How to Make Musical Instruments for Kids : Making Box Guitars with Shoe Boxes & Rubber Bands how to make
How to Make Musical Instruments for Kids : Making Box Guitars with Shoe Boxes & Rubber Bands
English English English - English Captions Hello I'm Annie Brunson on behalf of ExpertVillage. We are learning how to make musical instruments out of everyday household items.Today we are going to make a lute or a guitar. What you will need is shoe box, a varietyof different rubber bands, some scissors, a couple of pencils, and that will be it.The first thing you are going to do is actually make a hole in the shoe box. So take somescissors and cut out a hole in the shoe box lid. Now we have a hole. Make sure that it is niceand smooth. Then next thing we are going too do is put on our elastic bands. Start withyour thickest closes to you.Depending on how big your shoe box is will depend on which way you put your elastic bands.I'm going to put the next largest one on. Then the next largest. Then one more I could either do four or sixstrings. I'm just going to do four. Then you take two pencils and you are going to putthem towards the end of the box.On both sides. This is your bridge so now this is our guitar.