How to Make Your Own Wedding Cake: Assembly how to make
How to Make Your Own Wedding Cake: Assembly
life hi I'm gonna demonstrate a do ityourself wedding cake I gone ahead and frosted a inch cake six inch cake the thing with weddingcakes is there not difficult but you do have to be accurate have to measure and this little bit thetime taken to measure things out will really help your cake look level and beautiful Iran I can usemy six-inch hand just check it gonna put forward our in thistwelve-inch here show just pressed in like cut just this you don't want them sticking above thecake accident here some people cut them intentionally so they can make space between the tearshe think on a stick flowers or something like that in the face is exactly the same size asthe cake so this is twelve-inch cake is an twelve-inch faithand it's just a corrugated round any makes it really easy to handle the cakesand also lend support to the Taos many use the offset spatula veryimportant role here because you won't be able to get under the cake trade with your fingers heating uprustic now we're gonna put a Center dow throughall three cakes were gonna happen this time with apencil man again nation Shack its gonna go through the cake and thecard for tbe in K so I'm just gonna put it throughthis entire the cake and I'm going to make sure thatmy cake is and I started a set important shedont tipping you're just kind of press through six-inch round which I just went through I'm going to the 9-inch cake its gonnago just twisted a little bit and ago allthe way down on the inch cake some other in gonna take the dow out so that when I cut it I don't getany wood shavings and kick I'm just gonna cut a little under the market makers I don't wantsticking up at all I wanna be able to actually cover that part with a littlebutter frosting and make it flash someone cut a littleshorter and it needs to be okay and should go in is leaner only in now need to you cover that upsometimes people put fresh flowers on the cake or and the bride and groom or whatever butsince our cake is leaving the very top their one mission thats fixed