basic sponge cake hi wanna but I welcome it was and ifcoupled with an a an evolving complicities of cooking for beginners now want to go today let's do a spongecake a very basic sponge cake is what I will show you today and the once you have a master the artof making a sponge cake you can make a very good gig for yourbody as well not just but the for any other kittyparty with this basic recipe of a sponge cake you can makecupcakes again make muffins you can do lot of variation they are listed new solet's talk making a sponge cake was fun to havevery few ingredient in front of me what do we need we need refined flour weneed aids but 0 showgirl when the lessons okay andalso to begin with though there are people treating that you haveto do before you start doing anything of picking flush thing is you have a preheated oventhe set temperature that is mentioned in your recipe so in our case honest opinions Aven tobe heated at eighty-degree says yes so I havealready done that you have to make sure for this kind ofmaking you need a convection oven if you have an orgy which is often boast a good it's fine ifyou have a mic really it so you will need a conviction more in that saw in given Michael leaves youwould have to the heated eighty-degree says yes andby the time your back to visit any you often also would have been very busythe heated so very important role in baking is to preheat the oven forcedafter that is that we have to police I won't becomplete second thing most important is increasing do youthink is basically whatever cake in the to using you haveto make sure that you agree said too many benefits some amount of fact tellfact could be informal but though it could be oil it could be pure ki wonder whetherto have it or things out to be the ones but that's why I'm so used but though so I use the same but though andeverybody's my feel cake tin whatever I do is I have usbeing bottom cake in which means the bottom comes off whyI like to use this is because it becomes very easy for me to be more the key if you don't have all spring bottom gatethen that's fine you is what I wanted to have now it is a lot of silicon cake tins arealso available if you're using that then in that case you don't need toleave the peak in at all since I'm using a very basic cake more Iwill have to lose it soap just somewhat though on the baselike this be little generous Hill after that saidyou didn't of and make sure you apply but though on the site's generously this isbasically for the geek do not speak and it shouldcome off easy when's the cake is baked it shouldcome off easy that is it is in bf2 please the key didso this is done now after they've done this second most important thing is to dustsome flood like this you take excess flour okay so this is done the cake that isgreased and ready me he was on a baking tray the reasonthat we have done dusting off lot all but that is for thesame reason that this comes off easily sometimes what happens is that the butthe that we have applied to the science kits incorporate into the cake batterwill be king so which me also stick so that is why toensure that it doesn't stick at don't be also dust flout on the sides and that as the whatso the cake it is indeed I was getting be heated sonow let's start with the actual preparation of a sponge cake therecipe that I'm using right now will take about for aches so false teeth that I want to do is I'mgoing to beat exists a lot of recipes initially say that you have to cream butter and sugartogether that back to the right-field going getbut since I'm using an electric beetroot what I'm gonna do its i'msuppose one could be DX why a new for the simple reason that I say vote on I what happenedactually is that when you beat aches the vetoedblades have to be absolutely clean if any form of factabut its stock the blades the eggs will not be because to beat exhibited you need a weed us to anyclean so this is one way that you can do is the way that I'm doing it today all of the meeting your sugar and butdon't you can clean the blades very very the wipe it dry and then sign readingthe eggs but like its a this takes in love AirForce and dying to the better they all this to be beexposed and you can use the same the its to meet not so good at Bucknellso this is something that I have known to Waterville my expedience and I thought that's thebest way one should do so I'm sharing it with you in theexhibit I think money lessons because when the license with thoughactually take away the excess any flavor that toowould getting though peak okay now what we'vedone is we've up ativan lessons and now we believe thisand the BP needs to be done
double in value and it follows thatwomen's what do I mean by rubin's basically inwhat's known as a busy that BP executives have been stage sowhat does it mean state is one shows Mike to a meeting Agnes Szavay tomorrow Tom it took minutes sowithin minutes you have nice it's important a good business and that is when you have to stopbeating the bus for the one that will or PDA and that is not how we want for whatsponge cake extended me till who may be a status but this reciperequires a case to be made in that have been staged so we need to stop there so just keep on mixing this a lot of some shared some people say that examplethe VPN with a people like this I think you havethe mornin in one motion only om I some old agreewith that because whenever that I have done it both ways it has joined I made a difference to theeggs so you could for more than a day like this like this as long as you are beefing itat of said speed so I have kept my speed see so low that is what I'm doing my dutywithin our two minutes this entire thing as we can solve it but this is still on what people want wehave completed a win for the okay so you see this now when I lift upthe a it is forming the bins so this is whatI mean by admin stage and now we need to stopthe bleeding of eggs why is it that we have to meetthanks so much is because a lot of a bitch gets entrapped in theeggs and that is what makes your kik nice andfluffy it's not just the eggs we also are wemeeting so good and but ok and apart from that cannot adding anyleavening agent in this with a does baking powder or baking soda we're not adding any of thatis just the aids sugar and butter which will give us avery nice good spongy cake soul after this pin now meet should go up and Bechtel so first wethink the butt though to this actual I'm using the rain shouldgo now they get said I will use the same