest like Christmas tree ok so in order to get the cookies to stick to
    each other we're gonna put a little dab of releasing in the middle between they
    need to stop it until we get all up to the dog so we started decorating the
    tree a little bit but I just wanted to explain to you guys about the lights now
    unfortunately because we just started making the tree it's still a little bit
    wobbly and the royal icing hasn't set so I've just been having a little bit of
    difficulty wrapping the lights around without everything falling off so if you
    want to put lights on you just go around kind of wrapping around like that until
    you get all the way to the bottom but so far how James starting to decorate with
    the Royal I think so if you want to choose some more stuff to put onto the
    tree and the great thing is that this would especially be fun for kids to do
    this part
    gonna take a while to harden now with these large cooler one they don't
    they're too heavy for the royal icing so that's what we're using the chocolate
    for so I'm going to do a little bit of the bottom of into some melted chocolate
    on top and just hold it there for a few seconds until then
    wants to stick and stay as far as kind of a little bit you need a little bit of
    patients are you doing a ruler
    decorating the tree and we will show how to put the story so to make the star
    we're going to use a metal cutter was putting it in the oven so into the

    are you want to put a metal star we're going to put two of these young though
    hard candies if you want to really fixed are you can also put a third but I found
    that too is pretty good so we're going to put this into another night at

    and you're gonna bake it for around five to eight minutes max if you bake it too
    long you'll find that the metal heats up and it will brown the outside of the
    star which you probably don't want to do that and then it we ready to be put onto
    the trip so what's your star is out of the oven it's going to look something
    like this you just popped right out of the metal cookie cutter and you just dip
    it into some melted chocolate icing but like the big Cola bottles does tend to
    stick a little bit faster if you use the chocolate and there's something here for
    a while so you can take over and I'll just go out of coffee and just deal to
    you later so there you go everybody how to make this Christmas tree I just
    wanted to thank James for joining us on our channel today was my pleasure thank
    you very much
    when do you think you'll be uploading your version
    hair this will be on our channel next couple weeks before Christmas
    obviously we have created television's on the John will also be on our YouTube
    channel sure to check that out so I had to shock TV Kootenays and will put a
    link in the description box and thanks again and I hope you guys and your
    family have a Merry Christmas
    cupcakes and
    home today we're going to be showing you how to make a fondant bow that's going
    to sit on top president Kate what you're going to need is fine it rolled fondant
    ribbon cutter oil or butter cream tentative the color of the form that
    you're going to use glue which is just simply water mixed with water and I
    always need to use
    need to get started so to start making the boat need to make the little pieces
    that the boat together so you just going to roll over your phone and you want
    your comment to worry about an eighth of an inch thick I find that that's the
    optimal thickness just make sure it allows your bowl not to be too chunky
    and clunky on the top of your cake I just rolled out there now I want to use
    my Wilton ribbon cutter which you can find anywhere that will to sell stuff
    and I've got it fitted with the crimping cutters but if you don't happen how
    those who might have one of the fun of the wheel cutter is that a ruler to keep
    it straight or you don't have that you can always use a pizza cutter we find
    that cut using a pizza cutter to cut your fondant is also really helpful so
    I'm gonna use my ribbon cutter here starting at the bottom I was gonna push
    all the way through and so simple as that he's a nice website sports there so
    I'm just a couple of these ribbon pieces so I went to do first just even out the
    bottom here and then you want your piece to be alone three to four inches
    depending on the size of your cake and depending on the size of my cake is an
    eight inch square cake so I'm going to cut about three
    inch piece from the ribbon and then so I have the same size lined up for the next

