How to make a Standing Person Cake Topper how to make
How to make a Standing Person Cake Topper
hey everybody its live here again goodto see you I have been around for a while i havent I have been in the middle ofI'm movin and my new kitchen itself also man andready to you sir do trials so I have been on act like I don't knowmaybe a million times hit to do a saint Oporto re also I have hahasince I here it is any topper tutorial and hemay have I'm seen via Etsy I'm mind topper we've done and over here have a littlesee any Kyle and I'm going to show you how to dothat not this one particular but just you know hat maker so that you can up I thisinformation is your own hers eating use it for a guy poverty easier for a girl he did you like EastI'll give me her wait maybe skirt so whois informationwell I translate well and you understand how toapply it so I show you my tools that you need to gather and gets a so the tools that your gonna need to dothis and in proper and our sons cake pop sticks or lollipop sticks even get these at thecake store michael's joanne's have them even think walmart has them it's like paper flower pots 6 you'regoing to need some wire cutters to cut the the six anexacto knife a couple tools for modeling aren't thesethe ones that I use and this is the one that I used to shapethe head and eye area this is the one that I used for thetemples in there mouth area this is the one that I use to adddetails and make lines and put in the mouth and that kinda stuff sobut whatever you feel like works for you will be fine many a littlebit short me keep your fingers waste from sticking alittle gun where or water come with a stylus and water next to gettogether it's good for going fine it together and semi powdered sugar and then you'realso going to need some bond so I have all my fun and over here I color-blind as I need it if in factthat I have leftover so this is this my alamat finance that Imake you can see the recipe I'm I'lltutorials can of and effect color this thing for thepieces they need to feel like I've read Luke brown for the hair red for theshirt and I am get those ready and I met a teaspoon F Tyrus powder into I'm each chunk a finance I'm gonna make about and a half cup find out about thatmuch a color and then add some kind of powderto make it stiff enough and I hope that you dry you can also use CNC powder and that'sit that just makes it harder so abt let'sstart Korean are fine and get for it so that all my indifference or ever finance ready here I read and blue like a turquoise color I everyblack brown and some whites and I just wanted tosave a quick if you're fine it's not smoothies and init it's just needs to be heated up a little bit and needed and I always add another shortening tokind as a rehydrated just really pull it this has the tie was added to it so it's pretty anime firm unstable you know itcan hold its own weight stand up like that doesn't drip over so I'm if your finest use of adult I Los Anna this is about half cup so you want to add a half teaspoon forsomething small like this I just started dip it in the time loscontainer just out a little bit to it so you willtake some practice to get the right consistency that works for you for it should becracking her have a rough texture just work this until it's nice and smooth and then for him all these thank you got fat well overcast they don't perhaps often if he's a Styrofoam to I'm work with your figures on this islike a kinda soft squishy star from the back ofmy packing place but any kind of air travel do even Mikefloral phone that you get from Joann's that will work just fine an so for the only that to her support systemlistening to: is me the way CREE Q fees on top six going to get huge material and the first thing to do iskinda decide about how a call you once a person to be mineusually end up being about eat inches or so Tahoe you always make the legs am taller thanyou think so here makes delays about two-thirds of theperson's height her torso shorter and that I was justlooks better some just kinda throwing this out to youlong skinny ruch and one-fifth the middle to be a little bitfatter that's where the police can't be this isgoing to be our gal so water lakes to be skinny cuz girls usually wear like tired jeans guys I hope so miss reno where skinny jeans yes K no offense to denounce so on I'm making this into a you she so that aspire to be the butt andthis'll be the legs and just kind of making sure thethicknesses are about the same size and going to session campus feet that to be too sick cut that flat this them going to take my stick here in just thread it through one of thelakes and the way I'm just gonna hold this inmy hand here and start the bottom into sir source putting firm pressure on the piece ifI'm here and train guided up through the middle of the lake until itcomes out top like that may do the same thing to the inside if this doesn't if you get this thefirst time don't stress just a you know start over trying to get so now we're just going todefine where the sky and the lake area is going to beabout halfway through and I also do like a little crease forthe butt and I could have pushed down backed by area I'm pushed him back five area so that thebut sticks out further to find where the year the caps are you don't have to do thispart I just like to you just gives the legs a little bit more realism trying to find where the cancer andthings usually flat now the bottom helps hopes that lay on top of the shoeslittle bit better she has something like looks like this click leads to find scum the same links up two goals in first are found to makesure at the legs are going to you fit inthere okay fear you want than the stands then makes shoes I'm just being a little bitago gum with right against them the bottomthere I makes use crease simple just take a small pieces fun get into and she nicotine she and make mark for where the heel is going to be do the same thing to the Insight training issue since I S when she put these on front side Ste share and and then are shooter polls already readyfor some just like that Justin to the point wherethe shoes are touching and we're gonna let this dry we don'twant to be messing around with this and trying to build up the body whileits on while it's Wes and socks because will squish the lakes and we want thelakes not be shortened stock one thing I will do it's just I what's insert another another one of ourpopsicle sticks just right up into the torso area well this is still soft unity quite that on a little come here and isn't that right there kinda then out the top here to start thebeginnings of a waste this finds you on term of this extra cuz I don't need thing if you want to add details like winds onthe side of the jeans are like crease lines for the FAC now's the time to do it someone like pock marks of all these little detailson things just at two the finished product little zipper linemaybe can define where the crotch is that fit let us try for a few hours or overnight right as always safest but if you'repatient any craft I was in there if you are should be good for trackfinish the top part a first-inning topper okays our legs are all dry now nice and firm so nothing's gonna switchdown and we're gonna go ahead our next where which is going to be theshirt saris take a piece if I meant work it so it's you know tyson soon if you have these little cracks intheir this is just for me getting dry it outsome this may take a little bit of shoreen just work that in there just gonna rehydrate are finding it okay so our legs are nice and firm gonnastart making the shirt be and I've got bloom I'm going to use skin shaken see this nice well and is goingto you whether just little bit of I've find it and sometimes pattern aka nameis gonna at a little bit Alistair it's not a specific amount shouldn'thave to kinda make the final feel little bit firmer hander had district where if you add too much you're fine it'sgonna start cracking you need right out want that roll it into the sphere think that get all mines out and then flattened one-sided spring pressure between the palms that'skinda for body shape and then going to use my large fault for to make indentation where her body is going like this for for hips and stuff whather shirt to fit over that so we're going to user bolt for to make a nice big hollow shape insidethe shirt so that it fits naturally over I feel a little dumb girl on her jeans so that its sticks all weekend just going to you sure even all the way around in pushing because she's a girl I want herto have a little bit of a feminine figure want her to have a little ways you're always kind of working from thebottom with figures he I wanna be working onstuff up here before you finish this stuff down herebecause then it's just gonna get all smashed down amess that's you start at the bottom get that where you want to be and thenwork your way up to the top just give her a little blue vintage shaping with my fingers here Justin define just pushing towards push up towards up towards the center that guys to find to where I want it tobe you want something to be pointy like a news for boo just push towards where you ever you want tofind to go Nash got some moves and this iswhere her her shoulder is going to be her other shoulder just take as much time as you need andget her sheaf the way you want so memories can use our fault holtz'sflattened site to make a place for where her armsare going to attach