How to make a cake with a tie dye or rainbow effect - Mario cake and cupcake pics too!! how to make
How to make a cake with a tie dye or rainbow effect - Mario cake and cupcake pics too!!
hey guys I'm just making I'm a birthday cake forme my grandson
and you know right now he's in love with sweetie andMario and I just love the characters come sonic but from he asked for theWeegee armario and cake and it's so cute and 3 better I'm so I'mgonna do isn't gonna make him tie dye cake and on some matching cupcakes to go with itnever really done a video on how to make tie dye cupcakes but I thought I would do another videoshowing how I make but I take a peek they had posted pictures before my blogfor the princess cake unease princess colors but I'm using the primary colors for onthis one because mario's a lot of primary colors I'mfirst thing I did by making I'm inch rounds onto thebase is just gonna be a small cake is going to be like cupcakes an I and Greece it with training and dusted itflower normally I would also line the bottom with thepiece of parchment I ran out and I don't have time to go and get more afraid tothis but this will be fine as long as itcools partner will come out not make a mess an so let's see I awesome right people I have done different orange sorry thebread the yellow the green knowing the balloon some skin job couple trapsthat he America color electric blue an amusing I am another cake mix used French in a we had a couple but we've had a lot of birthdays thismonth period and I had a birthday party already today from my son turned I action cheatingand using a box kickbacks just the sickest E and lack mess burns training camp hopefulness hasn't come up challenged can happened ok went now when I get my cake pans start playingthese
and when I do it what I do is cryhouse go by the colors of the rainbow so whiteJeep it's so in this case because that's red orangeyellow green blue indigo violet to go by letting me purpleso would be red yellow as green handling of doingthat where not valid me just way space for my up and I'm going to do and at the same time today I mean it'snot important they come out the same for that they kinda sorta commencing and I'm gonna really just gas plantdismissed yes next see sized this because if you don't then home and it's gonna be tight I it's gonna be to and marble so it doesn't have to benecessarily absolutely even but to give you a nice I like selected cell I'm going to dollops in the middle here when here month that's a little bit in I double check and see if I did post com that princess cake one on my blog I'mpretty sure it did I think I used pink yellow blue-and-white family tree so now I'm gonna take my yellow and be loved careful but againit doesn't really of matter all that much in a minto put that right in the center red and its gonna spread out know here kids running around there'sstill someone a party going on miss and as a few friends and it's thefiftieth anniversary doctor who sued watching that sold downstairs papillion committee screamingpound can do same thing I'm in a continuousprocess all the way through until I've used all the better and itwill spread out and helping out a bit I'm notyour push into it too much but hmmm just touching it lightly not all the waythrough all the layers up keep going no will group that's okay does make it interesting if you watch my videos you see veryrarely do it for us about little mistakes most cases can befixed a lot of mistakes like that one on atight a key don't necessarily matter I'm just havefun with baking used to experiment baking in not supposed to be you now qualitative that it known meanthat closed in a wedding cake field tight it's a plan cake its gonna get all marble anyways cell its fine percent transferred from by sprinkle until here definitely I will put some pictures atthe end of the video after cake after me sing happy birthdayto me grandson and he closer can't obviously and intothe cake I'll take some pictures it looks likeand I'll post them at the end video on just checking see and if I think a bit if it'spossible I will take video can just make it the end of this we'llsee what's happening tomorrow you know kids in people crazy how is fun pope again both to keep fascists after two layers all comes amscan help it spread out a bit not vigorously shake nurses giving a littleshe their can keep going text color in the middle isn't cake thank goodness use are elector colors for america are usedactually know that's a lie i'd the red is super red from their color and at the yellow green and blue ok colors I don't think there is anelectric read I think just super red is their deepest red whenever you do these cakes I alwaysthink a thankfully one QA it is who and if I get to bomb the end on bold color maybe I didn't measureexempts am for making cupcakes I'll reserve it forthose and continue on with the cupcakes if no I I'll usually making but I have left into work the the lastcaller because what happens is when it peaks com the dust as B cup like this itdoesn't just be covering a range he I guess pushes it and it kinda marbles it so and it comes up with a quit marbled effect it looks really cool Iwilling and p.m. information also the video forthe title case which is the same process just lessat a time up little bit more time to me to there are always a hit people love themand when we did that princess once they were secret didn't mister click tied so so pretty United to I know there's oppose for is the zebracake another experiment economy zebra cake only I alternated black and wat doe batter doe am yeah better hinted in look like black and white bringsmcanally zebra print both before get can are mostly almost finished the redgetting close to the end of the yellow aka I actually measured it off as a lotmore the green any other colors but that's okay because it will happen withgreen leaves the last caller cause on but violation of the top anyways who knows its content I am takeoff the top make it flat level to or I was a real mess I think I'm just rushing a bit too muchhere shows but basement the last split up stop speech was money so that's fine me green left in now after the blue check each she's income take up that bench texted order to burn so there are those ready gonna happen okay so there's the Tyler area cakes and had admit this passion not look as pretty as the princess winds but we'll see into and you can see all the colorsmixed together found that it it's really quite nice so found when we head into the cake andthey said I will definitely take pictures or video you can see it but her there they are you to cool off critiquemy opinions he and I'm that's it I have the cupcakes in the at and I'm washington's furnad case I just putinto the cake and I just want to show you quickly how it looks mom now that its peak preferred icing onit you know of another picture the end upwhen Mexico in the cakes you can see would look like but that's how it looks after I am kindof the level but the cake this is the second yes side by side she could see that documentdifferent but they're both really cold front side million look likeshouts to getting the health fish out my video making their promisesshow inside cake have done his clubs colors yes challenged clear that I take a longer right go ahead Craig China try toeat it out and I think video first and there's what's left of the cake waslike to cupcakes hey guys I just wanna show youthe inside up but I take I how hot pictures up up the young but the cable guy wasdecorated sorry you know we got to sing happy birthdayto step in and stop to take com pictures this camera I do have some pictures from other peoplethat were there and for my cell phone so I will definitely at some pictures thatthe and how the K club you can see comes barely hanging onthere are my show ever could be cut into snout kinda of buttourist three bombs in there is hope pictures but that's whati'd a came out like and I said I'll show you so there it isso a little different last year we did that I'd a cupcake fornow I'm yeah pretty cool certainly sounds veryexcited and we're enjoying the birthday party someone get back to it and I hope you enjoy the video andplease give me a big thumbs up if you want down useful like the video and we will see you seem to think you'rewatching by up