blames though this but if you were to gothis fast then you would have to clean up bladesand make it dry and only then you could be the eggs sois it better to force be the eggs and then no blend the sugar and thoughbut don't saw no I don't know what speed do you haveto start Nicholas the financial goddess quite big insights and it may just slacked off scoffieldmixed it we need to get that it once again in theball and we did again so like this we have to read this one atleast Google to be minutes do you feel it though mixture has gonenice and fluffy so slowly on low speed you need to be inthis skilled at making today if the whitesponge cake if you had order this it'll be tough next page butin that gives the amount of love will have completed the list and that could use one if you will haveto be the prettiest little although for example if you want to use grams of flour CNN that hey it's we would use gramsof hot and grams of whole although which would give us a chocolatecake sleep still the same formula like now let's say once you havemastered the art of making one recipe you'll be able to make at least theother releases it back to London sleep you know how to make a basic sponge cake you can make a basic top you can forfull time that you can put chocolate chips in that you could do so manythings okay so this is done now the only thingthat we have to do is mix and mixing is again very important first thing is that we just gathered allof this together you see the mixtures become very very light yellow because of theand that has gone incompetent but there's a lot of aid in the egg mixtureso we have politely makes this but pride that we have received theflood so that they've been undertaken this ball seething also incorporates a at the sametime he also see evolve anything that is notso good present in though flowers there could besome form of green or something that is not good school after we have done this see this and now only add the egg mixture this first we'll add half of it because ifyou or makes than what the word it has got trapped inthis surely escape so first remix of the back door what ami doing is got and Floyd so I'm cutting and I'mforwarding so this is the only the you can'tincorporate the flood into this mixture yeah likethis when it comes to mixing the flood notuse the veto you will have to respect a lot. and now let's add the egg mixture okanother mixing this now is the time to add themilk make it something which is very are subject to as in it depends uponyour back to the house take the bag that is what i would adviceat least a more of a cup of me to go into this mixture okay so as youmakes you fall and though but that is done a cake tinis also daily whenever you poured about then a caketin it should be haha because the leavening agents they do added in thiskit is the egg the KK short or dice so my bed that is howflu and now we put this in the oven in about minutes we check if the cake is done said thisis a small cake it should not take more than to minutes in case if it doesn't get big within 30minutes do we have to check every two to threeminutes but that did not happen by took given its ya sponge cake will bedone ok a soft about minutes I've got the cake out of the oven Ando one thing I would a good day NewYork is how do you check if the cake is walked from the dead first thing ishe that you could touch it like this if it springs back which means onlyfields flow which means the cake is done anotherthing is with the head over to pick you just have to be us your like thisand get it out you see the biggest screen if the cakewas her off from with it there will be back though stock for thetoothpick your but in this case it is not the case it's clean which means the cakeis absolutely ok from within now all that we have todo is to be more low-key so they'll be more the cake full thingthey just do is take a knife Ando the cake in since it's hard he wasamended on it didn't I will and just lose it from the sites like this it's veryimportant to lose indicate although we have greased it it will not stick but door its bit don'tdo losin' the sides like this once you'vedone that focus know what we'll do is we'll take asmall bowl and up donate keep iraqi in on this and you cake without my case laid no so nowall you have to do is picked this up and keep it downthat's it now the same knife just that's it the cake is done we'll sliceit you see this this still hot but cake is very clean no air pockets offically done really not gotten thisinto vengeance like this one thing I forgotto mention the beginning is that after you get the cake out ofthe oven boo not the more did immediately the cake isvery heart so you may get bored and secondly let itsteam the cake in for at least minutes led the cakesettled on vent and after minutes to connect in the morning so by then it will handle the King theway I was doing it right now and you might not be the Howdy Doodymore low-key as it is you shouldn't be cutting a cake which is very hot so let it be for minutes at roomtemperature the temperature will come down and then you can be more and cut thecake like this I have cartridges like this you can cutthem into slices and stored in a nice airtight container donot God the peak and keeping that if the jury took because it will go slightlyhard this cake has a shelf life aboard threeto four Bs of the four days it may not be as to anygood but I vote for day that stays fine I'm sure if you make a cake likethis it will not last for more than a day within a day it would be or what i wouldadvice is not given that efficiently without at from that but at least a fine so thisis a very basic go when it %uh sponge cake which have shownyou as also mention the beginning that if you are to try out a chocolatecake with this you can't replace some amount over tofind love it cocoa powder and that would be just fine as long asyou keep the want to be seem for example if gramsof refined flour is water using in this cake you can'treplace it with grams of cocoa powder also whichmeans you have grams of you find further grams of cocoapowder for that will give you a brown a chocolate cake so of your done withthis you can top it up with whipped cream youcould top it up with just play my jocular gotcha some chocolates areanything that you wish to so once you know how to make a goodbasic sponge cake who can make various other cakes rightnow observe this recipe definite right athome and I'm sure by the end of which will be very proud of myself the move