    to do now is once you got it
    jagged Minnesota's fix that they're easy fixes better next as you take a little
    bit of your gun blue or water a little at the bottom of it and you're going to
    fall off you can see it
    folding over from one side to the next and then you want to cut off a little
    triangle shape from the bottom this lets the bow
    neatly within the other pieces of the boat so then I started up on it so I
    just like that and I'd set off to dry so it's really simple show you that one
    more time so I need to do take a little bit of water put it on the bottom
    we're going to attach the side turn it matching line it up or sit down and cut
    a little triangle piece from the bottom up on its side that helps to maintain
    its shape that's a nice round you can see it's a nice round sitting there you
    have it for cutting to put the pieces together I have to let these once dry
    and in the meantime I will show you how to wrap the cake to look at the present
    so while pieces of the border we're going to make the ribbon that's going to
    replicate to have a look like a present so we first need to know how long I
    really needs to be so just using my
    measuring tape starting at the base in with all the way around the other base
    they're both about
    inches we want to have our ribbon to be thirteen inches
    wall and that will give us enough to be able to trim off the edge
    cleanly ruling it out it will be about an eighth of an inch thick when it
    finishes which is the perfect that connects for making a boat like this are
    the ribbon wrapped around when you're rolling just want to put nice even
    pressure or whatever
    pizza cutter knife that you're choosing to use just gonna start at the base all
    the way up the extra all airtight container so it doesn't loop doesn't
    lose its elasticity many edges that you might need to
    I'm going to cut one and cleanly and that's where to start so I went to find
    about the middle of the cake approximately and then using my gun glue
    was gonna put a little bit about the halfway mark of the cake that's wrong
    with this one end up doing the same thing on the side and just cut it as cut
    it right here like that on the side of the case is done they're now going to do
    the same thing coming across in over a decade here I want to start fresh again
    nice clean cut off their take some of my gun wounds
    starting in the middle there around when are bogus finish drying we will come
    back and show you how to put the bowl on top of your present cake so the bodies
    have been crying out for about two hours they seem to be just far enough to be
    able to work with you might even want to leave them overnight and that definitely
    ensures that you're able to work with them and not have to risk any break it
    but we're gonna go with what you want to do is just start with the color of icing
    that have the same color as your ribbon and you're both want to start with that
    now we're gonna find
    pieces of ribbon pieces of the bow they were going
    to put around the cake on the top here in this is going to be the base the book
    for you think that will really solidify your present here and that's why we have
    the triangle here so they all fit together perfectly I was the point of
    that now a little mother but here and we're going to fit four or five of these
    depending on how goes no clue bowlers are the same you just wanna kind of work
    with them and usually need approximately fourteen different pieces that you start
    within the beginning of the bow cutout ready to go I honestly haven't used all

    ever but you know he was putting in icing as I needed so we've got six on
    the bottom five in the middle row for the one of the top
    simple just

    and this one is going to go up and down just like that so there you have it
    that's how you make a bow to go on top of your present so thanks for watching
    remember to subscribe to our channel will see you again next time *** *** How to Make Christmas Tree Cookies! - YouTube !!!
    hey guys its range Ellen today I'm back with another Pottery Barn Teen Video
    today we are making these really cute gingerbread tree cookie pops these are
    great for a party because they're on a stick and everybody loves food on a
    stick memory then I guess that makes it easy to eat things like lunch and your
    food and mingle at the same time but either way they're really cute so let's
    get started first offer gonna make this really yummy kind of ginger molasses
    cookies are going to need a half cup of sugar along with a quarter cup of the
    last one quarter cup of water one teaspoon of lemon one-and-a-half
    teaspoons of ground ginger and a half teaspoon of clothes next your gonna
    bring this mixture to a boil make sure you with continued throughout this
    process you not wanna be cleaning a burn ban on Christmas Eve once an extra get
    some ice and bubbly like this go ahead and take it off the heat and immediately
    often but this is a great recipe to make ready for you have guess
    though her cuz it basically is gonna send your entire house with my calls
    nice and it's really up next in December boy you need one cup of flour along with
    one and three quarters teaspoons of baking soda and a half teaspoon of self
    then go ahead and give
    next going to add an air-cooled elasticity mixture and go ahead and fall
    that all together and don't worry that make sure that kind of thinking soft
    it's going to be like that at first this is also probably one of the best tasting
    rocket ghettos and also
    and even if you don't have to feel guilty about
    eating your crop but in case you have preferred a big you're confused go ahead
    and divider dough in half and I went to a few chopped up in plastic wrap and
    what did properties in the fridge for about an hour or until I get nice and
    firm after an hour ago you take our cookie dough out onto a floured work
    surface makes you have really lost to the end in a relatively soft cookie
    dough going to roll out our cookie dough until
    in the quarter of an inch and
    an eighth of an inch thick afterwards I'm going to take my people of color and
    cut the two big strip and India triangle its ok your trees are the same size
    actual ok with it a little bit different just variation
    then once you cut out all of your triangle
    tragedies to be part of people lined baking sheet now do to relieve into
    cookie pops I'm gonna grab some water on the back of the cookie this way are
    still gonna Kieran really nicely and then just in case of an attack on the
    back flip it over and repeat that's what the rest of your computer once I cookies
    are ready to make a stop at
    for about eight minutes and when we come out
    of the other nation we Nathan puppy likely once the cookies have called
    completely I'm gonna take some green relating to have the recipe for this in
    the Description box below
    I did a bunch of different designed just for fun before this one of today's it
    back and I'm just at least are then I'm going to grab a non-parole sprinkles and
    just for good news on top I recommend doing this in some kind of try to catch
    all those sprinkles I love those calendars got from pbteen and I have a
    link in description box below along with some other cute stuff that have anything
    in the video anyway that you can be here and be adding any different do that with
    these really cute fluffy scallops and of course every tree needs a star or a
    flower with just enough if you want to make these extra kawaii on the face with
    some black candies you don't have these you can also just like I think and to
    finish it off I just typed out his mouth and that's alright guys are gingerbread
    cookie pops are finished now and you don't see you and you to display them
    it's nice to put them in a styrofoam block this way they can stand up and
    they look like a foursome of horny guys enjoy this video I have one more game

