The New York City Tiered Cake Challenge how to make
The New York City Tiered Cake Challenge
using text me respond is when you freeze your case in utahright now i mean it says boy it says when he cameout of the office it is like the best for superior product you knowhe's a little catering so depends on how much you care aboutyou kick the search for america's best cakedecorator i am going to make wedding cake thatmakes you see i think it's going to see it out of radiation or flowers uh...addresses and kisi scholarly at make it come down in a cast a very classicinformation on friday and selected during our wedding cake forthis particular competition because it's something that we specialize ukraine'salways comes as the kicker when it gets antsy about sixty percent are take business is making wedding cakeswith eleven people coming together love leading them the national debt but the speaker's really important inthis kind of like chai ling chick dismissing the beginningsome trying to yes but the second right now the j_f_k_ but i'm planning to makethese are basically in abstract updation of what would be good orshannon we decide like in the sunset so using knowledge specific ideal going to have details but his morningnap strike issue what i see let's check in time making today's awhite on white which is really popularity to carry classic that'sactually one of the first at the time tonight iran for starting outweigh a_t_t_ rickywith sugar problems and a giant leap seem to think they're high expanding ata time for a long time i think it can really any invective wedding the shower birthday i think that indelic and i think that you can kind of go her you that typical doing today is basically i gotinspired by fabrics different textures of fabricsi wanted to make i like this and i'll call police arsenalcake black and white with like that and curls and jewels so that's basicallywhat i'm trying to company i don't think that cashing in on time isgonna be difficulty very time consuming technique and i hope i can finish in time some of the techniques and what have youseen i'm going to be basically my blazingphone them armani is a teal colour which isbasically the same core that money is still being tired be splitting differentconcentrations looking for the month marble effect i thoroughly now that fees upon themthinking minimal use decides but if you flip it over the site useful ways the best i don't know why ablaze always for me inmy particular case though isn't it working better so you should always the orchard specialized in better condition reflectits not demands don't use fun and don't like the tasteof it and so i won't use that also picked getting the better cancel it assenate as the funding is definitely a challenge that we face all the timenormally when we make wedding cakes in order to eight and c_e_o_ case andfinish it take it takes us of folding to be evil to do that and we've got acondensed that down in silwan our both at the black bags it onstage cableprobably be a to keep a straights and through looking because engenders it'ssuch a simple designed by everything has to be balanced are also it'll just look sloppy it will be extremely obviousthere's only so many things at ur actually on the key it's pretty simplealso has to look scharping clean buying definitely a perfectionist ithink a lot of cake decorators are perfectionists because whitney high quality of cake decoration and i a kind of have tobe a perfectionist sarolst it just might look sloppy send me the most important thing ishappening neurite tool it really makes all the difference inthe world you can do it the hard way and that's simple poor legislative goals so much easier so might say if there is definitely it'sworth it to invest in the right tools anything that get you there quicker i don't think anyone has a little musicbut i will not and i don't have to learn from time is money and the creek you make a cake them moremoney a lake in this particular the sign demobilizeconcert them trying to use his peace to keep to create a little beyond the wuydamovement of the water so basically i want to just clerk usethe phone and flat blew because of the syncing anything how every five years in my wife'stechnique he can give you a little remote for all the movement of the water for me cause i really important mightysigns because it's what makes you would be science than the promoters i havebeen very quarreled for high so i like to work with the breeding callers withbright colors so coroner's report and all my designs because its so called the marriages popthis finance them a courageous for like ten seconds justice soften it up alittle bit it that way it just makes a little bit easierplayground take i'm dealing with a little bit more air bubbles is because of the time constraint i didn't get itas soon as i would have liked it before it covered at breaking will be a part anticipated up a little bit atlantaclinic is also the results can make it a little bit somewhere andthat will have to make it a little bit stimulant since they've been in the fix for alittle bit the sides of the cake are hard and so i just and throwing it'sgood to sustain coat of buttercream all around the editing with just a littlebit oppressive now unable to see you have to get all the whole students couldsee the difference its human holes are and larry feldman and now at the whitedifferent thoughtful of driving with distinction one wasn't crazy take a chance and i don't like it know what scrapping it really taking a stand looking as though you don't need on the menu dot the nazis such a better off i took the coupleminutes needed it up a little crystallinity sooften that reference to dipping amorim demoss basically keys sings on working in such a short to time eve the actual scrolls are going to beable to stick on the indicate didn't want to be falling apart he seems to me that i am how being a little extra time so uh... money is that extra time to comeon like gore on the cake and look for the final details to stew make sure thateverything is set perfect in the right decision on the cake looks white in order to make a sugar flowers lookreally really natural we easily dust them with paddle dust and soit gets rests on and we tend to love said mixed colors inorder to get a nice almost in i'm even things that you would think i wouldn'thave to be perfectly smooth and one color but when you look at things innature it's never just wants hence if seeing a variety of different colors onthe scene flower is and very cool thing say okay we will completely bland of ourcallers as a wrecking and you know we just kind of keeping layering ondifferent colors to make it left pilates post-election in nature cuz i'm russian i just basically pushed my finger into the cake so itkind of like made a hole in the cake nyack i'd pull down too hard so i have to basically find a way to fixit so i'm basically gonna try and that's anactual flags and corporate one that was although in the back of the cape for one more thing controversy in the way back to thek_k_k_ economically if i a cake pan send the message is something nice answer together though cake and one person is a little bit moresimplistic but i think leftist more in general when you're making a case some people but like eight thousanddifferent kinds of patterns and scholars in the you don't really knowwhat to look at so with my case i think you can you cantry and see what you're supposed to look at it a minimal defiance in his own life fullerton a more modern then pleasedecorated we have industry malaysian eight hundredflowers i mean if left out of the crickets fifty five minutes depicted released over my work is basically the details uh... help clean i think that is what that's enough for really completely thisi would pass whom i worked my final closing spleen need community like it's okay something that people would want to buyit there that there are other stuff butthey really are and turned bad are static anyway left ismore in terms of the decorating i think that some people over decorate with here pattern colorstextures something always one had something else and picksomething else but sometimes these have to walk away from at the picnic i think the thing that stands out aboutmy style in using fairhaven notwithstandingseemed fine and it's still being able to meet see something that is pretty and i miss you above all that i'd look for new text on the wood jakeshortage five years ago or try to more i kindalike for more total in nor my research utexas born on beat everyone out