Learn how to make and professionally decorate chocolate flourless cake how to make
Learn how to make and professionally decorate chocolate flourless cake
hi everyone I'm shift racing to whipfrom the court on blue college in Scottsdale Arizona today I'm going to show you ademonstration on how to make flourless chocolate cake and flower shop a cake is a very simplecake but we're going to elevate it to a different level we're gonna bring itup a notch up here at the corner Louis like to takebasics techniques very very simple techniquesand then work on elevated to a new level so todayI'm gonna show you how to create this stunning glaze cake far the shop okay got a beautiful good size which isFrench for nice chocolate glaze show you how to make a little strawberryflower and teach you how to make something beautiful chocolatedecorations that order are turning the side here and and we'lltalk a little bit about some of the other things we can do in terms aplating up this desert and also talk to a little bit abouttempering chocolate and somebody showpiece work that we dohere at school so let's get started RSP for flourlesschocolate cake it's a super easy recipe we see forgreen gradient here in front of me we've got eight ounces love darkchocolate seven ounces love melted butter nine ounces irv granulated sugar andfive whole eggs know what we want to do is is melt thechocolate first okay we not chocolate we won multipleover double boiler so what's a double boiler well we're gonna fill a pot with somewarm water we're gonna place this ball on top of the pot warm water okay andthe water underneath gonna be hot enough to melt your chocolate this is thesafest way to not chocolate if we're not on a direct heat we canburn it we don't want it to touch the water while it's not think and once it's melted this is so easy we justdo it all in one bowl case or an ad melted butter gonna addthe sugar we're gonna combine those together so the chocolate warm the voters warmth and you add the sugar that helps to coolit down a little bit and the last thing we're gonna do mister in our eggs now what most people don't know aboutflourless chocolate cake that's actually a custard likecheesecake like rim relay your favorite custard andwhat is the question well custard is something that is cooked in a water bath in the oven using eggs to set the liquid so any liquid that is set by the coagulation egg yolks isconsidered a custard so all we do is break up the eggs blend the men one or two at a time and that's it so easy super easy so this would be agood beginning phase if you never baked before this is something you can dotoday without any experience at all okay sowe're going to do a transfer this into a cake pan now in the cake pan has a piece love paper on the bottom or using bakingpaper this is called parchment and all I did was cuddle circle put intothe bottom but my cake batter in there smooth it out K and then we're going to make this on asheet pan pork you have a cookie sheet that willwork me get this out of the way now when you put it in the oven just said nearly all men were gonnabring some water okay to cookie sheet unifil the bottom of the pan talk about halfway top okay so that our water back that'sgoing to protect the cake walk baking in the oven carefully slide that in this and we're gonna bake this at 300degrees are at degrees y solo well reallythe reason that we have to cook at a low temperature so that the eggs don't scramble me cumscrambled eggs so the water is helping to protect thatcake from scrambling really the water will not exceed degrees I'll probably be around and that'sthe temperature we want the custard to be a hundred and sixty degrees fahrenheit precht so you probably wonder how long its gonnatake so you have time to plug in your favorite movie but takes about two hours in the ovenokay take a long time we could get really slow and add morewater in about an hour kept ap what you're gonna look for in an hour is to make sure there's enough water inthe pan after two hours you should be able to shake the pan and its gonna firm up okay the cake isgoing to become more like jello so to be liquidat first when it's in the oven and then I'll start to firm up okay sowhat you gonna do to shake the pan it looks like jello like it's burning upit's good to go now but the only takes an hour and ahalf or an hour and minutes and you feel like it's getting firmerprosecutor oven was a little hot maybe it was a little out of calibrationand was running hotter than you thought but as soon as it set be taken on theother okay so our next step we have to take itout of the pan so what you gonna do is chill your cakeovernight I put the cake in refrigerator hours the next day it's gonna be ready for youtake it out all right sir im take this out the panwhat we need for that as I'm just going to use this piece ofcardboard now if you don't have something like this at home just use theplate a simple salad plate or something coverwith plastic wrap k putting plastic over there and thenwe're gonna turn the cake out onto this so the plastic wrapper so thatI won't stick alright so we can turn this over now youmay not have one of these fancy tools is a blow torch and I believe everybodyshould look like the pot and we're going to use warm up thebottom know if you don't have a blowtorch should go buy one the fun other really what do you do ifyou don't have one it's very simple just come over to yourstove turn on the stove and warm it right here on the burner thank that's another way to heat it upcase we have to eat this enough to wear a condom melting the outsidelayer a chocolate ok and others going to beallowed because I'm an attack this on the table so we're gonna hit the Sun add to the table others were don't be afraid to bank pretty loud nowI heard kinda fall out of the pan so the cakehas now fallen out