    video coming soon and then when it's for new year they keep an eye out for that
    and I'll see you next time thanks so much for watching our videos have been a
    little bit more recently with college apps but this past weekend I just them
    three more video so watch out for the
    good luck with their college after high school senior and I'll see again thanks
    guys *** *** Christmas tree cookie Centrepiece - YouTube !!!
    today we're going to begin this christmas tree out to be fit and
    highlights a nice centerpiece like Christmas table and you just might get
    some pieces
    community with a list everything in the Description box below the video
    funneling money through everything to take a little while so being that he'd
    find Mecca start a family tree out some multi adoption in a variety of different
    sizes just using me could put the links to these in the Description box below
    also some violence in our paper magnate just got cooler piping nozzle number two
    while I say just cheated and got one strap a job and baseline and may make
    you and I were gonna do
    pipeline around the outside edge that this time around a few of them I know
    people are going to ask how many of these the need to do at this point and
    actually not sure this is the first time I'm gonna do is fine and online Sri you
    guys know so few of them and keep that to one side and what I've done now makes
    a little bit more I see no so just in just made a slightly paler green line so
    I put a slightly runny consistency of her life now I just have to just a touch
    of water running out that I was using for the outline of what number three now
    so when a pipe just inside the line
    held a cocktail stick they sent directly to the engine is just doing some actors
    into Afghanistan called statically different greens are marketing firm
    greens on the leaves and different green gonna be up to him some cool is anyway
    in the bubbles out some biscuits as well as to which is going to keep going to a
    good so once we deliver leaves gonna get all the other ones you gonna be a range
    of both goals but I christmas baubles and decide which stop so not going to be
    grounded want some ice all of them and then decide which one looks fast mix
    among the probables
    you need to understand me decide on it when we come back to allosteric alright
    keep up sticks that they can go into the top of the key so what we'll do is nice
    the same way now that we did with the leaves start again with airline this
    time in LA we do need just got remarried in here so just in the same way as we
    did with the leaves were gonna they just watered down a royal icing to make it
    slightly thinner consistency again we're gonna leave these to dry overnight will
    put those with the leaves that Ryan and Afghanistan think what happened in the
    mall in pink up and hang on I'm gonna do not have a Christmas Eve
    just repeating the exact same way dude leaves a nice and light funded so
    distraught at the white fondant
    I'm just going around the edge do have a full video of how I supposed to give you
    a bit more details now I'm just doing quite quickly them up
    link on screen you can see the video I sent about
    be longer and in more
    detail one side you can do business with us maybe a few
    now I'm just gonna
    cover tiny low to refer to me as a foreigner use a different size if you
    want to make it stick to the domain I'm just gonna cover in water and now we do
    have other videos on covering cakes which I put links to watch them in a bit
    more detail of your choice flat so I said to the middle so when I'm gonna
    treat me that push it got two hundred sixty millimeter
    shape gonna stick on top of this now
    now going to get it right down to give it an extra bit too much to try to spin
    the middle isn't going to be trying
    so running some green funding now enough to cover the car if you find the same
    thing just a bit tracks can rush the post I recovered just fine i'll be
    satisfied till
    around down here know this is going to be covered by a
    really neat finish don't worry too much in the white stuff to do it with the
    store and make that home and then the theme and you just trim off the extra
    off the bottom so life but tiring its drive left them overnight to dry you
    just try my life and I'm back in place now I'm using green besides a little bit
    helps a little bit lower than that I'm you can largest size
    on the bottom chamber using mixed sizes but mainly all the way around the bottom
    is not quite the uniform olajuwon just uses it just kinda like the dry just
    give them about
    minutes to just stop found a little bit the next layer two
    sides to confirm when its technological second to try and keep going around just
    can can you do this not the entire train I should start using smaller leaves a
    teardrop-shaped we make it all the way to the top so you see that put the
    biscuits all the way to talk not just stopped just about here to show you if
    they move around because take a little bit time to set up just put a cocktail
    stick under them in place Dr will remove all doubt thanks now the charge to keep
    them up but rather than having a pen going at that and we want to keep them
    apprised just fill this topic so just got a bit more just ask to the top
    crack in the door to much just gonna push this on top just help because he's
    in the right direction but the only other thing you want to do is taking
    dick he just pushed through talk at the stop hole in class that will go into
    that you can leave it in if you want the time Mr Raja not good
    cookies in small again it might start to move a little bit as difficult as they
    come to me and much of the bubbles I'm not trying to bring up to a better place
