DIY Real Flower Cake Topper For Under $10 - How To With The Icing Artist how to make
DIY Real Flower Cake Topper For Under $10 - How To With The Icing Artist
hi everybody welcome for anything Iguess set this week going to be showing youguys how to make your very own cake topper for under ten dollars so I just went toflorist and I just button different single stampthe flowers that I liked I believe these ones are called freejazz you can correct me if I'm wrong but I thought they're very pretty and alagain so I got a little bundle up those and some babies breath them just been apet them down a little bit about where the stamps are really longwhen I'm working with them in and just wrapping up maybe be spratt into little pieces andthat so I can add little pieces together in SPICE model okay so I'm just gonna pick three yearfor flowers that are really open in fall in star arranging there's into a littlecircle and then I wanna surround that withbabys breath that first to secure those kind of hours together so they don'tneed over shift around I'm just going to use some tape Istarted at the base add the flour and started working thetape down the Stamm and badges can hold them together kindastart the basement okay and when you're buying flowers I noticedthat the fourth-seeded actually have to buy like full okays have different kinds ofhours in fact you can actually buy single stamp so these were each I think it dollar persistam so it all worked out for everything yousee on the table ten dollars so is pretty cheap and I and start piecing together all ofmy baby's breath and im just gonna put little bundlesKenneth surrounding my little okay if you find it's holding like too manystamps that one tiny can just at a lower never a little piece a tape to securethese and then continue adding your baby's breath and once you happy with it and skinny use some more tape and againstarting at the base the farts US star really really close to the basethe fire is as close as you can kinda gets it secures it really nice and tight and i'm happier tho like a bad I'm just gonna make sure that everythingis nice and secure inspired and I can finish taping up therest to the stem thing is a big piece of tape and againstart the bay and is going to cover the entire Stammcan work and angolan going down the flowers in a tapeof active kind of a protective layer whenit gets inserted into your cakes you don't just have random stands kindadirty stems going into your cake it's nice in CL and one fact arms andthis is what you're OK is going to look like and then you can cut it tooling and youcan set aside a small bowl of water in till you're ready to put it into yourkik now I've already made my three interiornaked wedding cake if you'd like to see how I made thiscake I will leave the link at the end to the video you can make your own brocade with any type of hours that you would liketwo years in not I that make your own wedding cake topperunder ten dollars can be quite costly separate half everything stop and here top I liked it you ID new video everythingonly channel I keep that going like that KK fell after this break don't forget fact montana you guys don't thanks so much for watching take clickhere to learn how two tier cake and had to make a three-tier nakedwedding cake to forget to subscribe and you can clickhere if you'd like to see how to finger paint sugar cookies