How to make a Diaper Cake DIY Tutorial by how to make
How to make a Diaper Cake DIY Tutorial by
hey guys so I told you my last videothat I was gonna make a diaper cake next and I got an order for a sports and Sahari basically giraffe themed diaper cake and so I figured I'dsay how to make it however I am I video of how to get to this point I'm but that video was like minutes longand I am nobody has time for that sell I'm justgonna basically give you the highlights of how I got here and I am than Hannah go from there on you're going to get a pack a diverseto make a two tier diaper cake like this and I'm a buncha reverend's and ur gonna take your diapers these aresize on getting your papers make sure theback event so here's the front here's the back makesure the back is facing you and the stop opening is at the top and then you're gonna fall that down noway for me I'll you're gonna all that over and roll itas tight as you can and then you're going to triple rubber band that just like that and I'm is a guy getting all rolledfirst and I'm then you can start assemblingthe tears the diaper cake and like I said an you know the XOR I'm rolled diapers I mean some peoplethere on where they look like a pinwheel goingaround but I think this is the best way I'm to doit especially since I ship most my diaper cakes and these tend tostay together very well for me thou and anyway him are all and I years a cake platter I for stability and whenever you get this first yeartogether what you're gonna do is let me back up to to make these tears hearing at four of these are all diapersnow we have three left here to show you that you're here for and then and foreverbanned around those four and then you start putting the diapers n to go around let me show you if you look at the top of the stackpaper PC have here's the four and I felt around it and I made the top tier have the knack prop can damn the bottom tier basically do it the sameway you just keep going around and tell it's a perfect circle and it'sa larger tear then of course the top tier anyhowmess and I ship mine what I do is I east wind to keep it stable for shipping and I usethe cake platter and if you can say I punch two holes through the bottom and I lacethe twine reach home I placed just here in thecenter and I cannot leave the twining here on and high the first year down tight tothe cake platter that I place the second here on top and bring this fine up anti that one to the first year that way it's a chairI'm anyhow the top here I found the sack in all sports blanketthat goes with the same and so I have wrap that share iraq this around perfectly intact care and just put a rubber band around it Ihad to keep it in place until I'm ready to decorate it and the other thing I wasgoing to say is that once you get this bottom tier I put together it'll have ever beenaround it but I don't like to keep I leave thoserubber bands on so I get some ribbon and ice hi the ribbon around where therubber band is an entire really tight and I cut the rubber band and thrown away youdon't have a rubber band snapping at somebody here him in the eye when they can do theirdiaper cake cell and also helps the twine see how thetwine A's have terrorism here it gives it something %uh hold them okay back to business I'm this circuit like Isaid they wanna giraffes in Safari and sports and so I've got on you now offenderafter just one embellishments that are going on a friend I got awooden baseball for the back am I got some basketball ribbon have already pre cuties to go around mytears but am basketball ribbon I also use this thick white ribbon andalways goes around my diaper cakes happen and I've streak at that also tellhim my tears I am I've got some little sports stickers those are gonnago on children to decorate it when it'sfinished I've made to you washcloth lollipops and I kinda goeswith the sport singer after they want some blue do in well whatever this is what I cameup with anyway as you wanna know how to make theuse actually have a video that will show youexactly how to make the Sam you should subscribe and check out myother videos anyhow and then finally I'm a little I'm just a cute little below that'sgoing on the back and then peace there is a stalls we have this singing giraffe it's goingon top totally cute anyhow Sep first things first we have are glued onRT plugged-in warmed up and ready to go cell lines yeah kinda hard to film thiswas something do our best hmm okay so I have some regular take well video as turn the K plans to the back back I just Karen sake I don't like these are just looking atyou get a piece of double-sided tape and a step that up like that fixes the problem yeah manage irregularshape can just put that just like that that's going to keep the same place soit can wrap-around just like that now you know that withyour finger which include an came in here only blue the red then of coach just like that okay now that will stayput and while we're at it when do the samething with a basketball rim and you to pieces have tape put it right there me pair right in the middle they're going to come around here withour glue site and and lot after has not gonna do the same exact thing but bonds here and therefore if thelittle money when you can fix that when you put the tape back around I'm of an extra tape me about Allina pretty well so impact you in town it we've done and yeah mister hot very hot you take your basketball riven insane just keep littler around the cake with a then it's the back