Barbie Doll Cake-mermaid- Cake Decorating- How To how to make
Barbie Doll Cake-mermaid- Cake Decorating- How To
hi welcome back to the ER of day i'm lynn Klasen ackerson cake decoratingbasic and a day of filming really fun for youthis mermaid K is totally and it looks hard passionately intomeeting Lisa I can't wait to get started and show youguys how did your look at heard it this video semi-annual looking through may be usingare can enough he happened to be from and their precollared basically what happened you don't havecame out where you are used by chocolate with candy food cards you get the same results I must be usinghalf on a paper towel roll just peace cartyre I'm using some large marshmallows if youdon't have marshmallows where you are some countries doubt this you canjust replace where cupcake or piece a cake that you've cutI many years a quick hi sir a number figure hadbeen tipped and number
started I've got a little bit at a bookletter here you can find that most your cakedecorating supplies story in crass commercial happened and who skewers and it is a mold that and pathfinder shells that were going todo also found at most craft stores or kitchen stores UK I'm days as wellhow's it going to be using
scuttled of the and and start huge fill your holes as you fill your different colors willcome now you can fill half online and then come up in to happen the otherway hair color start blending and there itis see how certain to come couple differentcolors nato and we're going to continue on withthis where several different colors now nothing you can do is coming hereand actually swirl those cars around in the home day okay so action next together a little bit mywomen make green as you can t clue why I get are mixedcolor blue and green together on here and after we can spread itaround gotta work quickly because it will who are turning its for editorial staff outside-in don'tworry about getting it on your other parchment spread our way out wanna get pretty thin hair come back an matures fasulo on your mind RAM have anyone to comeback in with whole life color or the same got a little iron you detailed definitions also get some Sun marked asyou're working your candy master dry you in one well-known skank hand kind of remind haha yeah has its starting to cool you wanna makesure it's not running go ahead and click here and completeyour cardboard under kiss support so that itwill dry with n shit what maker for those for sure so the next step and i wanna make some waves so why notcome in in Monday's drop my line all the way upin around yeah and come back down cell me one-day summit go other actions cuz we're not sure how we're going to get him on the cakeand also be on the lookout breakage so wanna make quite hero how these makesound holler and some shorter basically I'm justdropping a line so I actually warmed up my shut just saw my own little more smoooooth his time I'm not wouldn't cool and my way rain hand use my ski region combine see if you lots of ways to do this here and you canhave it Hannah I'm making really dramatic ways we're sorry sculpting are our cake now so this is fission everyoneare touting one there because we want for me fearthe attic a now or later gonna go down and so Iwanna do is Mark position where I meet her left to godown in and the reason is that I want her tailcome over the edge later neither hanging over so it's agood position also you on Mar rocker damn and he thatbasically what you're gonna have left is about one tear cages you have an idea how long therest of her tail needs to be so wanna go ahead and cut and we need to cut down two layers have my security on it so I can pull itback up when we don't cut more didn't really I'll how dollar Friday now US wanna know why didn't I use cut her hair cut out the layers in itthe reason is that I really don't want a very regular whole and I don't want tobe too large I also don't know exactly where it's gonna be to make agood fit together see how nice n Easy that came out my cure next you once you have your doll yet bout and position and what I want to do is kinda Scott around her so that I can get some heightin the back and also so that it kinda looks morelike or rock that drops away so what I'mgonna do it actually she wear her hands are I want her handto be just like that actually supporting herself rock so I'm going to do is cut away affection here I'm actually gonna place that back herefor some high and Turner little bit so you can see and her away another section maybe a little bitcloser to her and not thirty in now also if you don't get exactly that he said that you want to go back you can also use largemarshmallows to get high an issue that you want that bad just a little bit I thinkyou're gonna go ahead and use for goal though and feeling here too but what are you gonna be my rock someuse all his little sections here and if I didn't want some more high Icould go ahead and put in some marshmallow which I think I will do and now you'reready to put are rock collar on a mixed up my a rock color and advancehere and what I wanna show you if you can seehere on the side of the screen is that it's not fully incorporated wantthere to be some white some real dark and some great I'm gonnaload my protector with black and gray and white altogether you can see it I'll their
really fine chrome ice and issues what was left over in my ball after I feel my I'm back history of buying from my son therejust to hold everything down and to fill in the cracks its fine so I've got my quick Asher here and I go ahead and start going around and you see him started kinda follow thecontours are my rock a little bit because I don't have to do too much to get the sheets they want himaround the back as well then hopefully really all I have to dois come in just a little bit and put on some %uh those harder edges may come in with my fashion nownormally you with the New Years invention I hearbut I don't want that superseded I'm actually gonna move backin for be careful here not to be lifting your spatula been down you make lawyer and snap ithere kinda getting at rough rocky looking at exactly what I want when it come back in here and the front with a couplemight be a marshmallows here I know that my he'll is gonna be in here somewhere andI needed touch support for a nap so I mean if it's you marshmallows in here rocks have also gave it front my cake chest at hacer more dimension can just come inhere in touch up just slightly just say don't have any visible hmmm
