the have been really into reading novelspletely years ago I would be like novels a week for the movies to come out but now I just keep on buying more andmore and more books the most recent one is a book bySarah Addison Alan the girl who choose the moon to behonest the story didn't really catch me interest but then keen BGE ET julian has the best looking reallykeen and after that line I was like Milky Way que c'est no way well story ended and there it is at the endof the book man can we keep recipe the the all the are themes the new room the do the more I'm to cool the in the the thing hi the the the the new rule it who who who boo ruling lonely pool who you who the it Lulu on wow wow I'm all war the the meeting are are %uh war who the room themes dunes the new doom do doom the pool the the the to thing are the new looming wall all it the new wall you doing are mmm are the pool all it the it it boo you pool Lulu you to it the it it didn't want to leave my any other recipeor if you like this type video let us know in the comments boxbelow are cool