smoke leon en and you go okay I'm sure that around the front it's not perfectthou let's go ahead but around as they haveadded likes I hey where's the back there's and passing and this is a littlelow so we're gonna pull this up just alittle bit phone and I want this a little bit lower so that's how that scam and down herethat a complete last and I'm if you want to keep that am totten rather secured right there inthe middle this get a little piece double sidedtape behind the ribbon and that will gonowhere sound there you go now look atbasketball's and I am ribbon soured out that may be on set up just a little higherokay now we're going to do. is put on are wooden pallets minutes trying tofigure it out looks good okay so see where this says say you knowwhere to put the Blue you need to get on it please don't tease filing of your cakes okay mall Petrina read about where theglue starts and stick it on their using it appearsscissors and stick it down behind the ribbon and push against the weatherembellishment just to make sure it's really stuck on okay so there's agiraffe or oliphant hips and insane with him okay mister my just like that yes we can juststick your finger behind the blanket him and send him on now wrap up in a row never gonna get itback the think realistic here yes rent-a-car baseball know anything from the baseball appeardown here let's do appear okay cell hope that some go to on our baseball instead that right nope also hopes to cover many things from theribbon more take her little below that we made we're gonna put that right on the same meaningless blew off their a ride on the same down here man diaper cake server mainly about the designing and Heather put together I mean anybody can threaten divers andthe shape of a cake but actually make it look cute at thesame time kinda hard to do I'm now that's why I'm shipping and so I wanna make sure I get mygiraffe I'm here much out near the camera view in just aminute that I have these dowels and I'm gonna get to see you by Natasha why just second yeah have to douse and what we're gonna do is gonna see how far these go down into the diaper cake K thanks to accept a little much yeah I think it does yeah see pointed him to hold on tosomething but i think thats gonna be too tall cell have to cut those down that will get back to that just a secondand me go ahead and put on our of stickers that some football seasonsoccer balls see Miami use even other stickers like fun stickersare you simply on them just to ensure they don't fall off it really tacky when you make a diapercake in your things are following up on that okay so like a perfect ball here hoops yesterday came al-sabah here am at another for Pau on the other side andlittle blue a temper here okay and maybe a couple a soccer balls because they said they really likesoccer as much as five stone what can appear panel sacrifice here and nice after Paul at for their okay so that's cute and I'm I guess we can put a couple mmm may be a footballer a scholar somethingup top I know this is turning at morning howokay did to football's and in the couple basketball's have that min just like that okay I'm gonna couple basketballs donors may bring down some mean we can hear hoops terry pennington do in Kenya this their anyway and I'm I will probably put a couplebaseball's may be down here somewhere but Sam once again are they as running on and Isee that I do apologize an I'm not gonna show you how to secureinvestor after the top because I have to cut the dow's andeverything that's going to take a while and the justification of I have somebelieve you and some white shred I'm and I always put shred on my diapercakes because it makes it look pretty at headheight altogether and I just handbag which is what I'mdoing
I think a bad idea methodology so you know it's all like katayama have just one party has ahue that what you can do as and get some shred blue you know you putsome in the top here more but that the top and now when I do you fix the dow's that'll go straight to straddle tosecure that down that it but the strain on their show we're gonna set this giraffe appear just like this thing well pretend have had their that have had togo on there on top this cake and a and a shred around the base for the cake and I likehe usually have and another blanket around the bottomshe can to keep the cash ready and but I made the bottom tier to make onthis one therefore ahead and get my head aroundit not the size that I had anyway cell misconduct to push the shreddingvisible yupz in Crans and I'll not bore you by doing this thewhole cake I'll just have to go around the front so you can see what I'mtalking about but he's gonna take this and and I'mgonna take my watched the hollyhocks and let us takethem down in the sides just like this cell that's basically whatever K ok like when it's finished except where it'll have complete shredthe giraffe will be secured to the top the diaper cake cute and I put in a clear and gift bag entirewith it though South this as a sports and Safari famed giraffe diaper cake I apologize fortaking minutes of your time I'm just glad I didn't also throw in thefootage of me rolling all the diapers in putting it together I again please subscribe and to my channelI'm gonna be posting more videos probably not this long but I make a plethora I was crafty gifts A&M unique items and I'm to give stuff away so I get and oursubscribers I'm gonna start having giveaways so please subscribe and hope you enjoyed thank you by