March there and that's perfect many come back in if they said Mike gotseen me do this time to time what I want it is but aborder I feel this with Mike Teel green and blue and some white very pale and I'm gonnacreate a reverse shell the big see here as awave on the bottom so I gotta border that looks like a way if medical Henry E this heart out for justnow see what I want to do with it later now I want this to be too tired to be remissif waves splashing against the bottom now them around the front I decided thatI wanna Winding Way here and why on earth I just a round of like that now remember we've got off and the shell they'restill hurt a lot but on some were gonna fill in lots more next importanthave a position our doll wanna get her hands back first get hurt it don't tipped for justa little bit now I am NOT putting saran wrap on herway I know many of you are going to complainabout that but this is the kind of pressure of she's plastic and saran wrap is also a plastic that just about where I wonder I'm sorry to Sri list youcan steer their shit the next step is really thescariest and most important because it is her tayo so we know that we want her need to comeout to out here write the editor K well if you're up forit right here and we want her tail to come down over to right now there is where we think herankles with me now I feel that I'm as though Ido with green and he all maybe a little bit yellow andwhite i striped it with a navy blue in thereas well and work on day go ahead and figure hyper on I've gotJustin open coupler here what mister just behind her yes come out hand down the front that's step one turned aside mine that Cassie home getting lots of colorsin there wanna come back in rate is below ways here come damn the front givers me mine damn so her basic shape is now on reviews are back check everything so many times this is justthe added that lockback I wanna come in and smooth and ever sogently now we've got the outside edge quitesmooth she just wanna come in here just like me land are the things that are thinkyou're typing me regain my I don't land from our homeowners as well now want trek to this it and this is what I did before I started I actually before I i thinking I actually did test run after her tail on decay so underneath all I thing and all that Idid a test run to make sure that my colors were right and my shape wasright and the size is right now every so oftenwires meeting you wanna go ahead and wipe that off so to spend a long time and there'sinitiating you can also use that if a skewer if you want to get in and aroundunderneath here at all that works to know okay so my tail has lotsa color which is what I want it you do this inone color to callers or as many as I haven't got grain and he'll help the next step it and you can do this or not if you gotyour tail just perfect and you don't want to mess with it leaveit at that I have just a touch true we'll hear or netting try real hard to see oncamera but it's got that crisscross shape likechaos and I just got it ever so slightly touch belong at this is going to be hardto see on camera but it gets her that little tiny it upscale texture doesn't have to be all over just ahead just the idea another thing you can dois put this in the freezer first before you do that hard it and you'llalso get a a nice fact that way may come back images into mice here andjust smooths out here now this didn't getback to business as you want you to get her always stand I'll let me be a number forright here and andy is straight shell I'm scared when they range in her waysmine worked out well have got one a little bit more hate itwhen did you before we get putting on her candy nowfun stuff so I would like to have a starfish so I am going to market our my center isgoing to be here and I I point peace quiet and market sir I know where I'm going I've got anumber
figure painted here and I feel that was some gold I nextorange and yellow and that of course I have notnecessarily so I've got some straight being in there like I always do now that my five-point March minister to top my latest pressure and three down heavy pressure for them it up may do that are five points I'm actually is coupler the time which Idon't usually do just an excuse that I don't do that thistime I want the other changes out cell just can't let that in a little bitmight hit and you for that just a little bit yesin a comeback in addis second it to each arm and I think that we can do whatever youwant recap yeah like that I love it here now it's okay Burnet Houston texture like it that I used cutler this timeeverything is okay it up use my thing bad and but a number forwriter back on and I'm gonna come in and givehim I will start this year signed up forsome more texture go nice starfish now its move on to really appeal of our sheets are weaned that we shake earlier you look great got a lot to defect sizes and I'm gonna go ahead and startposition as and behind her want it to look like the waythings just come right back at her and that's why I had her total former ever so slightly you can bring in frontof her arm here I love love love the way thisturned out just stay can write down in your K getting S super I love that I think that turned outabsolutely her has taken aback looks good from the back as well the front and now we can just have somefun and start putting her show that now Ihave not forgotten her tail I just wanna at it last now I'm gonna hold back a couple and show you how we're going to peel of this talelife me too and Erica lookup perfect that is backside as pretty as well now the weather where my head a little later on so I'm going to usethat one are just gonna hackett right and see how minemarshall's come in handy because they aresupporting actor ever so flight me so remember how I said I wannahold back on my show I'm glad I did because I wanna Tackettright at under their even just slightly a littlemore support got one shell I think I'm right here by hand day so I hope you guys enjoyed learning howto make this durable learning K I sure and show you show detail moreno-ocampo my handcompany behind it or
anyway don't forget to subscribe to italways free you can find me at the art crossing atFacebook where share a lot of humor love my work something that we're notmaking videos love you where do you think at W W dot BR propping up lots of dot com he said yourworkout here there as well so there's a lot more tocome wealthy are getting soon and alwaysthank you so much for watching if you lack videos share it helps me a lot CSN I'll do do