    and I'm gonna leave this stick in just twist to make sure that envelope at four
    and then and your loved ones that you've got left you can use to plug any gaps
    got anyway so now we're adding a little bubbles again on the back and then it's
    decided to go to coolers have nothin to cause if your buddy baubles and just be
    careful that you just a few hands cocktail sticks if you've left them in
    the time being like I have done I'll just wait will add a bit more time to
    drive for move in there so decided against using a lot of heart rate is up
    to you to find you might want to put
    removed from the top of the trade and decided which site is taking the two
    stars obviously these are not dried overnight I'm going to bookmark you can
    mix with you on that cold cold just put on either side that's my problem is best
    if you dial
    just thought to tackle the green life I would use the green and
    then we're just gonna give that guy was too dry for put that into the train if
    you just feel my study
    is on leave them to you to decide whether it needs to dry up so this is
    all right now do you have to look at the whole
    carefully placing it on like so and then we're just going to remove
    tell states and it's finished like a great centerpiece for Christmas table
    and used a plenty of ginger biscuits and it makes the change from a gingerbread
    house a bit different
    if you liked this video I would like to see more please click on the images of
    the other videos suggested also please do subscribe to my channel on using the
    button at the bottom right hand corner of the screen you can also visit my cake
    website on my Facebook page to see more cakes and ideas *** *** CHRISTMAS TREE STAINED GLASS COOKIE ORNAMENTS, HANIELA'S - YouTube !!!
    attorney here or come to my YouTube channel today we're gonna make this
    adorable Christmas ornament cookies using a simple painting technique
    creating stained glass look so let's get started to make the cookies are used
    this cookie cutter inquiry can get this color is posted down below in the
    Description box take white royal icing
    cookies with icing
    colors and a clean food only paintbrush
    now we are ready to do the berries
    rest of the cookie I'm going to do with metallic blue and some perot
    color glass panels level of shading using more or less food color
    now we're ready to put this together I'm using stiffer analyzing to go all the
    pieces together to create a mini house
    to be able to hang the ornament on the tree we gonna have to attach a nice
    ribbon some just gonna make a large not on one end
    take to roof panel and secured their roof onto the base using some stiff
    fertilizing and then also don't forget to put the ribbon in there once the
    icing hardens you're ready to use these to decorate your Christmas tree I hope
    you guys enjoy this video let me know what you think in the comment section
    tournament is also part of a bigger project that I recently participated in
    the ginger tree product
    Bukit decorators from sixteen states and four
    countries came together each of us created a beautiful gingerbread tree
    decoration and now all of these are on display
    hanging on a wintry bouldercrest retreat for military and veteran bonus you can
    learn more about this project and we were all of the photos from these
    cookies link is posted down below
    thank you so much for watching and I will see you next time *** *** How To Decorate A Christmas Cookie - Reindeer Pattern - YouTube !!! *** *** Gingerbread house BUILDING ! ELSA, ANNA & their kids build it! Candies, royal icing and fun! - YouTube !!!
    sitting on the gingerbread it might break till Dec or I can do it till this
    is a surprise for you what do you think it look on the picture picture ok and
    kindness and maybe even taller than you girls really excited to build it
    Building Council York Palace on well you know we don't want to dirty castle right
    yeah we decided to bring it in my special car cruise in Ravenna filled in
    on this
    yeah the trade then it gonna be easily washed it the third
    you want to help train yeah you're gonna be here
    wow yeah that was part of the gingerbread house and then ago
    and actually
    yeah *** *** Gingerbread house DECORATING! ELSA, ANNA & their kids use candies, sprinkles, royal icing! - YouTube !!!
    we can't fix in the house
    girls hehe the candy in the charts yeah you want to put something on the roof
    the roof is the best part
    help you in Hyde Park ok we we can't house yeah well you're not supposed to
    go in sight for ya
    okay it's not as strong as our house and the next time you're sliding down
    yeah and you get from Katie your hands I want this ok all right I'll see I put
    some like seeing already you could start pretty sure you are ok and the nature or
    yeah it looks so next year
    yeah I like okay your turn on the printer boo boo yah
    returning your welcome to my youtube channel today I prepared for you a video
    that include seven days ice skates for those of you who are a little behind
    this year and we all know Christmas is knocking on the door so these are really
    easy to do let's get started first big gonna do
    adorable sent a cookie jar by making the face I'm using skin tone for the skin
    tone I sing I like to use ivory with a touch of pink make the eyes using black
    and white realizing
    the bottom portion of the
    and make
    crashed for about
    minutes and then you can make the pom pom using white
    realizing make the nose with Fred and going to use some sprinkles to make the
    Halle Berry and that's done and now we have to make the mouth using black
    realizing all you can also use a bull market that will be even easier
    and now
    take and make the snowflake
    I recommend that you use I think that is
    second or slightly thinner than

