Cake Decorating Piping Techniques: How to Make a Plume Border how to make
Cake Decorating Piping Techniques: How to Make a Plume Border
a plume border is simply a combination the vertical shells and drop streams so I'm gonna start off by just making asimple row to number shells and then and take asmall round tit either a and I'm going to makedrop streams and when you're first learning to dothese just have some patience and understand thatit does take a little bit I'm to get the hang at the drop strings andemail on your pressure control and sometimes I sing doesn't cooperate and it'll break so just take your timewith the drop strings and you will get the hang of it thisparticular plane border has a triple job strain so I like to do the top job strings first and then just atthe lower ones as I go and then once you have allappear strange spite you'll paid dots where they jointogether to kinda finish them off remember thecheck with doing dots is to totally release pressure on thebag before you pull the tube away to avoid having any speak or temple inthe middle so to start off we're just gonna buy a simple shell and remember to hold thetip steady for split second so that the icing canbuild up in from the tip before you gradually release pressure asyou pull away that's what creates this that shells tale and thento do the drops changing them you're gonna touch the tip to the surface and then squeeze using steady pressureas you pull the tip away and then let the icing kinda fall whereyou want it as opposed to keeping the tip close tothe surface in tracing lines you really pulling the tip the wayleading the icing ball at the tip and you'll be able to see kinda put aplace to drop string a little bit easier that way don't forget to pipe adopt world thedrop strings come together to help hide that join and give it a more finishedlook once you've mastered piping shells youcan really do a lot with them especially when you combine them withother techniques like here we're doing the plane border by combining shells with sand dropstrings and you can't do a similar thing with the crown borders and thechandelier borders so you know where as you do you need alittle bit patients to learned type the drop strings you canreally do a lot with them their day versatile here's a more head-on view a piping theclaim border remember you wanna let the icingbuild-up in fun the star tip to give you nice roundedtop tier shell and way when you're doing your jobstrange touch the icing to the surface so thatit actually is and then poll the tip away and then letthe icing fall where you want it and then you'lltouch the tip back to the surface to reattach it when you first learning a new jobstreams it may be easier to practice with the board flat on the table like this and lunch you progressed past doing that then you can prop to back tosport up so that its more vertical like youwould be piping the Jap strings on the side thecake in is perfectly acceptable to make tiny little adjustments asnecessary so that the icing calls for you on it inning am just gonna put dots here where the strings come together to helpgive it a finished look and hide the joint now for side you notice that my right hand isnot actually move much when I first start typing the shell this because I'mlaying icing come up in fun at the tip and builder to make that nice roundedhead gradually release pressures at pool the piping bag back towards me andthat's what finishes the shell sorry if I sound kinda repetitive atthis point but again you notice that with the string work he touched the tip to the surface sothat the icing it catches and then you lifted up and let icingfall where you want it and that's differentfrom just reading the tip along the surface like you were chasing an outlinewith the pencil you may have actually much more controlover where the icing false be lifted up the way the surface and don't forget to finish in all of ussome dots to hide where the strings John in nature plumeborder