and I just gonna move that piece a paper that I put into thebottom K now we're ready to flip it over so I'm just gonna takethis flip it onto a cake plate a cardboard whatever you have at homeand now we're ready to take this cake now you can you just like this fantastic it's delicious slice it upserved with a scoop ice cream fantastic but little nicer like this we're gonna dress up a little bitalright so we're gonna be believing this with achocolate glaze known as besides and besides the mixture love got some chocolate some cream a little bit of corn syrup inhere and i've not at all this together over double boiler you can get thatrescue on our website or becoming one of our schools okay so this is our goalies we're going to we're gonna pour theglaze over the skate we're done we're gonna put on this boardwhat we're gonna do and get some gloves on first is we're gonna flip the cake over and use the bottom at the top side thebody kicks more flak okay so it's gonna make the bestpresentation so it's nice and smooth on top okay so I'm gonna do is just smooth outthe top of the cake with my palette knife known as also thespatula and just filling in the little cracks on top so it's nice and smooth and forglazing I put this right up here and placing it over asmall cookie cutter and you can you can really use even asmall cup for something to elevate the cake up of love the she can cookie sheet thisis going to allow the glaze to pour over nice n Easy what I need to do is just trim thislittle bit a cardboard down here so they don't get a public weighs downhere so what pool can collect at the bottom case I just ran off that will overhang year ago okay sonar glaze doesn't look beautiful the poor thatright on top and then come all the way around theedges nuttin better than chocolate on chocolate how can I make sure you put all sidesturnaround make sure that miss any spots we like to call that a vacation spot the run the cation you're paying anyattention to spot that you can cover alright so once you covered it all if you find you have a spot you didn'tget covered we just take a little bit ago leaves tapping on the side okay so justpatching of spots that you might have missed K now we have to do the organist gunness take a little bit that I thing of soit's not so thick so once again I take my spatula and I'm just going to push the icing off like to a really easy believe that you could doat home is called a good not one part chocolate one part heavy cream easy recipe toremember easy glaze to make you boil the heavycream you poured over your chopped upchocolate chips let sit for one minute stir together you have a nice it'ssimilar to this place is not quite a shiny and beautiful but it it isdelicious and it pours very easily over cake so once you've made that cannot shecould use that as a glaze as well case an hour we're done draining so we're gonna clean the bottom Irotating around were in place it on this finished board here in that great all right let's decorate be so fordecoration let's do something really really easy atfirst came just make some simple fordecorations for alright so you could just go to store by some beautiful berries you can dress it up like so really easysomething like that alright so if we want to adds more chocolate decorations I'veprepared a demonstration to show you how totemper chocolate alright so let's that show you how to make some %uh the decorations for theside now we're going to do is for start by melting chocolate toabout degrees Fahrenheit case a melting the chocolate and we'regoing to show you now is the beautiful curls and decorations that are on theside the K is all tiles on the side is beautifulcurls coming off the top and we're going to use this piece aplastic now this is called acetate it's like amile or plastic just a pic heavy-gauge plastic up K and I put some really fun callers onhere user coca watercolors this is really it's red beet juice that's addedto to the fact we find chocolate known ascocoa butter now this is something that we would use here at school and then you learn how to use you knowunder the tutelage of our instructors here but at home you could just do play all chocolate spread it on bakingpaper like parchment paper and it worked just the same the nicepart about the plastic that makes the chopper really shiny know if you could see that but thechocolate has a beautiful shine to it soap we want to put some color on had a time me get this flowing here but just pour it up okay so what we do as longfinger painting we just spread the color right over theplastic mistook them refrigerator for about three minutes K&L setup K so we're gonna set that aside we'regoing to begin tempering this chocolate okay sotempering tempering is a very specific process tobring chocolate crystals into alignment and sound kinda confusing but reallywhat we're trying to do is make sure that the chocolate set up nice and Chris has a beautiful shine and then it's notgonna melt in your hands okay properly temper chocolate will holdup in your hand or what not immediately and it's got a nice Chris snap to it a so what we're gonna do is do what'scalled feeding what we're gonna do is add a fewchocolate chips to the ball not chocolate just are thefew and what this is doing is by adding afew these chips to the melt the chocolate these chips are helping to cool the chopit down is anybody remember what temperature wehad not the two case we're gonna get the degreesFahrenheit no more than we get too hot thetrouble starts to burn and once you reach about take it offthe double boiler and add a few chocolate chips if youdon't have chocolate chips if you have blocked the chopper just chop it up realsmall little pieces and then put them into thebowl begin to stir okay so what you're doing is you'rewaiting for the chips to melt and you're waiting for the chopper to cool