in decision like this well it finalists Britain could hear New Yorkyou either die frozen like a popsicle furniture orbaked hot like a p during summer solve theback season now and just celebrated wonderfulkinda has finally arrived I'm gonna show you how to make an upsidedown rhubarb cake it think that's what I call it for me the baby I call of last season play what's thecholera think the matter haired girl boy and this is my office and I'm on thisdisturbing sugar cookie of my face my French bundle analysts lots photo there's my local food well basicallyshows me when Prince and badge is earned it is in new york overlook rhubarb is in its pic have Irevenues go buy some mom buying locally meanswaiting for the right reason to buy certain vegetables and fruits but he also means like did not travelhundreds of miles to get to my family betting greet him less energy usedeverybody happy too big good remarked very as long astheir number she your widget game cool old on you his beautiful pink thing calledrhubarb is actually a vegetable yeah just likeyour brightest but in United States consider it a fruit just like your armsand two weeks this week they would reduce tariffs for imported remark very cost-effective dream up on arhubarb and cut it in half lengthwise at the trouble with reporter cups ofsugar and let it sit for 5 min this will makethem really some Jews butter a 9-inch pan very well and dottedwith some extra butter just like my ex boyfriends for merck hasa tendency to stick. alike all the rhubarb with loft anddon't forget the Pink Sugar Loaf tunable now that my rhubarb is organized enoughvery Joe metric way beautiful even issue first turning pinklook him gorgeous anguish now I'm going toteach you how to make these true so it's gonna give an extra where factor in thiscake through look like cop crumble onlyoption I should or add that to the cake just skip this step you're missing a lot you're missing alot in a bow and couple like brown sugar and half cup bra nowyou can use regular Florence that and 2 tablespoons of cold butter inrabbit with your fingertips until the probable has formed mass second ball had one and a half cupof flour half teaspoon of baking soda in a pinch of salt reserving his son Ilike green giant now it's time to cream the butter well now expect a cream the butter withsugar and if you're wondering why to do thatprocess is still ongoing you should know that this cream at thathelps the sugar crystals truth all in this better any also helps to improvethe packs have your cake because you're going corporate air hereso that's what's going to make a kickflip do what I'm telling you to do and onecup of sugar grams our room temperature before in weeks into its fluffy Imperial as youcan see I totally forgot my butter in my fridgedon't follow my steps it's much harder to clean this one abetter school finally cleaned everything son I can add the eggs no shell please I'm sure you're much better than me inthe kitchen makes it just incorporate everything together and then you can addthe orange Tustin are not use this will give a special flavor to thekey and half of the flour and stir to combine now it's time for my secret ingredientyounger yager is an active ingredient bakingdon't which is that the better four times stronger than baking powderbe react and they create carbon dioxide which isbasically air bubbles that got trapped altar boy and gotta make your cake veryones always might super top reinforce MikeKing one cup of yogurt to the better butalways alternating with the flower little bit of this little bit of bad andtwo everything's incorporated look at all these bubbles from thechemical reaction ambassador to make the soda beautiful old for the batter for rhubarb and topper with this resolved they kidnapped frank i preheatedoven for approximately minutes or into a toothpick inserted in themiddle comes out clean closed played it cool for minutes before you are you will call hard mmm mmm mmm mmm in were almost mmm always happens shy now bea utiful I get really excited when this happened look at my have to take look at a soul beautiful to look at all mention my nail polish mother and two roles with it for loverebar you and you know what this is theirperfect print take convicts a spring and that cool collective bargaining because it doeslook pretty it looks pretty boy but the finalhappened here in my people select one more fight sure really primary I all it by with their team play but I have to dothat because I'm wearing lipstick otherwise although it think stick to my fort still I'm gonna be likeone of those boy like that what might be forming a birthdaycake I hope you liked it day if the electricwith other coalition super delicious dessert here's a miniature myself kindly inviteyou to subscribe to my channel like this video and share with all yourawesome and not so awesome friends thank you forwatching oh and don't even bother asking forfashion advice like once you get your permit for me well because this was found in the trash by a good friend of mine she to mebecause she was like you're the only one who can pull this off my trash I'll yeah whole throws picture fashionable incredible Idon't like this for me nobel in the trash if that was you that wasupbeat lost my friend out Scott never give your back