How to Make a Kazoo | Musical Instruments how to make
How to Make a Kazoo | Musical Instruments
English - transcript English - transcript My name is Ally Sunshine. We're making instrumentswith household items. Today we're going to make a kazoo out of toilet paper. So, thefirst thing you will need is, you'll need a toilet paper roll, you'll need some scissors,some wax paper, a rubber band, and some construction paper and stickers if you'd like. So, stepnumber one: you're going to take the toilet paper roll and some wax paper and you're goingto take the wax paper out and you're going to trace it. You're also going to need a pen. You're goingto trace the wax paper. Make a large hole with it. Then you're going to cut out thehole. Really cut a circle into the wax paper, it's really simple. This is a super easy onethat sounds really fun. So we're going to cut a hole on the end of the wax paper intoa circle. And you're going to place it on the end of the kazoo. Now try to wrap it reallysecurely with your hand. And then you're going to get the rubber band and just wrap it around.Probably going to have to wrap it around two or three times to make it stay. That soundspretty good. Finally, punch a whole in the top of the toilet paper tube like this withthe scissors.