down so how cold we wanted to get well wewant to go down to about eighty degrees Fahrenheit that's gonnabe really cool to the touch or you could put a little meat thermometer in there any wannabearound eighty degrees came once you reach eighty degrees then the choppers tempered k we're gonnamake a test to make sure that it's temperedretake a little piece a paper gonna dip it into the chocolate and we're gonna set it right here on thetable we receive that hardens up in about five six minutes if that doesn't set up in the shop it's not ready okay so what does that mean it's not ready wellit basically means that we have to keep cooling it down so it was that eighty degrees and itsnot setting up on the paper you can go a little bit lower like 78degrees seventy seven degrees ciskei bring it down temperature and keep stirring K so stirring causesthe Chocolate Factory you well what we call 'em also by so thecocoa solids in the cocoa butters are coming together as one and becoming a falsified in the ball nowJordan my sis and over here she has tempered some chop it for me ourstudents has been tempering a lot of it this week so she'sfinished the ball up temper she's cool it down for me so wedon't have to wait six minutes for the test it's ready to go magical televisiongotta love it art so now ready to spread thischocolate onto our acetate foot down parchment nice job to earn K spread that out so this might be something a little bitmore advanced than what you were thinking about doing at home this weekend for your friends andneighbors but on a professional level a pastry chef have to know how to temperchocolate if you wanna be a pastry chef chocolate is one of the mean things that we work with makingcandy is making cakes and even making showpieces now showpieces are something that is a little bit more advanced techniqueand I have to show pieces here on the table I brought with me today a gingerbreadhouse from my students that made this in class yesterday andshe's in the advance class and she did all this work herselfanother stein's her perform so a everything on your that about all me nota sugar and chocolate and ginger bread and then over here to my other side we have a assure showpiecewhich is another advanced technique that we learn in making program and whywould be important to know how to pull sugar I mean everybodythinks cakes and desserts are part of pastry but we don'tnecessarily think I've this this sugary fruit basket as somethingthat that a patient chef would do or Bakerwould do and that's definitely more advanced techniques and this is something a showpiece likethis is something that we could use on a on a Sundaybrunch or in the center of the table and weekend learn how to temper chocolate and pull sugar here at the school all students are required to learn thesetechniques alright so we have to wait just a minutefor that to set and then we're gonna do is we're gonnacut it into will square the little triangles and then we're gonna roll it up care to create a role and status in therefrigerator came when this is hard we on rollin weget these beautiful curls we can take these curls we can stick them into our cake so what do you think beautiful heart who's excited the flower shop okay awesome K alright starting to set you can see itsetting up we're gonna make up k just may like a little sunburst affect and we're just gonna give it comment open role care gonna leave it prominent another minute to send a little bits of style you can also rollaround like a rolling pin our glass or something to hold its shape okay we're gonna put that down alright so to take another step further let's dothat let's put it on a plate alright so if we wanna play this up for therestaurant k wanna service for dinner tonight youwant a plate this up for your guests we're gonna do something very simplewe're gonna make a simple sauce and we've got some fruit and of course our chocolate decorationsto put on top okay lot start real simple let's do a simple strawberry flower K hart's cynicism is simple you can do athome this is fun and easy low-life cut demonstration thatyou can do we're gonna make a flower gonna put theknife in the strawberry a slight angle pull it out and put it in at anotherangle so you're sort of creating a little the point that the top andwe're going to do that all the way around stick the knife in halfway pull it out Inglett around we get back to the beginning pull it off what yep okay so we're gonna put that on the pleago ahead just you this life here might lookdelicious alright so little bit a cream sauce well didn't check the lead alright well something to remember home or check the lead okay we have a spareplea firm urgency is okay we're back in business I like tomess up every once in a while so students feel at ease feel comfortable if the chef makes amistake then they don't feel so bad making amistake right alright so you're just gonna put a little butter sauce down okay this sauce is called chromeenclaves this is a vanilla sauce UK and the rest be again is on ourwebsite it's very simple the cup of cream 2ounces sugar for egg yolks super easy recipe K and I'm I have also some raspberrycoolly which is a superior raspberry sauce with a little bit sugaradded and you could always add also earliersomething in there little spider web for Halloween thing and then you can put your strawberryflower here and this is a little fancier goal chocolate leaf and summer thosecurls that we made K so we can add chocolate garnish and there we have dressed up a notch what do you think beautiful alright so Ihope you enjoyed it I'll be learned something hope you're inspired to gohome in bacon pull out those cake pans and chocolate to learneverything you can do for to enjoy this beautiful craft a bakingnow come to the court on blue learns morefrom us we'd love to have you thank you very much