    seconds to make the snowflake
    now you gonna have to add this drive for about
    hours and then we can use Skype
    inconsistency red royal icing and the stitching
    an outline of the holly leaf
    the berries each barrack rest before piping and other buried next to it and
    now we can make the trees
    while the greenest filled with thick white realizing the dark
    then continue with the lighter green
    loaded drive for about
    minutes and then you can buy Brown Frank
    beautiful too late start with 52nd red royal icing
    white royal icing and make it up to my YouTube channel be sure to check out the
    Description box and includes links to all the recipes that I like to use and
    also tools that I like to use in my videos

    hours and then we can the details
    for the details when using pipe inconsistent
    and now he's going to outline the right thing I'm going to let it rest for about

    minutes once crusted we can flooded with white royal icing
    while the way is still take around realizing the lines and then take green
    royal icing and pipe the line between the red
    last cookie we're gonna make today is this beautiful reefs first I'm going to
    make boat
    I messed up here a little bit but you want to continue and then go back and
    with her you can scrape off the excess icing
    and then we can make the wreath at the base is going to be white but you can
    also use other colors if you'd like I'm using a small round cutter to make the
    circle and then I'm going to use it as a guide when I pipe
    once you are done flooding with what I do and I have to let it dry for about
    three hours and then we can finish the reefs I'm going to use crown royal icing
    piping consistency and then also bright green dark green red and also some way
    basically you're just gonna buy a bunch of dads on the brown alternating the
    colors as you go
    outlined above
    if you'd like you can also outlined above first and then finished the reef
    this is a second design for the reason I did it's very very simple
    the seventh of today's tutorial I hope you enjoy this video let me know what
    you think in the comment section down below I hope everyone has magical
    Christmas thank you so much for watching and I will see you next time *** ***

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